I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1160

Shi Lang and the Demon Bodhisattva stopped their hands one after another, turning their heads to look at the deep darkness in the prison.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, looked at the Demon Bodhisattva and asked, "Is there other people being held here?"

"No, if there is, I won't look for you. After all, you are too arrogant, Mr. Assassin." The Demon Bodhisattva was also very surprised. She, who was locked here, was deprived like Shi Lang. The ability to perceive and find enemies.

"Get out! Don't disgust me!" Shi Lang couldn't help it. He was disgusted by the Demon Bodhisattva.

"This voice..." In the deep darkness of the Infinite Prison, a very familiar cold voice came, "Is that you, King Eternal? Are you here?"

The voice was... "Saber? Is it you?" Shirou asked.

"Well. It's me, wait a minute, I'm going to get through!"

Shiro: "?"

"Oath--," the solemn voice of liberation, "--Sword of Victory·Morgan!"

In the chaotic and pitch-black darkness, the dim starlight was shining, and only hearing a "boom", a pillar of light emerged from the deep darkness, briefly illuminating this dark dungeon.

In that darkness, a faint figure was reflected.

That figure is not someone else, it is Saber alter.

"Finally found you, King Eternal." Saber alter hurried towards Shirou holding the sword of the promised victory·Morgan.

"Why are you here?" Shilang asked with a look of surprise looking at Saber alter.Isn't Saber alter still being stopped by Hillud on the Rainbow Bridge?

When it comes to this, Saber Alter rarely complained: "You have to ask you, King Eternal. Why did those Valkyrie goddesses attack me not long after you left? If I didn't run fast enough, I would They were killed."

Shirou had no doubt about this.After all, he has been seen through the disguise by Skadi, so it is not surprising that Saber alter was attacked, but what makes Shirou strange is that Saber alter can actually escape the encirclement of Valkyrie Goddess?And still escaped the siege of Valkyrie goddess under Asgard?

Isn't she suppressed by Asgard?

"Suppression? What kind of suppression?" Saber Alter was very strange about this, and said, "I haven't been suppressed. Moreover, the goddess Hilud hurriedly caught up with Asgard, so I could run Drop."

This is too weird, right?Shi Lang frowned. He and the Demon Bodhisattva were suppressed by Asgard, so Skadi was easily locked here.However, Saber alter said that she was not suppressed. What is the reason?

Could it be that Asgard's surgical suppression is also targeted?For example, Saber alter's psychic reaction is not enough to activate Asgard's suppression technique?

If that's the case... Isn't it too funny?

"Huh? Do you have food here? That's great, I'm starving to death." Saber alter saw the blue fruit on the ground, picked it up, stuffed it in his mouth, and gobbled it up.Obviously, she will not restrain her appetite when altered.

Seeing Saber alter gorging himself, Shirou asked strangely: "Isn't I handing you most of the blue fruits before I leave?"

"It's all eaten. I don't eat it at all, I'm starving to death." Saber Alt said while gorging himself.

"Wait, wait a minute!" The Demon Bodhisattva is still a little dumbfounded. She looked at Shilang, pointed at Saber alter, and asked: "Mr. Assassin, shouldn't you ask her how she got in?"

Demon-nature Bodhisattva is full of impossibility, she is locked here, it is truly locked.Before Shi Lang came, she had explored the Infinite Prison, and determined that there were the techniques and suppression of the gods, and she could not escape before Skadi collapsed.


However, Saber Alter directly opened up the channel into the Infinite Prison from where... This joke is too big, right?

"You are... [Beast]!" Saber Alter was very happy to eat blue fruit, but when he heard the voice of the Demon Bodhisattva, he quickly determined the identity of the Demon Bodhisattva, and stood up, staring at the demon with vigilance. Bodhisattva, clenched the holy sword in his hand.

"Don't worry, Saber. Now she can't get through any storms." Shi Lang stretched his finger to the shackles on the Demon Bodhisattva.

Saber Alter looked at it, felt relieved, and nodded.

"Speaking of which, I am also very strange. How did you get in here?" Shilang asked.He is also very curious about this.This endless prison, but trapped him and the Demon Bodhisattva, how did Saber Alter penetrate it?

If this prison has weaknesses and flaws, Shirou himself is not too confident.Because the demon-natured Bodhisattva didn't explore the infinite prison after he came in, he didn't believe that he was killed.

"I don't know... I was chased by the Valkyrie goddess for a while, and then it seemed that I had activated some art, and I was teleported to Asgard. Asgard was full of Valkyrie goddesses. , I was chased by them, so I walked around casually, and then climbed to the bottom of this place." Saber Alter said: "After I heard your voice, I put the treasure."

When it was over, she still asked blankly: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Shiro: "..."

Of course there is a problem!

The problem is big!

However, this is not the time to pursue this.

Shiro patted Saber Alter on the shoulder and said, "No problem. Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

"Oh." Saber Alter nodded, then picked up all the blue fruits on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Shi Lang asked.

"Pick up fruit. I'm so hungry, so hungry, so hungry... I'm so hungry that I'm running out of strength. This can't be wasted." Saber alter said.

Shi Lang said: "This is not a good thing, let it go. I'll take you to eat delicious food, leave from here quickly, you don't want to stay with that pervert, right?"

Shi Lang raised his hand slightly and pointed to the demon-natured Bodhisattva in the shape of a wave.

"you are right……"

Saber Alter glanced at the Demon Bodhisattva, nodded seriously, and then quickly picked up all the blue fruits on the ground and stuffed it in his arms. One of them was still directly on his mouth, and said muffledly: "We Let's go."

Shiro: "..."

For some reason, he now misses his more reliable white dull fur.

Without thinking about it, Shiro took Saber alter and rushed towards the passage opened by Saber alter.

"Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Assassin!" The Demon Bodhisattva panicked, and hurriedly called out, "Take me, take me, Mr. Assassin!"

Shi Lang sneered and said: "You continue to be here, it is the best gift to this planet."

"Don't do this! I'm not a member of the [Council], take me away, and I will be your help." Demon Bodhisattva asked with bright eyes: "And, I promise not to do anything to you."

Shi Lang ignored her and rushed straight towards the exit.

"Take me away, take me away, don't leave me here alone...!"

The Demon Bodhisattva hurriedly yelled, but looking at Shi Lang's resolute back, she gritted her teeth, and evil grew from her gall. She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't want to go alone!"

She braved the golden light all over her body, and then the [Various Colors Lagging] was activated, and the overwhelming hand of light, like a waterfall, grabbed Shiro and Saber alter.

Finally revealed his evil heart!Shi Lang secretly said in his heart, then took out the Spear of Endless Radiance, turned around sharply, grabbed Saber Alter's collar, and brought her to his side, and then the Spear of Endless Radiance pierced out like a meteor shower.

"Boom boom boom——!!!"

As soon as the Spear of Endless Radiance came into contact with [Wan Se Lag], a violent explosion occurred in an instant, cutting down the light hands of [Wan Se La La] one by one.

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