I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1161

The Spear of Endless Radiance is condensed from the Tower of Radiance. It is a pure energy compression body. A light slash is equivalent to the bombardment of the Tower of Radiance. In terms of treasures, it is an A+ level against the city light. The cannon can smash through the hand of light of [all colors and lingering], it is also natural.

Shirou fought against [Many Colors Lag], and retreated to the exit with Saber Alter.

That is a tunnel blasted through by Saber alter.

At this time, Shi Lang realized that it is no wonder that the Demon Bodhisattva could not find the flaw here, because the Demon Bodhisattva was locked by the ice crystal chain on the opposite wall, and there was a distance of twelve feet from here, which could not be touched here.

"Goodbye, Killing Academy!" Shi Lang took the Spear of Endless Radiance, pulled Saber Alter, and sank into the tunnel.

"It's too much to run without taking me...!"

Demon Bodhisattva gritted his teeth and hurriedly shouted: "Come here! Come! Someone has escaped from prison! Mr. Assassin has escaped from prison!"

Chapter 44 is another useful tool man!


On the snowy Asgard, a long horn sounded.

Team after team of Valkyrie Valkyrie, wearing white swan costumes, hurriedly walked on Asgard.


"Check carefully!"

"Evil invaded in!"


The Valkyrie Valkyrie walked in groups, or searched for the remains of the gods, or searched the dead garden, seemingly looking for something.

They received an order from the Valkyrie network that evil creatures summoned by the goddess of death Hela broke into Asgard, so they took up their arms one by one and walked from the Asgard Hall of Valor Come out, under the command of the Valkyrie Network, conduct an orderly search and interrogation.

However, what they didn't know was that their surveying actions on the ground could be seen clearly by the black mud in the garden grass, which was not surprising to the surrounding black mud.

This tuft of black mud is no other thing, it is Shirou who let it out to observe the outside world.

His real body is hidden in the underground of Asgard with Saber alter.

After escaping the indefinite jail, Shiro took advantage of [evil], and Shiro carefully observed the outside world.

After watching the action of the Valkyrie goddess outside, he withdrew his gaze, then looked at Saber alter, who was sitting opposite and gnawing blue fruits, and said: "The Valkyries have already started to move. On the surface, they are all. If we go out, we will probably be discovered."

"However, their individual strength does not seem to be strong." Saber alter said while eating blue fruit.

Shirou nodded and said, "Their individual strength is indeed not strong, but they are afraid that it will attract Skadi's attention."

"Is Skarty strong?" Saber Alter couldn't help asking, looking at the Shirou who was very afraid of Skarty.

"If she is not strong, do you think that pervert will be locked in?" Shi Lang asked back.

He stopped naming names and surnames. From this moment on, the "perversion" in his mouth specifically refers to the Demon Bodhisattva.

"This is also..." Saber Alter nodded, she still knows the power of Demon Bodhisattva very well.After all, in Romania, she was instantly killed by the Demon Bodhisattva.

"Can't you try to communicate with Skadi? I remember, you said before that you need to learn to communicate with people. I still wrote it in the notebook, you see." Saber alter took out the notebook and turned the page , Show Shirou.

Shi Lang was a little speechless, but he was used to it.

He spread his hands and said helplessly: "I want to communicate with her too. But that woman, from the very beginning, decided that I was a liar and didn't listen to me at all."

Regarding this, Shiro was also helpless. Skadi possessed part of Skaha's cognition, so there was a cognition of Shiro.

And what is Scarha's perception of Shirou?

Shi Lang himself hadn't asked, but he could still guess how much, after all, Skarha would come out in the first place, he was fooled out.Will serve him, but he was fooled out.He will be obsessed with transforming the realm for thousands of years, and he was fooled out by him...

Therefore, there is no need to say more about Skady, who has the knowledge of Skaha, what kind of knowledge Shirou is.

This is after all coming out, so I will pay it back sooner or later!

"In short, on Asgard, don't play against Skadi. This is her home court." Shilang said.

"Then what should we do?" Saber Alter asked.

"There is no way to communicate with Skadi. If we meet again, with her character, she will probably not kill us, but it will lock us forever. Leave Asgard first." Shiro suggested Tao.

Saber Alter nodded, and then asked: "How to leave? Do you rush out?"

Shi Lang said helplessly: "Even if you are altered and make you frantic, you must at least think about it in accordance with the reality."

Shilang snapped his fingers, and [evil] gushed out of his body, and his magic power surged slightly. [evil] formed a fluid screen, which played out the scene of the outside world observed by [evil].

In this screen, Shirou and Saber Alter can see the guard of the outside Valkyrie, as well as the high wall on the Asgard border.

Shi Lang stretched out his hand slightly, pointed to the high wall on the Asgard border, and said, "Do you know the origin of this wall?"

Saber Alter nodded.

Because her sword in the stone, the original text is the sword in the tree of Norse mythology, so Saber alter also has a deep understanding of Norse mythology.

Asgard’s high wall was built by a mountain giant whose real name is unknown when Asgard was founded.The gods promised that as long as he builds the wall, he will receive the hand of the goddess Freya as a reward on the day of his marriage, but the gods also set out the conditions: it must be completed within 6 months, and no other than horses There are helpers.

But the mountain giant owns a horse called Swadir Fali, and he consigns stones very quickly, and the mountain giant's craftsmanship is also very good.Six months later, summer is approaching, and the project is about to be completed on schedule.When the gods panicked, they ordered Loki to stop him. Loki changed into a white mare to lure Swadir Fali. The mountain giant who had lost his helper was too late to complete the work. He regained his prototype and accused the gods of using tricks. , Thus being killed by Thor raising Thor's Hammer.

In Saber alter's cognition, this high wall built by the giant of the Wuming Mountain was broken in Norse mythology until the dusk of the gods.

Saber Alter understands Shi Lang's meaning, Shi Lang's meaning is very simple, they may not be able to break this wall and rush out.

"What should I do then?" Saber Alter asked.

"Then it depends on you. How you got in, just take us out." Shi Lang spread his hands and said.

Saber alter was dumbfounded: "But I don't know how I got in."

"Don't be so unconfident, I always believe in you. Come on, now my life is entrusted to your hands, King Arthur!" Shi Lang stretched out his hand and pressed Saber Alter's petite shoulder, and said seriously.

Looking at Shirou's sincere eyes, Saber Alter felt trust. It was trust in her ability.

Saber·Alter was a little touched, it turns out that King Eternal believes in her ability so much!

"I understand, I will cheer!" Saber alter said very seriously.

Saber·Alter turned his back, feeling attentively.At that time, she also followed the feeling, and then walked in.

"Go here!" Saber Alter chose a path and led Shiro forward.

Walking behind Saber alter, Shirou looked at Saber alter's petite body.

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