I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1223

The most important thing is that white laughter... it's almost unclear, quite suspicious!

Fujimaru Tatsuka felt something was wrong, but it was different when she found Olga Marie. Since taking over as Chaldea, Olga Marie has been under great mental pressure, and Leif who has been comforting her and encouraging her, then It became her spiritual pillar.

She stayed very uncomfortable in this peculiar point. The sudden explosion of the control room caught her off guard. She was already full of pressure, but she didn't want to lose her in front of Fujimaru Tatsuka and others. The face of the Nimsfiya family, so he held on.

But now, Leif's appearance allowed her to find her spiritual support. For a while, her brain was empty and ran directly towards Leif.


Olga Marie ran over, and Fujimaru Tatsuka saw it and hurriedly shouted: "Caster, stop the director!"

Before Fujimaru Tatsuka could speak, Shirou had already taken out his shield and placed it sideways in front of Olga Marie, blocking Olga Marie's path.

"What are you doing, Fujimaru Tatsuka!?" Olga Marie turned her head and stared at Fujimaru Tatsuka, angrily.

"There is a problem, Director!" Fujimaru Tatsuka said earnestly.

Olga Marie asked, "What can be the problem?"

Tatsuka Fujimaru did not go to see Olga Marie, but turned her head slightly, and set her eyes on Leif, and asked with a heavy face, "Professor Leif...this peculiarity has nothing to do with you, right? "


The words of Fujimaru Tatsuka made everyone present stunned.

"What are you talking about, Fujimaru Tatsuka!" Olga Marie said angrily, "I forbid you to slander Leif!"

"I was just guessing at first. But director... you look okay, take a good look at Professor Leif's expression, he confirmed my judgment." Fujimaru Tatsuka stretched out her hand and pointed at Leif with a heavy face. Said.

Olga Marie turned her head and looked at her, her expression stunned.

Leif was laughing.

Facing Fujimaru Tatsuka's identification, Leif was smiling, and the smile looked extremely proud, just like the smile of a winner.

"That's right, Fujimaru Tatsuka. You really are much better than Maris Billy's daughter." Leif said with a smile: "Yes, this singularity is my masterpiece! And, the bomb in the control room was also put by me. of!"

"You're kidding, Leif? You're joking, aren't you? Just make me happy with this kind of joke as before, Leif?" Olga Marie looked at Leif with hope.

"I'm kidding? That's right, Olga Marie. It's the shame of his life to have a trash daughter like you in Marisbili. Arrogant, self-righteous, irritable, aggressive, and easy to be beaten... It's just a waste! However, thanks to you, the king's plan can be completed. But the king is kind, and I am also kind. As a wasteful effort like you, how can I not reward you?"

Leif smiled, "So, I killed you, Olga Marie. You don't use your mind to think about it, why can you travel through the singularity if you don't have the aptitude to travel? The answer is already obvious. Because I buried the bomb under your feet, killed you personally, and exploded your body to pieces. That scene is really pleasant. Because you are dead, you can go through the singularity, understand? , Olga Marie?"

Olga Marie was stunned on the spot, looking at Leif with a broken face, "You are a lie, Leif? You are lying to me, are you?"

Leif smiled, turned his head and glanced at Shirou, then his gaze fell on Fujimaru Tatsuka's body, and said solemnly, "I didn't expect it, Fujimaru Tatsuka. You have such good luck. This king."

king?Fujimaru Tateka turned to look at Shirou.

Shi Lang couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked strangely: "You--, know me?"

"Naturally," Leif nodded, then his face turned gloomy, and said: "However, it seems that your self-reconstruction has not been completed yet, and you have let this side of you run out of the imaginary space. This is not good. ."

What do you mean?

Shi Lang frowned. Didn't he travel back to the modern era, and there was Gaetia's trick?

"So, Saber." Leif turned his head slightly, his gaze fell on Saber's body, and Saber clenched Morgan, the sword of victory in his hand.

Obviously, she obeyed Leif.

"Do it yourself," Leif said.

Saber turned his head and stared at Leif with wide-eyed eyes. Then, with his hands uncontrollably turned the blade, he pierced his abdomen with a fierce stab. With a sound, Saber pierced his abdomen with blood dripping .

It was too sudden and too fast, and even Shirou unexpectedly let Saber dictate himself.

Leif smiled, "Don't think I don't know what you and Archer are doing! Obviously I handed over the Holy Grail to you, and you are still playing tricks under my nose. Don't forgive me, Saber."

"Did you see through..." Saber sighed.

Taking a look at Saber, who was being decried, Shirou stared at Leif with a gloomy expression, "You dare to do this to her!"

Shirou took out a large number of weapons from the [Infinite Sword System] and shot it at Leif like an arrow.

But when those weapons were shot at Leif, a strange magic shield appeared around Leif. After hearing the "clang clang" sound, Shiro's weapon failed to penetrate Leif's magic shield.

Seeing this, Leif smiled: "Gilgamesh's attack style, you can learn nothing like it."

Shiro knew that Leif was telling the truth. Although Shiro's [Infinite Sword System] was a bit like [The Treasure of the King (pseudo)], it couldn't match the power of Gilgamesh using the [Treasure of the King].

Because Shi Lang is not Gilgamesh, he has his own way of attacking.

Shirou also noticed that he used the [Infinite Sword System] attack method, but he couldn't help but Leif.

He turned his head, looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka, and was about to speak, only to find that Fujimaru Tachika had raised his right hand first: "Command it with a spell curse, Caster, do what you want to do!"

The order curse was issued, and the last order curse in Fujimaru Tatsuka's hand disappeared.

The surging magic power was injected into the body, Shirou looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka, Fujimaru Tatsuka also looked at him, and said seriously: "Go and do what you want, Caster! I will firmly support you!"

Shi Lang nodded, and said to his heart, it looked a little bit more.

Feeling the surging magic power in his body, Shirou turned his head and stared at Leif coldly.

"Do what you want to do? Hahaha..." Leif laughed: "You really have you, Fujimaru Tatsuka. Well, I have to admit, I underestimated you. Don't use Servant as a prop Use it, no wonder this king will be summoned by you. However, if you want to defeat me, you want to defeat me, Floros! It is absolutely impossible!"

He was laughing wildly, proud.

And he did have the proud capital, because Shirou's uninterrupted shooting of treasures could not break his magic shield.

"is it?"

Shi Lang smiled, then stretched out his hand, and in an instant, a lance shining with stars appeared in his hand.

"That, that is...!"

Saber saw the riding gun, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise, because that gun was also the treasure she once held-the holy gun Lungominiad!

But, how did it appear in Shirou's hands now?

In fact, Shiro did not have the Holy Gun Lungominiad at this time, he projected the Holy Gun Lungominiad.

Originally, Yi Shilang’s projection ability was unable to project the holy spear Lungominiad, a star weapon belonging to the gods, but the holy spear Lungominiad itself belonged to Shilang, and he held it. There are people, so they can also be projected, but they can't be completely liberated to form a tower of glory.

"Anchor of the star? It is indeed you who copied the weapon of the star, but that kind of fake cannot deal with me." Leif smiled contemptuously.

Shirou laughed too, and several radiances flashed around him, and five more holy guns Lungominiad were realized.

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