I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1230

"That's true, but I don't understand. Sir Kay left without saying a word before and has already expressed his attitude. Why should I force me to make a choice instead of dealing with him?"

"It's also simple. He is the Knights of the Round Table, you are an outsider, you must deal with outsiders. And the most important thing is, if you don't sneak attack, I can't beat Kay." Mordred said with a complacent expression.

It could be seen that she was not ashamed at all when she said she could not beat Kai.

Hearing this, Shi Lang sighed: "In other words, I look weaker, right?"

"Isn't this of course?" Mordred looked at Shirou up and down, showing a natural look.

This is also normal, because Shirou was summoned as a six-year-old.Regardless of the actual combat power, just this look really makes people feel boxers.

"So, what is your choice, a foreign knight?" Mordred asked.

Shi Lang smiled and hooked her.

Mordred was taken aback, frowned, and asked: "What do you mean?"

"I said, you take off your helmet, and then attach your ears. I'll tell you."

"Why did you tell me to take off my helmet and attach my ears?" Mordley asked with a strange look.

"This is the cultural tradition of our country. How? As the heir of King Arthur, don't you even have this measure?" Shirou asked curiously.

This sentence was in Mordred's heart, and she said with a happy face: "How can it be possible? I am the crown prince, very generous!"

With that said, Mordred also patted his chest, slapped his breastplate loudly, showing that he is a very generous person.

Mordred took off the helmet on his head, revealing the pretty face that was almost exactly the same as Altria, and even the slender beauty was as slender as Altria, not like Shi Lang at the end of his eyebrows. The place is in the shape of lightning.

Mordred squatted down and approached Shilang, his small and exquisite ears pressed against Shilang's side.

"Prince Camelot, I tell you, my choice is..."

Shiro was talking, and on the other side, a hand quietly stretched from behind to Mordred's back.

Mordred was a very powerful knight, although he was bad and bad. She naturally noticed Shiro's actions, but she didn't suspect him, because Shiro was the "king's heir" on the left and the "crown prince" on the right. Dred was exasperated, and he felt that Shirou looked so pleasing to his eyes, so naturally he did not suspect him.

Seeing Mordred coming by his ears, Shi Lang smiled, and then his dantian roared fiercely, "Idiot!"

Shi Lang yelled with all his strength, and his voice was like a thousand thunders, which made Mordred dizzy for a while.

"You guy!"

Mordred reacted, frustrated, and he was teased by Shi Lang!

Mordred was about to move away. When he was about to attack Shi Lang, Shi Lang Shun reached the palm of her back, but grabbed her ponytail faster, and then pulled it hard.

"Ah! It hurts!" Mordred screamed, the back of her head was so severely pained that her movements stopped.

At this time, Shi Lang's chest was surging [evil] mud, forming an evil hand, which turned into a fist, and slammed it against Mordred's hand.

Hearing a "boom", the hand of [Evil] caught off guard, and immediately smashed Mordred's magic sword from his hand.

This is not over yet. When Mordred just noticed that his magic sword was smashed down, Shirou’s legs surged with an [evil] foot, facing Mordred’s bottom plate. hook.

[Evil] The body formed is different from Shiro's weakness, but rather powerful. Mordred was restrained by Shiro in various ways from the beginning. Naturally, he didn't notice this and was caught off guard, "Pata" With a sound, he was hooked by the foot of [evil] and fell heavily to the ground.


Mordred gritted his teeth to get up and show Shi Lang a good look, but with a "clank", the sharp blade fell from the sky, and the tip of the sword pierced Mordred's face.

Mordred's inherent ability-[Instinct] was activated instantly, and instantly felt the shadow of death on my heart.


Mordred said in his heart, but the sword did not fall on Mordred's face, but inserted into the ground a finger distance from Mordred. The sharp blade exudes a chill, and the bright The body of the sword also reflected Mordred's face.

Shi Lang was holding the hilt of the sword. Naturally, he took this sword out of the [Infinite Sword System] when he tripped Mordred.

Shi Lang looked at Mordred with a smile, and said with a smile: "Threatening me, you are not far behind, little lion."

Shilang released his hand, turned and left.

Mordred got back to his senses and stood up again, staring angrily at Shirou's fading back, shouting: "You deceitful bastard tortoise, I will retaliate! Absolutely. of!"

Shi Lang just moved forward without turning his head. Facing Mordred's cruel words, he just waved his hand and left.

Mordred tickled his teeth with hatred, it was a shame!

she was……

She was so easily subdued by Shi Lang!

damn it!

What a shame!

What a shame!

Mordred decided to retaliate back, no matter what way, he must retaliate back!

Take revenge on that guy, that...

By the way, what is that guy's name?

Mordred, full of revenge, just remembered that he seemed to...

Forgot to ask Shirou's name.

This this……

This was bullied by others, and you still don’t know their name. Is this too embarrassing?

Mordred was sulking himself, and he must not let others know about it, otherwise he would have to be laughed to death!



Shiro traveled around the destroyed Jerusalem.

The once glorious holy place-Jerusalem, has now become a ruin, and the ground is devastated.

Shilang was looking for anyone who was still alive, but unfortunately, his bad luck did not find anyone alive.

However, he did find someone who was acting just like himself.

This person is not someone else, it is Kai who left first.

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