I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1175

"It's nothing!" Altria shyly retorted subconsciously, but watching Morrigan and Mustardinako staring at her, Altria nodded and asked with shame: "Miss Morrigan, no, don't tell that kid! Please!"

Afterwards, Altria turned around and ran away.

Morrigan was dumbfounded at the time: "???"

What are you doing?

Mordred walked out of the gym, stared at Morrigan with an annoyed look, and asked: "I said, why do I always feel peeped by people these days, are you peeping on me?"

"No, no, no...nothing, we won't do such a thing." Morrigan waved his hand quickly to clarify.

"Who is that?" Mordred asked.

"Yes, it's the King of Knights." Morrigan sold Altria without hesitation.

"That idiot...huh..." Mordred snorted softly, turned and left.

Morrigan looked at Mordred, then at the direction where Altria had left, sighed, and said helplessly: "What is this mother and daughter doing?"

"Do you want them to reconcile? Do you want me to tell them your true identity?" Kakuko asked.

"No, no. Don't." Morrigan hugged her head and squatted in the corner shivering, "No, no...no, no! Morgan Lefy is dead, I am Morrigan. Yes, I am Morrigan! "

"Spiritual victory is beginning again, Morrigan."

Seeing Morrigan who was hypnotized by herself, Kazurako pushed her glasses.

"Woo..." Molly said with tears in her eyes, "Stop playing with me, Mustard Hinako."

"This is not a joke, you are avoiding..." Looking at Morrigan with tears in her eyes, Kakuko turned her tongue, "However, human affairs are not my business."

Morrigan gratefully looked at Musta Hinako, stood up, and returned to the medical room with Musta Hinako.

"But, speaking of it. Don't be so xenophobic. It's better to get in touch with humans. You see, there are so many examples of the harmonious coexistence of different species and humans in the anime. Let your mind be more open."

"No! Never! If you can say this, your mind has been turned into a dead house!"


Back in the medical room, Morrigan was surprised to find that there were already two people in his medical room.

They are two slim girls.

Morrigan closed the door of the medical room, looked at the two girls, and asked, "Ilia? Chloe? Is there anything wrong?"

"There is an instruction, we have to set off to explore a connection point. So, come to you in advance to check your physical condition." Ilia said with a smile.

Morrigan asked strangely: "In this case, you can also go to other medical rooms. If I go out, it will delay your progress."

"Hehehe...Who doesn't know that you are more skilled here, Lord Morrigan?" Chloe laughed.

"Don't say that, I am just an ordinary doctor like everyone else." Morrigan said, turning on the equipment, and said to the two of them: "Lie down on the hospital bed, it's time to check."


Ilia and Chloe were lying down, Morrigan checked it with machines and techniques, and said, "It's normal, there are no hidden injuries."

Ilia and Chloe nodded.

"By the way, which connection point are you going to explore?" Morrigan asked.

"Nordic!" Ilia said.

"Yes, but don't worry, the link depth is only C." Chloe said: "It's an ordinary connection point."

"Don't say that, link depth is not a criterion for judging strength. Be careful." Morrigan warned.

"We know that Grey was hit in this way before, and was cursed that could not be eliminated, and had to step back from the front line. So we will be careful." Ilia and Chloe said.

Morrigan nodded, then took out two white amulets and gave them to Ilia and Chloe.

One for each.

Ilia and Chloe took it, took a look, then raised their heads, looked at Morrigan, and asked, "This is?"

"Amulet. The amulet I made." Morrigan said with a smile: "Although it is not a magic item, it has no effect, but put it on. This is my blessing to you."

"Then we're welcome." Chloe smiled and shook the talisman in his hand.

Yi Liya said displeasedly: "Xiao Hei, be polite!"

"Illia is in the posture of sister again, obviously I am the sister. Hehehe, don't listen~!" Chloe took the talisman and turned and ran away.

"Little Black!"

Illiya couldn't stop her screaming, she could only helplessly watch Chloe leave first.She got out of the hospital bed, apologized to Morrigan and Mustard Hinako, and then left politely.

"Both are good children." Morrigan reached out and covered his face.

"I can actually make that kind of stuff..." Kakuko's tone was a little unhappy.

"It's an effort." Morrigan smiled, and then asked: "Also, don't Ms. Hinako like them?"

"I don't like humans," said Mustako.

"Don't like it at all?"

"not at all."

Morrigan was embarrassed and thought to herself, she should find a way to get Mustako to get in touch with others.

But what should I do?

Morrigan has an idea, or let her take the newcomer?

Chapter 51 You won, I have a showdown, I am the villain!

With a long scream of "", the golden eagle-Hraswalgel turned into a golden ball, and with a "", it flew towards the Great Temple at low altitude.All the suture monsters blocking the road were smashed into fleshy flesh and died on the spot.

With a "swish", the golden eagle-Hraswalgel passed through the defensive technique of the Great Temple and entered the Great Temple as if there was nothing.

There was another long scream, and the golden eagle-Hraswalgel flew to the creation mural behind Skadi, a disk in the shape of a giant eagle.

Outlind stared at this scene in astonishment, "Heraswargel...was actually killed? Hela...Is Hela really here?"

As soon as her voice fell, a female voice resounded in her ears: "Ah...Of course it is."

Hearing this, Altlind turned his head and looked, his eyes squeezed into needles, and he saw that outside the Great Temple, among the stitched monster army that was protected by the gods, a whole body was shrouded in black shadow The woman of, holding a black slender gun, slowly entered the Great Temple from the gate.

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