I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1157

Therefore, even if it descends as the Eternal King, this whirlpool will still exist, and it has changed from [mortal awakening] to a record supplement to fill the record of the eternal king becoming the emperor, [mortal awakening-emperor] .

And this whirlpool can produce [Records of the Eternal King], and it can also swallow other things to produce magic power to give back to itself. If you use the terms of the Internet, it is the protagonist's exclusive plug-in-Golden Thumb.But Shilang never thought that he was the protagonist. The way he has come so far has not been through a plug-in, but by himself and his brain.

And the abilities he possessed were not obtained by any system or golden thumb. Instead, he had accumulated information and achieved great deeds by himself and was recorded.

So, what exactly is this invisible vortex?

Moreover, if the reason for his beautiful dream is this invisible vortex like a black hole, then what does this invisible vortex want to do?

The most important thing is, why the dream is the strange daily life of Skaha living in Fuyuki City?

Couldn't it be other?For example, El Quett settled in the daily life of Fuyuki City, such as directly tampering with the Fourth Holy Grail War, let him summon Altria?

Why must it be Skaha?

There is a logical loophole here.

So Shiro inferred a conclusion.

"There is an opportunity. One activated this invisible vortex, and then caused the invisible vortex to produce the strange dream of Skaha!"

There is no omnipotence, no omniscience and omnipotence, but based on his brain and limited information, Shirou infers that this is not a complete answer.


"You asked me to have that dream, did you want to tell me something?" Shi Lang looked at this invisible vortex and couldn't help asking.

However, no one answered him.

This invisible vortex still spins on its own, without sound, and no answer, as if it should be like this.

Shi Lang withdrew from his heart in disappointment, and just opened his eyes, he was taken aback.

I saw countless hands of light breaking through the ice wall and the [ideal capital that shines forever], attacking [Avalon] and preparing to pull him out of [Avalon].


Shi Lang stood up, took out the spear of endless brilliance, walked out of [Avalon], and destroyed the hands of light named [Various Colors].

"Huh? Mr. Assassin, are you awake?" Demon Bodhisattva asked in surprise behind the ice wall.

Shi Lang holding a gun of endless brilliance, staring at her reflection in the ice wall coldly, and asked: "What are you doing?"

"It's a little unhappy to see Mr. Assassin, so I want to make Mr. Assassin comfortable." Demon Bodhisattva said.

"You and your steel can get comfortable!" Shi Lang sarcastically.

"Although steel is quite comfortable... but it's too cold, it's not good for your body," said the Demon Bodhisattva.

Shiro: "..."

Faced with such a metamorphosis of the Demon Bodhisattva, Shi Lang really has no choice.

Can't beat and beat, curse... Forget it, this is a touch of love for this pervert.

Shi Lang had realized a truth, and it was the ice and snow goddess like Skatie that was more appropriate to deal with the devilish bodhisattva.

Back in [Avalon], put down the endless spear of brilliance in his hand, sat down, and felt that there was something very meaty in his butt. When he took it over, he took a bite of the blue fruit.

Shi Lang picked up the blue fruit, looked at the tooth mark that was gnawed out by him, and suddenly a guess passed through his mind.

He looked at the Demon Bodhisattva behind the ice wall and asked: "Killing Yuan, this blue fruit, do you eat it?"

The Demon Bodhisattva is the existence of the [beast] that has been transformed from the killing house to pray for famine. In essence, it is still the killing house for praying for famine, so it is not wrong to call her the killing house.

"Hehehe...I am not a human being on this land, and I don't need to supplement life energy." Demon Bodhisattva laughed.

Life energy...

Shirou guessed a possibility... If this is the case, it is no wonder that he would have that strange dream, and Skadi...

Shilang put himself on Killing God, and then looked at Languo who had been gnawed twice in his hand.A faint strange light radiated from the inside of Languo, but the strange light shrank as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

"It turned out to be like this... If so... everything will work."

Shi Lang murmured.

This blue fruit is not a fruit at all, but a divine nature!

Skatie's, divinity!

Chapter 42 The Mother of Northern Europe

Gerda is right. Languo is Skatie's favor.

Because this blue fruit...is divine!

It is the divinity of Skadi!

The Shi Lang who sensed this, suddenly started.

He was very strange at first, how the Midgarts lived for two thousand years in Northern Europe where everything is silent. Even if there are fruits to maintain their food reserves, the calories of the fruits are too low for humans to maintain. Survive for more than two thousand years.

But if it is Skarty's divinity, then there is no problem.

However, divinity is the blood of the gods, and the core is the life foundation of the gods.

In other words, Skadi used his own life to continue the lives of humans in this world for more than two thousand years!

It's no wonder that Skarty has been falling asleep all the time, and it is difficult to conceal his fatigue when speaking. It is no wonder that Gerda said that the production of blue fruit has been declining year by year... I am afraid that Skarty has begun to gradually fail to support it.

"No! No, no, no!"

Staring at the Languo in his hand, Shirou felt that there were several logical errors in his conclusion.

He can be sure that the blue fruit in his hand is Skarty's divine crystallization, and Skarty is using his divine crystallization to extend the lives of humans on this land.

However, how did Skatie use his divine nature to continue his life for more than two thousand years?

This is beyond imagination!

It can even be said that it is impossible!

Even Tiamat, who is in the state of the creation goddess, can't have such a sufficient divinity, right?

Moreover, how did she transform her divinity into fruit, and the divinity in the fruit can be harmless to humans?

The most important thing is, how did she manage to consume her divinity to continue human life, while maintaining such a large enchantment, resisting Hela and the giant?

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