I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1236

Lan Mallok immediately apologized to Shiro.

"It doesn't matter," Shi Lang waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "We are now grasshoppers on a rope."

Lan Mallok nodded.

Gerant said: "If we want to defeat the king, we must have a leader. Otherwise, we will be in a mess and unable to exert our abilities."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, thinking that Gerant was justified.

Gerante said again: "This person must have courage, strategy, understand us, use us correctly...just like a king."

Like a king...Jahris shed a cold sweat on the back of his head. If he is like a king, wouldn't it just leave us behind and go alone?

Gerant asked: "Who do you think is suitable?"

Seeing Kai and others start the election, who is the leader, Shi Lang got up and retreated from among them.

"What are you doing, Lord Lucius?" Kay asked strangely.

Shi Lang smiled and said: "If you are the leader, choose from among you. I am an outsider and don't know you. I just listen to your leadership."

Kai nodded, feeling surprised that Shilang was an outsider after all, and he didn't understand them. Electing Shilang would be tantamount to fooling around.

However, what Kai didn't know was that Shi Lang knew their abilities well, and how to use them, he knew very well.But Shilang will not stand up. First, he is an "outsider" and lacks prestige. Unless it is Kai and the others begging Shilang, even if Shilang becomes the leader, they will not listen to Shilang.Second, in the sixth singularity, there is no need for him to be elected leader.

Third, and only the most important point, Shirou really didn't want to be the leader anymore, he was really tired.

After Shiro withdrew from the election, everyone finally elected Kai to be their leader.

This choice is good.

Kai is conservative and cautious.In addition, he is the brother of King Arthur, the first knight who followed King Arthur.He was capable and prestigious, so everyone elected him.

In fact, Shi Lang knew in his heart that it was the wise man Bocival who had better take this position, but this guy didn't have the temperament and tongue-in-chief that a leader should have, and something happened when the leader took the lead.

So, it's better if Kay is the leader now.

But in fact, Shi Lang knew that Kai was not suitable to be the leader, or king.

Shirou knew the knights of the round table, and knew the knights of the round table clearly, so he knew.

Everyone like the Knights of the Round Table is a dragon and a phoenix among the people, a great person, but they are not suitable to be kings, including Altria.

It's not because they are not good enough, and it's not because of their bad character.And it is precisely because they are good enough and their character is good enough that they are not suitable to be kings.

To be a king, everything is imaginary. Only reconciling contradictions is real. The contradictions between the people and the officials, the contradictions between the nobles and the common people, the contradictions between the royal family and the nobles... If these kinds of contradictions are properly reconciled, the country will prosper. If it develops soundly, and if the reconciliation is not good, the country will become weak and cause rebellion.

Therefore, to be a king, he must be strong enough and ruthless, and soft enough to be soft and human.Be what kind of king the times and the country need, and adapt while guiding.

It is a pity that they are more than holy, but lack cunning and dirty, so Shirou thinks they are inappropriate.

However, it doesn't have to be so troublesome if it's just a peculiar point.Therefore, Shirou also closed one eye.

Of course, Shi Lang was indeed a little weird to be led by others.

It can only be said that the eldest brother is used to being a younger brother.

Seeing that the big guy had elected Kai as the leader, Shiro returned to the circle and looked at Kai and asked, "Kay, what are we going to do next?"

Kai pondered for a moment, and said: "Let's rest here first, Bowes, first go and survey your surroundings to see which side is the oasis."

Like Lancelot, he joined the Knights of the Round Table from the European continent, so he had a better understanding of the topography of the European continent. It was a clear decision to let him investigate the terrain.

Bose nodded and said, "I understand, Kay. But don't have too much expectations. This is near the Mediterranean Sea. There is a difference between the terrain knowledge I had before my death and the judgment will be out of alignment."

"I understand. Pay attention to the crowds."

Bowes nodded and left.

At this time, Gerante said, "Kay, my king, they may send someone to hunt down."

"This is indeed a problem," Kay nodded, then looked at Jahris, and said, "Jahris, you go to us and do some inducements so that they can't track us down."

Gahris smiled and said, "I've done it on the way here."

Hearing this, Shi Lang smiled: "It's really worthy of being the leading knight of Camelot's scout troops. Even if he escapes, he won't be upset."

Kai looked at Shi Lang in surprise, and asked, "Your Excellency Lucius, do you know Jahris?"

"The empire used to be very interested in Britain, how can I not understand the abilities and characteristics of everyone present?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

Everyone was shocked.

Kai smiled: "Fortunately, we finally fought against the Empire and didn't meet Your Excellency Lucius, otherwise it would be miserable."

"It's too modest, Sir Kay." Shiro said, "Even if I met him, I would be hard to beat the power of King Arthur."

Shiro knows the deeds of King Arthur, or in other words, in the concept of [King Arthur], except for him, King Arthur, the life trajectory of the rest of King Arthur is similar.Most of them finally fought with the Western Roman Empire, and then signed a treaty of friendship with the Western Roman Empire, and returned to the country exhausted physically and mentally. As a result, they encountered Mordred's betrayal and eventually perished in the battle of the sword fence.

Of course, Shi Lang was different, he left after destroying the Western Roman Empire.

Shirou and the Knights of the Round Table exchanged a wave of business, and both parties were very happy.

Soon, the investigating Boss returned.

"How about, Bowes?" Kay asked.

Bose shook his head and said, "The terrain and geomorphic trends here are a bit different from the Gaul region. My judgment may be wrong, so I won't say anything. However, I found traces of human activities."

"How do you say?" Kai came with interest.

"Probably to the south," Bowes said.

Kai nodded and said, "Everyone, let's rest here for the whole night. At dawn tomorrow morning, let's go to the south, stabilize the stronghold first, and then find a way to defeat the king."

Everyone nodded.

After deciding on the strategy, everyone said goodnight to each other, found a piece of land, or lay down, or leaned against a tree trunk, and fell asleep.

After all, they are all marching and fighting people, and life is not refined and particular.

Shirou is no exception to this point.

He is a person who has been really hard, and he can survive no matter how difficult the environment is.

Late at night.

Gradually a slight cool breeze started, black mist shrouded the moon and stars, and the earth was pitch black.

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