I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1164

Listening to the explosion, the Saber alter under the tunnel turned his head and looked at Shi Lang in surprise, "The King of Eternity..."

"Ah..." Shi Lang nodded, and subconsciously reached out and touched his chin, "Sure enough, an enemy has invaded Asgard."

"But, how did the intrusion come in? Goddess Hilud is guarded strictly in the lower realm!"

"If you can come in, then it won't be a problem for others to come in. And..."

Shirou touched his chin again.

"And what?" Saber Alter asked.

"No. Nothing." Shilang shook his head.

Saber·Alter puffed up his cheeks a little displeased, this guy obviously found something, but he refused to tell her!

Glancing at Saber alter whose cheeks were puffed up, Shirou looked away, and for the first time in his heart felt that Saber, alteration was a little troublesome.


This [evil] reaction... is it you, Adam?

Shiro looked through the row of windows, as if seeing the distant outside world.

He noticed the explosion just now.

I noticed my own [evil] reaction.

The only thing that can make him have this kind of reaction is Adam who holds his body, except for Fujimaru Tatsuka, who secretly made a substitute for evil before the battle with the false gods.

"You are challenging my tolerance limit, Valkyria." Sigrud stared at Valkyrie with a green double ponytail coldly, and said: "I can't stand me in this state. Hate, and release my sorrow. So, hate me!"

His eyes under the thin black frame glasses exudes a terrible chill.

"That's okay, okay." Shi Lang folded his chest and said: "That guy is really moving!"

Saber alter raised the sword of victory in his hand·Morgan, and said with a serious face: "I will deal with him!"

She dashed forward, but behind her, at a faster speed, a sinful palm stretched out and grabbed her curled up hair.

"Woo! It hurts!" Saber Alter closed his eyes, covered his hair, then turned his head, glared at Shirou angrily, and asked: "What are you doing, King Eternal?"

"I still want to ask, what are you doing." Shi Lang sighed, folded his chest, and said: "You just rushed out like this, don't you want to expose us?"

"But, just watch them get killed like this?" Saber Alter asked.

"Isn't this a common occurrence in war?" Shi Lang asked back.

Saber Alter nodded and said seriously: "Indeed, this is commonplace during national race wars, and I have done such things, because to protect one person must bear the heavy responsibility of harming one person. This is a means of becoming a king. But, isn’t our current position on Asgard’s side?"

"That may be you, Saber. My position has been in Chaldea from beginning to end." Shirou closed his right eye and said, "Again, I'm out now. It's exposed. After the matter is over, you Do you think Skadi won't come to clean up us?"

"How is this? We are helping Asgard..."

Shirou interrupted: "You are also a king, would you allow factors beyond your control to exist?"

"If it is holy, if it helps..."

"Then let me change the question. As a leader, would you allow Camelot to be in danger of overturning?" Shirou asked again.

Hearing this, Saber Alter opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"Do you understand why I must stop you from doing it?" Shi Lang asked gently.

"Ming, I understand..." Saber Alter lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "I, sure enough...I still don't understand people's hearts."

"That's not true. Instead, I think Saber like this is very cute." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Yes, cute?" Saber Alter raised his head and stared at Shirou in shame, "Are you trying to insult me ​​like Gilgamesh, King Eternal?"

"That's not true. Isn't it cute to be a frank person like you? But, you can only do things with good intentions. You have to pay attention to routines and methods."

Shilang smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand slightly, snapped his fingers with a "pop".

Chapter 46 is time to show real technology!

"Go to death, and destroy with Valhalla!" Zigerud yelled, and the magic sword in his hand burst out with strong magic fluctuations, emitting a deep blue light, and then toward the green double-ponytailed Valkyrie In the past.

It can be seen that he no longer has the idea of ​​keeping his hands.

In other words, it is really rare to have the idea of ​​keeping hands even when altered.

The magic sword in Zigrud's hand exudes strong magic fluctuations, and the blue magic aura can even be seen by the naked eye.The magic sword possessed by the magic sword was too huge, and even the space was shaken slightly by this magical aura.

There is no doubt that with this sword, Zigrud is the life of the green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie.

And he was quite sure that Valkyrie with the green double ponytail could not stop this sword.

However, at the moment when the magic sword was about to fall, there was a snap of a finger.

The sound of this snapping finger was extremely subtle, but with the power of Zigrud's ears, I still heard the extremely subtle snapping sound.

Although it is not clear which Valkyrie fell, it is meaningless. He will kill the Valkyrie and then destroy the Valhalla, the Hall of Valor.


With a "clang", the green double-ponytailed Valkyrie suddenly exploded with a horrible magical aura. The [Great God Declaration (False)] with both hands horizontally unexpectedly "clanged" and blocked his sword attack.

More than that, Zigerud suddenly smelled a breath from Valkyrie with a green double ponytail. That breath was...

-Natural enemies!

how is this possible?As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Zigerud retreated sharply, and he was a dozen steps away from the green double-ponytail Valkyrie, looking at the green double-ponytail Valkyrie with a look of uncertainty.

Valkyrie with a green double ponytail tilted his head: "?"

"You actually blocked it?" Saber Alter looked surprised, then turned his head, looked at Shirou, and couldn't help asking: "What did you do?"

"What did you do?" Shi Lang smiled and said, "Didn't you know it a long time ago? Compared to fighters, I am better at assisting."

Seeing Shirou's smile, Saber alter remembered.This was the case when they were in Romania before. When they black went to the red side, Shi Lang put a few layers of BUFF on them.

In other words... Saber alter looked at Shirou and asked, "Did you give her an increase?"

"Isn't this of course?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

"But, but the difference between the Valkyrie goddess and the Saber is too far, just by the level of increase you gave us in Romania before, it is impossible for the Valkyrie goddess to overtake that Saber!" Saber · Alter couldn't help but said.

"If it is a normal increase, it is indeed like that. However, for natural enemies, it is different." Shirou smiled and said: "For example, when dealing with people with divine nature and divine core, the increase will be higher. Karma. So, what ability should be used to deal with people like Saber who hold the concept of "Dragon Seed"?"

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