I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1224

When Leif saw this, his face changed instantly: "How, how is it possible?!"

"I can't deal with you this way?"

Following Shiro's will, including the holy gun Lungominiad in Shiro's hand, the six realized holy gun Lungominiad all shone with dazzling stars.

These lights kneaded into a ball, just like the sun, the endless light illuminates the dark cave.

So warm.

Matthew said heartily.

But this warm light was as cold as an abyss to Leif.

He panicked.

Completely panicked!

A Holy Spear Lungominiad, he still doesn't pay attention to it, but the six stacks...

He... he can't stop it!

"Wait, wait! Wait a minute, King Eternal!" Leif shouted.

However, it was too late.

How can he forgive someone he values?

"The eternally shining spear of brilliance-Lungominiad!"

Shiro's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his arm, the six holy guns Lungominiad fell.

The six holy guns Lungominiad were liberated at the same time, forming an endless white light, like a huge bridge of light, rushing towards Leif.

Hearing a "boom", among the six light cannons superimposed on the holy gun Lungominiad, Leif's protective cover did not even have any protective effect, and it was destroyed.

The blazing white light engulfed Leif's figure, cut through the cave behind him, and rushed towards the dark sky.

Afterwards, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the white light burst. The darkness was dispersed in an instant, and the white light illuminates the world.

"It's so bright..."

Fujimaru Tachika said, and then she felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that her magic power seemed to be partly drawn by Shirou following the contract.

After the six holy guns Lungominiad were used, they were destroyed and destroyed.

After all, it's a fake, and it's useless once.

"Da, damn...!"

The extremely weak voice resounded.

"No, not dead! Leif is not dead!" Fujimaru Tatsuka said anxiously.

Shi Lang looked towards the high platform and raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the Light Cannon did not destroy Leif, but it made Leif appear dead.

Leif was shattered by the light cannon, his face was covered with pieces of meat, and his body was exuding a dead soul.That was a sign that Leif was about to disappear.

The embarrassed Leif looked at Shirou and said, "It's not over, it's not over. Even if I am defeated here, it's okay. Mankind has already lost the king's love, and it's only a matter of time before death. Man Riyaki but The formula will completely destroy the human principle, and no one can stop it. Even you! No, it is better to say that you and the original mother are the guarantee of the human principle! Hahaha...I am waiting, the king is also there Waiting, we are all waiting, waiting for you and the original mother to return from the imaginary space...Hahaha..."

Laughing, Leif died.

Shirou frowned. What does Leif mean?

Why did you point the finger at him?

Speaking of it, it's really weird. According to Merlin, he should have returned to the modern era in 2003 from Camelot, but he turned into the Servant of Fujimaru Tatsuka somehow.

Leif's words were not only right to Shirou, but other people could also hear it.

Fujimaru Tatsuka said seriously: "Leif is separating us. Anyway, Caster, let's fix humanity together!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang nodded.

Matthew said, "Senior, she is the director..."

Matthew pointed at Olga Marie hesitantly.

Fujimaru Tatsuka then looked at Olga Marie, not knowing what to say.

Olga Marie was completely broken at this moment.

The pillar of the soul is the one who destroyed her, and she... is already dead.

At this time, Romani said anxiously: "Everyone! Go back to Chaldea, the singularity will collapse! The singularity will collapse!"




pS: Not linked to the main line, not linked to the main line, not linked to the main line!!QWQ

Chapter 14 Your experience card has expired, please continue to recharge [refill]

Following Saber's self-decision, Leif's spiral ascends to the sky, Fuyuki City Singularity was officially announced as a strategy.

At the same time, Human Li began to automatically repair this peculiarity.

And this will make this peculiar point collapse and destroy the people in it.

Romani urgently notified this, and at the same time quickly opened the technique of Lingzi conversion, preparing for the return of Fujimaru Tatsuka and others to Chaldea.

But at this time there is a problem.

That is, Olga Marie is dead!

Fujimaru Tateka and Matthew were able to enter the singularity because of the Chaldean spirit transformation technology, which converts the will into the spiritual child and enters the singularity, while the real body still exists in the Chaldean spirit child frame room and returns It is also to reconvert the spirit child in the singularity back into the real body.

To some extent, this is quite similar to the relationship between the Servant and the Heroine.

And this leads to, if the true body dies, returning to Chaldea is equivalent to a lonely ghost. Under the modern planetary laws, it will dissipate without any preparation.

For a while, everyone didn't know what to do.

"You go," Olga Marie said.

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