I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1154

Of course, he has no emotions such as excitement or happiness, and he is not a true six-year-old kid.

But, recalling reality, it is somewhat regrettable.

He remembers that in his real sports meeting, he made a good bet with Tosaka Rin.If there hadn’t been Wallachia’s Night and Fu Hailin’s troubles, the sports meeting would have been quite interesting, and he would not have become what he is now.

Of course, he just thought about it, and didn't regret it, just missed it somewhat.Of course, he also remembered that in reality, at this point in time, he should have been blocked by El Quette behind the Enlightened, and this place would be attacked by Fu Hailin.

However, in this dream, he was not possessed by Zhu Yue's fragments, nor was he blocked by El Quette. Even the Enlightened... was also in the setting of this dream and had already left.

So, will Fu Hailin still hide here?

The answer is no.

Even though the sports meeting was over, Fu Hailin did not appear.

On Saturday, April 10, 1994, Fu Hailin did not show up, and died on the night of Wallachia.

This dream completely bid farewell to his reality and headed towards an unknown direction.

It's a direction Shirou didn't know!

So where is the key to leaving this dream?

There are two main reasons for leaving this dream. One is to destroy [All the evils in this world] and Angola Manuel, and the other is to wake up by Saber alter.

What about now?

Fu Hailin didn't come, and Wallachian Night was killed again, but he still hadn't escaped from this dream?

Is it really asking someone outside to wake him up?

Isn't that over?

Shilang had a headache, and the days in his dreams passed day by day, and then came April 15, 1994, which was the day of his seventh birthday.

On this day, the busy Mr. Fujimaru went home early. He bought a big cake and held a birthday party for Shirou at home.

In addition to the family, there were some friends in the school, as well as Fujimura Okawa and Skaha.

"Happy birthday, Shiro~!"

"Happy birthday, Shiro!"

"This is my gift~!"


These little friends who knew each other gave Shilang gifts one after another. Some of them, Shi Lang had long forgotten, that it was a life traveler whom he knew when he was young, but at this time they were so beautiful and innocent.

"Brother, this is for you." Kozakura smiled and gave Shirou a carefully prepared gift.

It was a picture of a man in a white coat, who became a doctor.

Shirou wondered why Sakura wanted to give him this painting.

Sakura smiled and said, "Because my brother is my hero and my doctor, he cured my disease."

Shirou touched Sakura's head, but he said in his heart that it was true.

The gift given by Sakura in dreams is completely different from the gift given by Sakura in reality.

In reality, Sakura, who is nostalgic for Tiamat, is not a doctor's picture scroll, but black beads made by Tiamat's power.Of course, the black beads were not delivered in the end.

Skaha came to Shiro and smiled and said, "Shiro, you are a smart boy. Guess what, what is the gift of the master?"

"A gun?" Shi Lang asked.

Skaha shook his head.

"A training plan?" Shirou asked.

Skaha shook his head again.

Shilang shook his head and said, "I can't guess it."

"That's it." Skaha took out a stack of exercises and test papers that were one metre thick, put them in front of Shirou, and said with a smile: "As a teacher, of course I want to give you these as birthday gifts. Good. Study."

Skaha reached out and scratched Shiro's nose.

Shi Lang was speechless, turning his head and looking at the one-meter-thick practice questions and test papers, he was even more speechless.

Why is the evil taste of Skaha set in this dream more serious than in reality?And like to tease him so much?

The friends blessed Shirou for a while, and then pushed Shirou to the cake with seven candles, and said with a smile: "Shirou, make a wish."

"Make a wish, Shirou."


Shirou walked over to the cake half way.

He looked at the seven lighted candles and thought, is this another form that made up for the regret of that year?

"Make a wish, Shiro." Skahan looked at Shiro with burgundy eyes and said softly.

Shi Lang looked around at the people around him, his eyes finally fixed on the seven candles.

If you insist on saying that you have any wishes, then hope for world peace, bless your relatives and friends around you, and bless strangers you don’t know, so that you can be happy and healthy.

Silently promised this wish, Shiro blew out the candle.

Seeing the instant the candlelight disappeared, Shiro thought of the divination of the mother of Guanbuzi for some reason.

——I was sick and saved others but couldn't save myself.Push others to the light and stay in the dark.This is the doctor.

Speaking of which, is this divination the key message to break through this dream?

Shilang thought so in his heart, but suddenly an anxious voice rang in his ear:

"Eternal King——!"

Who is calling me?Subconsciously, Shi Lang turned his head abruptly, only to see a swirling vortex, and then, his consciousness and sight were submerged in endless darkness.

Only this time, he saw clearly and remembered clearly.

Swallow yourself, let yourself leave the exit of this strange dream...

It is invisible, like a vortex that twists everything together!

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