I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1163

Saber Alt looked around, and then he was stunned, only to see the Valkyrie goddesses facing them at the same time, and then took out the [Great God Declaration (pseudo)], and shot at one place at the same time!

"This is..." Saber Alter was surprised.

Shi Lang said solemnly, "I'm afraid, besides you, there is something coming into Asgardri!"




pS: That's it for today~!Today is 9K again, ask for a ticket by the way~!Especially the monthly pass, I forgot at the beginning of the month, and it was pulled so far!QWQ

I'm in a mess, ask for a day off

I asked for a day off today, and my mind was in a mess. The clues and foreshadowing behind me ran around in my mind. After writing two chapters, I looked at it, and it felt like shit, but in the wrong direction... I'm sorry to post it.

The rest of the time to review the outline... I turned the table of contents, it seems that when I wrote this volume, I had already taken a day off, I feel a little embarrassed...

That's it for today, sorry.

Chapter 45 Camelot Snaps the Finger King!

"[Great God Declaration (pseudo)]——!"

As these Valkyrie goddesses liberated their real names, they only heard the sound of "Zheng", the light guns in their hands buzzed and vibrated, bursting out dazzling white light, and then they gathered together, facing Shirou and Shirou. Saber alter, bombarded towards a place.

Several light guns are like meteors falling from the sky, falling towards the ground of Valhalla, the Nordic Hall of Valor.


With a "shoo", a faintly blue sword light flashed across the air, splitting these [Great God Declaration (False)] combined attacks.

"Crisis, crisis! Someone has invaded Valhalla, someone has invaded Valhalla...informed, announced, someone has invaded Valhalla..." The newly-born Type A 199 Valkyrie reached out and pressed his hand on his temple, passing through Valhalla. Kiri network, ask for help.

"Valkyrie network...huh, it's as disgusting as always."

A cold voice slowly spread from the smoke of the explosion, and a swordsman wearing a black futuristic mecha wind armor walked out of it slowly.

Shilang looked through the rows of windows, and saw that the swordsman was a young man in his twenties, with white temples, a sharp face like a sword, and eyes with thin black borders.

"This reaction is... Servant!" Saber Alter looked at the young swordsman in surprise, "And it still feels the same as us... It's an anti-hero alter!"

Shiro looked calmly through the row of windows, looked at the sci-fi futuristic swordsman, and muttered, "Siegruder..."

Saber Alter turned his head fiercely, looked at Shirou, and asked in surprise, "Do you know this Servant?"

"Don't be surprised. Observe the situation calmly. This is the third body anti-hero spirit that entered Asgard besides us. First look at the situation clearly." Shiro reminded.

Saber Alter nodded, those dark golden bright eyes looked at Shi Lang's face. It was a very calm face. It was obvious that the sudden change did not cause the king to have the slightest mood swing, as if everything was The same in mastery.

Of course, what Saber Alt didn't know was that Shi Lang was actually very surprised why Zigrud appeared here.


If Zigrud would appear here, then Adam, Adam is also here?

After the Valkyrie Goddess’ Declaration of the Great God (pseudo), the collective attack was destroyed by the Ziegrud of the future wind, the Valkyrie with the green double ponytail was reunited with the Declaration of the Great God (pseudo)], blocking In front of everyone.

"As a sister, I will protect my sister. Beep, Valkyrie C-type 11475 stood up, showing the reliability of my sister." The green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie looked at Zigerud and said with a blank expression. .

"Valkyria... Sure enough, you will be the first to stand up and stop me." Sigrud looked at the green double-ponytailed Valkyrie and waved the magic sword in his hand, coldly. Said: "Get out of the way, my goal is not you."

"Guard, Valhalla!" Valkyrie with the green double ponytail clenched the [Great God Declaration (False)] in his hand.

"It seems that there is no need for communication. In the final analysis, it is only a consumable." Siegrud said coldly, and then he made a "boom", with a violent footstep, his figure seemed to span the space, his hands The magic sword inside, slashed towards Valkyrie with the green double ponytail.

Valkyrie with a green double ponytail placed the [Great God Declaration (False)] in his hand, and it was cut and broken with a "chat".

Zigerud did not take advantage of the victory and pursued, instead he took the magic sword in his hand, and then kicked the green double-tailed Valkyrie away.

The red single-tailed Valkyrie and other Valkyries gathered one after another and attacked Zigrud.But it is clear that these Valkyrie goddesses are not the opponents of Zigrud, who is a great Nordic hero.

Zigerud waved the magic sword in his hand, and his swordsmanship was superb, and almost instantly solved these Valkyrie goddesses.

"Too much bullying!"

Saber alter screamed, Shi Lang turned his head and looked at her profile. With a slight movement of his shoulder, his hand had reached behind Saber alter.

But this action was discovered by Saber alter. She frowned and asked with a serious face: "What do you want to do, Eternal King?"

"I thought you were going to rush out, so be prepared to stop you in advance," Shirou said.

Saber alter frowned tightly, his face was serious and angry, like an irritated African lioness, and whispered annoyed: "Don't underestimate me, King Eternal. I'm an anti-hero!"

"Well, I know." Shi Lang nodded, he was indeed wrong. He thought Saber Alter would rush out and fight Zigrud.

If it was Joan, I would have done it, but I was mistaken. Although the face looks the same, Joan is Joan and Saber is King Arthur. He is still very self-aware and judgmental.

Siegrud is very powerful, although it is far less than the eternal king, but it is still very strong, at least it is very easy to deal with these Valkyrie goddesses.

However, there is a question.

Adam said before that the place where he was summoned was a Saber-ranked Zigrud.If this Ziegrud is the same person as the Saber-Zigrud where Adam was called.

So, will Adam be here too?

The most important thing is, why the altered Zigerud can enter Asgard under Skadi’s nose, and also come to the Nordic Hall of Valor, Valhalla?

Turning his head slightly, Shi Lang looked at Saber alter next to him, and the answer was clear.

Asgard was invaded by the enemy, and the enemy had a way to mix into Asgard that even Skadi didn’t know, and Saber alter, just hitchhiking with the enemy, happened to be transferred to Asgard. !

In the Nordic Hall of Valor-Valhalla, Zigrud eliminated the obstructive Valkyrie goddesses.Although he did not do anything lightly, he did not do anything to kill him. After making those Valkyrie goddesses who were obstructing powerless, he slowly walked towards the iron furnace.

The green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie stood up swayingly. Although his face was expressionless and his eyes were hollow and dull, he stood firmly in front of Siegrud.

Zigerud frowned, "Get out of the way. I'm not interested in consumables!"

"Guard, Valhalla!" said Valkyrie with a green double ponytail.

"The gods have disappeared, but the curse of Valkyrie hasn't been lifted yet? Huh, it's obviously just an illusory world, but it's as disgusting as the reality." Siegrud snorted in disgust.

"The intelligence has been uploaded to the Valkyrie network, and the intelligence has been uploaded to the Valkyrie network... The sisters have arrived, the sisters have arrived, you have no chance to invade Valhalla." The green double ponytailed Valkyrie stared blankly. Said.

"No chance? Huh, did you think I was the only one who invaded? Still naive, Valkyria!" Siegrud said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, only a "boom" from the outside world, Valhalla's window flickered, illuminating the faces of Zigerud and the green double ponytail.

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