I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1176

Looking at the woman shrouded in the dark shadows, Outlind felt cold in her hands and feet, and cold sweat was flowing on her delicate face, "Hai...Hela!"

The name seemed to have a strong breath of death, making Outlind's hands and feet unable to move.

The defensive techniques of the gods around the Great Temple were woven into a protective net full of rich magic power, but Hela seemed to enter his courtyard, ignoring the protective net and walked into the Great Temple.

"Wh, how could it be like this...!?" Outlind was extremely surprised. The Great Temple used to be the residence of the Asgardian king Odin, possessing an extremely powerful defense technique.Once those defensive techniques are activated, even the god Tyr, who is the god of war, will not be able to enter, and will even be damaged and defeated by the defensive techniques of the Great Temple.

But now?

Hai and Hela walked into the Great Temple with ease, just like walking in their own garden!

How could this be?

It's incredible, what happened to Asgard?

Hela slowly walked into the Great Temple, her sharp eyes looked straight at Skatie who was sleeping on the seat of God, smiled, and said, "I'm here, don't you wake up?"

Skadi did not respond, still falling asleep.

Hela's smile narrowed, her eyes staring at Skati sharply like eagle eyes, and then slightly pulled away, the black spear in her hand buzzed and vibrated, emitting the black light of the abyss.

Upon seeing this, Otlind gritted his teeth and pulled his own spirit back from the fear of Hela, holding the gun of light-[Great God Declaration (pseudo)], standing in front of Hela, Words said: "Even if this body is destroyed, I won't let you go half a step forward!"

However, Hela didn't even look at Otlinde, her eyes fell on Skadi from start to finish.

Upon seeing this, Otlind gritted his teeth, turned the [Great God Declaration (pseudo)] in his hand, and aimed at Hela, when he was about to attack Hela, there was a "swish", and only a burst of electric light and flint was seen. , Like a fleeting lightning, a handful of [Great God Declaration (pseudo)] from behind Altlind, a "chat" pierced her chest.

Blood splattered!

Otlind lowered his head slightly, glanced at the [Great God Declaration (False)] that pierced his chest, turned his head, and looked at the person behind him in disbelief.

She had no problem with anything, but there was sadness in her eyes.

No one else is behind her, it is one of her only remaining sisters, Slude!

Slude lowered his head and did not look at Otlind's face.

But at this time, the drama of the sisters' cannibalism caused Hela to turn her head slightly and glance at them.The corner of Hela's mouth twitched slightly, some sarcasm, and some ridicule: "This is interesting."

She raised her head slightly, looked at Skadi on the seat of God, and asked: "Your only subordinate is dying, so will you continue to pretend to sleep, Skadi? No, Skah?"

Skadi still did not wake up.

"Aren't you going to pay attention to me? Huh, it doesn't matter, I'm already standing here, it means you are headed for destruction, Skaha!" Hela snorted coldly, put her posture away, and then squeezed her arm. The black gun glowing inside threw it at Skady.

With a "shoo", the black spear was like black lightning, and the "bang" slashed towards the sleeping Skadi.

"Master Skadi--!"

Otlind yelled, struggling to start, but at this moment, Slud hooked his leg and threw Otlind to the ground with a "click", and then pointed his gun at Otlind. Whispered: "Don't force me, sister."

Outlind looked at her with a sad look.

No one would understand her feelings, she was betrayed by the most defenseless person!

But she did not ask why, because she knew the answer.

The black spear was like lightning, slashing at the sleeping Skadi.Seeing that the black spear was about to be pierced, the true God's declaration placed aside, Gunganer, the gun of eternity, buzzed and vibrated with a dazzling light, only Hearing a "shoo" sound, like a comet, he rushed towards the black gun.

The two guns fought in the air, with a "clang" roar, and their supernatural powers matched each other, and the surrounding floor was lifted three feet high.

With a "swish", the black gun hit by Gunganer flipped over the air and returned to Hela's hand.

And Gangneil was suspended in front of Skadi.

Sleeping Skadi stretched out a hand and grabbed the handle of Gungenir's gun, slowly opened his eyes, the confused eyes gradually became clear, and then fell on Hela.

"I finally woke up, Skaha." Hela squeezed the black gun in her hand. Although she knew everything had been arranged, she was still somewhat nervous.

"Meet again, Hela. I declare again that although I hold the nature of the Celtic Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, I am not the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows." Skadi said coldly.

"Whatever you say, I will be here today, which means you are not far from extinction." Hela said.

"Your ruthless words are like sheep, more harmless than Sutert's cold jokes." Skadi said lightly.

Heila frowned.

Turning his head slightly, Skady's gaze fell on Slude. After a moment of silence, she asked: "Already, can't stand it anymore, Slude?"

Hearing this, Slude buried his head and gritted his teeth without answering.

"I heard your answer. And my answer is that I can support another two thousand years, two two thousand years, three two thousand years, and forever."

Skadi slowly stood up from the god seat, behind her, on the creation mural, two circular roulettes exuded majestic magical aura.

With a "chat", two round roulettes inlaid in the creation mural flew out, like a small sun, hovering around Skadi, with a "clank" sound, Skadi's pair of wines The red bright eyes turned golden, and the terrifying divinity radiated from her body.

"Boom, boom—"

Lightning, storms, ice and snow...numerous natural phenomena are taking place around.

Not only the Great Temple, not only Asgard, the entire Midgart, and the sky of the entire world are all changing in wind and cloud, and the thick wind and snow will cover the dark ring in the sky.

"This feeling……"

Hidden in the tunnel, Shirou, Saber Alter and others who were avoiding Asgard's defensive art attacks all felt very depressed, and turned their heads to look at the Great Temple.

And the people living on the ground, the giants attacking the gate, also avoided.

Musbelheim, a huge fire giant looking at the distant sky, murmured: "This feeling... Did Hela hit Asgard? It actually made Skadi release such a terrible Divinity."

In the Infinite Prison, I used [Various Colors to Slowly] to spy on the Demon Bodhisattva in the Killing Yuan Qihuang, tilted his head and said, "Oh, my Royal Highness is angry, so terrible..."

The Demon Bodhisattva turned over and continued to peep at the killing courtyard to pray for waste.


The terrifying divinity, like a huge palm, enveloped the entire world.

Skadi stood in front of the god seat, looked at Hela indifferently, and asked, "Challenge me, are you ready to die, Hela?"

The information is wrong... She still retains such a huge divinity... Hela shed a cold sweat and said with a dry smile: "It's really you, Skaha."

Skadi stared at her coldly.



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