I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1232

Speaking of this, these Knights of the Round Table all smiled with satisfaction.

Lan Mallok even reached out and patted Shi Lang on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, Sword Emperor. After all, my king is the King of Destiny of the British Isles, the incarnation of the Red Dragon."

Hearing this, Shi Lang glanced at Lan Mallok's hand on his shoulder, and then smiled: "That's true."

The knights of the round table accepted knights who were not in the order of the knights of the round table.For them, no matter what, as long as you call King Arthur, then we are friends.

Several people joked and laughed, and then returned to reality, and their faces tightened.

At this moment, King Arthur, whom they respect, has become the Lion King, and is ready to carry out Saint Barbara.

Kai and others have decided to stop their most respected king, and for this, they want to wield a rebellious sword against King Arthur.

"Wait until the sunset, let's swing our sword at the king." Kai said in a deep voice.

There were no smiles on the faces of the Knights of the Round Table. Instead, they nodded sadly and calmly.

This is their only way to be faithful.

Before the Lion King completely loses the glory of being King Arthur, stop the lion and stop Sheng Ba.

For this reason, they are ready to join hands to kill the Lion King when the sunset comes and the Lion King returns.

"But Tristan, Lancelot, and Gawain, they are all on the side of the king. If they unite with the king, we may not be rivals alone."

It was Gerante who was talking.He is Camelot's internal affairs officer. Compared with the use of strategy, he may not be as good as the Ager rules that once served as the dark side of Morgan Leffey, but he is also a smart man who quickly analyzed the gap between the enemy and ourselves.

"That's true," Lan Mullok nodded and said worriedly: "I can only hold Qing Lancelot at best, but Cui Stanqing, Gao Wenqing, plus my king, and Mordred... "

The knights of the round table were silent.

The feelings between the Knights of the Round Table are very good, and they know each other very well. It is precisely because of this that they are more aware of the gap between the enemy and ourselves.

The Knights of the Round Table have their own strengths, but as the most powerful, they are Lancelot, Tristan, and Lan Mullok, who are known as the three lions of Britain.

With Lan Mullok's strength, Lancelot, who was the first knight, was at most dragged, while the others could only drag Tristan and Gawain in a two-to-one manner.Just so, how to assassinate the Lion King?

Not to mention, compared to the strategic and tactical arrangements, the opponent has more Ager rules!

How can this be good?

Just as I thought, there were people in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, and saw Gao Wen walking slowly from a distance.

"Brother?" Gahris was a little surprised, but also a little surprised.

He walked quickly and said happily: "Brother, are you here too?"

Gawain lowered his head.

He was holding the holy sword symbolizing the sun-the sword of rotating victory, but at this moment, the holy sword symbolizing the sun had no light, but instead had a chilling light.

Lan Mallok noticed something was wrong for the first time, his face changed abruptly, and he said loudly: "Stay back, Jahris!"

not good!

Jahris yelled in his heart and took a step back, but he was slow after all.I saw Gawain's arm move, and the rotating victory sword in his hand revolved, and a cold light flashed past. Only after hearing a "chap", Gakhris had an extra scar on his chest, and blood was splashed.


Gahris looked at Gawain in disbelief. Gawain's sword came to his life. If he hadn't taken a step back vigilantly, he would have been killed by Gawain.

"Forgive me, Jahris." Gawain raised his head, his expression incomparably sad, his eyes were very dim, and tears burst into his eyes.

Gawain picked up the holy sword again, followed it with a whirl, and pierced it towards Jahris' chest.

Although Gahris grieved that Gawain wanted to kill him, as a knight who had experienced many battles, he was already alert and naturally would not sit back and wait for death, and took out the sword in his hand to follow him.

With a "clang" roar, Jahris was repelled a few steps.

Lan Mallok stepped forward with a sharp gun to protect Jaheris, and at this moment, with a "shoo", the falling stars from the sky came straight toward his front door at an extremely tricky angle.

It's an arrow!

After Jahris was attacked by Gawain, Lan Mallok had already entered combat readiness. Although the angle of this arrow was extremely tricky, as one of Camelot's strongest, Lan Mallok would naturally not fall on the spot.

With a wave of the sharp spear in his hand, with a "clang", the flying arrow was cut off.

Lan Mallok was holding a sharp gun and turned to look at the place where the arrow came from, where there was a man.

He looked at the man and was silent for a moment before he said, "Tristan."

"Yes, it's me, Lan Mallok."

The man put down the bow in his hand, confessed his identity frontally, and walked out of it.

It was not only Tristan who came out, but also Lancelot, Gareth, and Ager.

Looking at the rest of the Knights of the Round Table and walking out slowly, Kai and others were silent.

"So that's it, you are going to do something with us, Ager Zhiwen." Kai looked straight at Ager Zhiwen, pondered for a moment, and said.

The expressions of Lancelot and others were very painful, and they lowered their heads. Only Ager Zhiwen was still gloomy. Facing Kai’s question, Ager Zhiwen nodded and said, “Yes. If the material is good, you will have to do it with us."

Kay was silent.

And this silent silence is the best answer.

Kai and others are also thinking about doing something with Ager's rules, but it's a pity that Ager's rules are more sensitive and firmer, and they are ahead of them.

Kai drew out his sword and smiled bitterly: "The Knights of the Round Table... unexpectedly will make trouble to this point."

"There is no other way, Kay. We are friends, comrades-in-arms, and opponents... But now, we are enemies." Ager Guiwen said, and also drew his sword.

As he drew out his sword, all the knights of the round table present, as if they had received a horn, took out their own weapons.

With the former comrades in arms drew their swords, everyone was very sad.But the position of each other was determined as early as the moment Kay left, so there will be such a scene, which is inevitable.

"I can't let the king kill you, otherwise the grief will be executed by the king." Age Guiwen said grimly: "And you must kill us first before you can swing a rebellious sword against the king."

No one spoke, just looking at each other, eyes dim and painful.Age Guiwen has pointed out the essence of this scene, not because of lack of sentiment, nor because of interests, but because of their different positions.

The knights of the round table drew their swords and faced each other, the old love has been wiped out, and the only thing left was fighting.


This is really sad.

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