I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1231

"Sir Kay."

Shi Lang greeted him, and Kai, who was immersed in searching for survivors, raised his head and saw him, and also greeted him.However, he was not called the king when Camelot, or Genieville privately called, but a foreign knight.

This made Te Shi Lang very uncomfortable, he was obviously the same person, but he didn't know himself.However, he is not a child, and he naturally adapted to this quickly.

"Is Sir Kay also looking for survivors?" Shirou asked.

Kai nodded, with a painful expression on that determined face, and said, "This city... was destroyed by my king. What a sin? That's not what my king should do."

Although I don’t know what Kay calls Altria in other parallel worlds, it is certain that he will never open his mouth and shut his mouth to my king, because in his Camelot, Kay directly calls Shilang Gurney in private. Will's.And the reason why he calls Altria my king so openly is because he treats Shirou as an outsider.

In front of outsiders, it is natural not to be too frivolous with the monarch, otherwise the outsiders will look down on the monarch.I have to say that Kay's emotional intelligence is far higher than that of Mordred and Altria.

"Sir Kay does not have to be too sad. This is a historical singularity created by King Solomon. After Chaldea fixes the singularity, the singularity will return to normal, the dead will be resurrected, and what happened I will never remember it again." Shi Lang said.

Shiro did not say that the singularity was created. The real behind the executor Riyaki was Gaetia, because now all the heroic spirits only knew that it was the people who caused the singularity.In addition, the summoned heroic spirits also know the Chaldeans who repaired humanity and traveled and ventured in various time and space.

"The singularity is repaired, and the dead will be resurrected. Can this conceal everything that my king did?" Kai said sadly: "Also, depending on what my king means... she does not intend to repair this singularity. , And I don’t intend to resist the fact that others are irritated."

"That's also true," Shi Lang nodded, and then asked, "So, Sir Kay, what's your decision?"

Mentioning this, Kai looked serious and determined: "I will stop her. The knights of the round table exist to prevent the king from making mistakes. However, my compatriots have fallen into the way of facing my king and Came before his death. The guilt of the demise of the Luo Kingdom. This, even the rebellious knight-Mordred is no exception. However, I cannot fall into such guilt!"

Kai clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with a firm expression, "I want to stop her! Avoid her making mistakes! This is what I must do as the Knights of the Round Table and her brother."

Shi Lang nodded. As the king chef of Altria, Kai has not lost his calmness and objective judgment. This is good news.

Otherwise, let him deal with the Lion King Altria and all the Knights of the Round Table... Shirou felt that he would go to Hassan to hide.

"You are right, Kay."

At this moment, a rather tough voice resounded from behind the two of them.

Shilang and Kai turned their heads and saw a knight wearing a blue silver armor holding a spear and walking slowly over.

This person is no one else, it is the Camelot gun god-Lanmarok!

"What Brother Kai said is what I say. We, the Knights of the Round Table, must never watch the king make such a mistake. Even if we betray the king, we yearn to raise the rebellious butcher." The man next to Marot is Gahris.

Not just them.

And Gerante, Bowes, and Bocival are all here!

Among the knights of the round table who responded to the call, there are already six people including Kay, Lan Mallok, and Jahris, gathered here!

"You..." Kai looked at the five people who came afterwards, showing a confused expression.

"What are you confused about, Brother Kay?" Jahris smiled bitterly, and then said, "I can't see the holy king committing this kind of wrong thing like surrender. Otherwise, I will be caught next time. Summon, the next time I'm lucky enough to meet a king in another state, I will definitely feel extremely ashamed and have no face to see the king."


"This is exactly what we think."

The other Knights of the Round Table also expressed their thoughts one by one. They were all prepared to be like Kay, rebelling against Altria, and preparing to raise the butcher knife against Altria.But it can be seen that they are not really willing to do this kind of thing, and their tone is extremely bitter.

"So...I understand!" Kay nodded, "Since you are all here, that means everyone else...Lancelot, Tristan, Gawain are all ready to support the king?"

