I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1156

In Shiro's words, that is the difference between perception and reality, which leads to a sense of anxiety.

Of course, Skatie is not Shirou and cannot explain her feeling in professional terms, but she instinctively feels anxious.

Skadi walked out of the Infinite Prison, and Outlind and others gathered outside the Infinite Prison.

But Skadi ignored them, and the anxiety in her heart made her suffer.

She stands on the gazebo of the Great Temple, where you can see the entire Midgard.

Just like her heart, white.


"Me, what the hell is going on?" Looking at this white land, Skatie looked blank.

Why did the word "Master" make her so restless?

Then, she took out the manuscript, slowly opened it, looked at the only line of uncovered words, and muttered to herself: "...the day of destruction..."

She was even more at a loss.

She doesn't even know this kind of hieroglyph, so why can she tell that she wrote it at first glance and recognize this passage?


Skadi's heart is even more chaotic.



While staying in prison, Shi Lang stretched his waist.

Although Skadi did not release him from the Infinite Prison, at least there was an ice wall between him and the big pervert.Although it may not be useful for eggs, but how much peace of mind.

Of course, the thing that made him relax the most was because of Skarti's arrival, so that the Demon Bodhisattva had no chance to attack him.

It should be said that unfortunately, I have encountered accidents so many times, and finally happened to take a trip of shit.

Leaning on the wall, that cold feeling made Shirou regain the reality of reality.

Speaking of, how did he fall into that strange dream?

Shi Lang knows his own personality. He is a highly self-disciplined person. Even if he is sleepy, the Demon Bodhisattva can fall asleep unsuspectingly when he is around. This is absolutely impossible!

In other words, did any external forces interfere with him?

Shi Lang touched his chin, turned his head slightly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the ice wall, and he saw the super invincible metamorphosis opposite, thinking, is this guy interfering with me?

The power of the Demon Bodhisattva's Beast is incomplete, and the evil heart was also broken by Shirou, so she was taken away by the Seishiin Kiara, but she is still the third Beast, and there is a love Rationale.It is not impossible to have the ability to hypnotize him.

Perhaps most people would definitely think so, think and judge so, but Shirou ruled out this seemingly correct answer for the first time.

The reason is very simple. He possesses [Desperate Will] and [Evil], pure spiritual interference, even if it cannot be shielded, he will at least know it, and this dream has been done before at the gate of Jotunheim.At that time, he was still free, and he did not meet the Demon Bodhisattva.

Therefore, this seemingly correct answer is not logical from the beginning.

In the same way, because Shirou himself possessed [Desperate Will] and [Evil], external mental interference had little effect on him, and it was even impossible to hypnotize him.

In other words...

"Is the reason why I fell into that strange dream?" Shi Lang gently touched his chin, which was his usual movement when he was thinking.

Shi Lang's sensitivity to information and his ability to capture and control information are beyond ordinary people.He quickly analyzed the key to the problem.

However, if the problem is his own, then the problem is simple.

Because there are only two places in his body that he can't control.

One is the artificial legend that constitutes the Eternal King.Although Shirou could slightly get rid of the constraints and control of the legend on him, he did not surpass his own legend.

The second is that the body is still unknown, the role is unknown, and the existence is unknown... [Awakening of Morality]!

That is the invisible whirlpool in his heart!

Shi Lang knew that the artificial legend of the Eternal King was a constraint on his character and handling, and it would never be possible to create such a beautiful dream.Rather, the man-made legend of the King of Eternity will inhibit Shirou's desire and sensibility, and stifle Shirou's possibility of such charming dreams.

Then the answer is very clear, it is [Awakening of Morality], it is the whirlpool!

"and many more……!"

Shi Lang remembered that at the end of the dream, he broke free from that charming dream because a whirlpool swallowed him!

Then, is that vortex the invisible vortex that exists deep in his mind?

Shilang didn't know, but when he realized the problem, he immediately closed his eyes, sank slightly, and moved his consciousness into the depths of his soul.

Deep in his mind is a sea of ​​black mud, [evil] is protecting his mind from external spiritual attacks.

Shi Lang walked toward his own mind, where there was nothingness, and there was nothing to see, but he could realize that there was a particle in that nothingness, which produced an endless vortex.

This is the depths of Shiro's soul, and it can also be said that Shiro's spiritual essence.

His spiritual essence is nothing but a whirlpool.

Fortunately, because this is the depths of Shirou’s heart, the [evil] that protects Shirou’s mind before or after he perceives the existence of the invisible vortex will not touch here, otherwise [evil] may also be Like that strange dream, swallowed by this whirlpool.

Shi Lang stretched out his hand slightly and touched the invisible vortex. With a "boom", his hand was bounced back.

This whirlpool can swallow everything, such as the fragments of Zhu Yue, and Niederhogg's stone disk.

After those things were swallowed by this whirlpool, even the fragments of Zhu Yue's consciousness were not able to escape.

It's almost like a black hole!

Do not.

There is still something that can come out of this whirlpool.

For example, the three message belts flowing from the center of the whirlpool.

Those are Shirou's three abilities-[Mortal Wisdom], [Mortal Heroes], and [Mortal Leaders]!

"So, what exactly is this thing?" Shirou frowned as he looked at this whirlpool.

Mind, this is not material, but spiritual, soul.

This invisible vortex does not exist on the body of "Fujimaru Shirou" or the spiritual foundation of the Eternal King, but on the soul of his transcender.

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