Jahris nodded, "Brothers chose to stand on the side of Agge, and what Gareth said...she hesitated for a long time, and temporarily chose to stand on the side of Agge."

"Is Gareth? She respects Gawain, and at the same time was Lancelot's apprentice knight, it is not strange to be on the side of Aggiven." Kay nodded and said.

Afterwards, Kai turned his head slightly, looked at Shirou, and asked: "Then, knight of the foreign country, what is your choice?"

"I will show up here, doesn't that prove my position, Sir Kay?" Shi Lang asked rhetorically with a smile.

"That's it," Kay nodded, and then asked, "Speaking of which, your Excellency said that we have a connection with our Knights of the Round Table and our King. I wonder if this is the origin?"

Shiro slowly uttered a few words: "Taylor Bill, Altoris."

Hearing this, Kai's eyes shrank sharply and looked at Shi Lang in surprise.Altoris, this is the fake name that Altria used to pretend to be a male body when they were young, and Taylor Bill is where they lived when they were young.

"That's it," Kay nodded, and some understood Shirou's situation, "Back then, you also participated in the ceremony of pulling the sword from the stone in Tyler Bill?"

"Yes, I did go, and I also witnessed the feat of King Arthur pulling out the sword in the stone." Shi Lang nodded and said with a smile.

"But you didn't join the king's army. Okay, I was curious about you, your excellency knight, forgive me for being rude. What is your real name?" Kai asked.

"Lucius." Shi Lang said without hesitation.

Lucius?Kay frowned. The name sounds familiar.

"Lu, Lucius?" Lan Mallok looked as if he had seen a big man, his eyes widened, looked at Shi Lang, and asked: "You, you are the Sword Emperor of the Roman Empire, Lu Hughes?"

Chapter Seventeen: Rebellion against my gorgeous father!

Lucius, this was one of the top knights of Camelot's time, and his swordsmanship reached the pinnacle, even if it was better than Merlin.

It was the trump card of the Western Roman Empire, and it was known as the Sword Emperor by Megatron throughout Europe.

As for why Shilang knew him and pretended to be him, Shilang had a confrontation with the Western Roman Empire represented by Lucius and knew him well; secondly, he could just pretend to be himself, which is better Incorporate into the peculiarity of the lion king Altria.

The knights heard that Shirou's true identity was Sword Emperor Lucius, and they all couldn't help admiring them.

Heroes cherish heroes, and the strong naturally respect the strong, and in their era, the sword emperor Lucius was the top hero.

These knights of the round table, although they are the same individuals as those of Shiro's round table knights, but they were led by other kings of Arthur, obviously did not go directly to Europe like Shiro, and even destroyed the Western Roman Empire, so they also have the same situation with Lucius. Don't know much.

It can be said that he only hears the person and does not know the person, and this gives Shirou a good opportunity to disguise.

It's just that everyone is very strange, why is the famous sword emperor Lucius a kid?

In response, Shi Lang smiled: "This is also something that can't be helped, because the one who was summoned is my childhood form."

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

Indeed, the words of heroic spirits are very troublesome. Because of the influence of various legends, they are summoned in the form of Servant, and there will be various forms that correspond to the legend.

In this way, it is normal for the sword emperor Lucius to appear in his infancy.

Besides, Kay has a confusion.

"Sword Emperor, did you say that you had witnessed my king pulling out the sword in the stone in Tyler Beer?" Kai frowned, and he found that Shi Lang's words had some logical problems.

"Yes." Shi Lang nodded, "Because the Empire wanted to bring back the British Isles, because both Cornwall and England had rich mineral resources and were strategically important. Therefore, the Empire wanted to take it back. When I came back, I went to Tyler Bill to draw the sword in the stone. If I draw it out, it will be relatively easy for the Empire to regain the British Isles. It’s just a shame..."

"It's just a pity that the sword in the stone was pulled out by my king." Kai said.

Shi Lang nodded, his face showed admiration and helplessness, and said: "Yes. I tried, the sword in the stone, I couldn't pull it out, but was pulled out by King Arthur. I can only say that, really worthy of it. It's King Arthur."

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