I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1237

At this time, a voice came from a distance.

"When, when, when..."

The voice is deep and long.

It's the bell.




pS: That's it for today~!

Well, I have finished all the pigeons this month~!

Chapter 20 This guy... is coming to me!

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

A deep and long voice came from the dark forest.

"When, when, when..."

Shirou was awakened.

In addition, not only he was awakened, but the other Knights of the Round Table were also awakened.

"what happened?"

"what sound?"

"It's the bell!"

"Where did the bell sound?"


The knights of the round table looked at each other.

After all, they are knights who have experienced many battles. Everyone is more alert. Just when there is trouble, they wake up.

But the change did not see it, but instead heard a long bell.


The wind gradually rose.

Jerusalem is located in the Mediterranean Sea, close to the desert.The desert has different climates throughout the year, with overheating during the day and too cold at night, and suddenly storms are set off.The sky was rolled up by wind and sand, covering the eyes.

It is common for deserts to encounter storms, but everyone stared at the storm with a little stunned.

"Someone!" Gerant said.

Not only did he see it, but other people also saw it.

In the sky full of wind and sand, there is a burly shadow.

The wind and sand all over the sky resounded, but in the wind and sand, the sound of "click, click" iron boots advancing, was more audible than the sound of the wind and sand.

Everyone understood that this wind-sand-sand vision and the long bell ringing were all caused by this man.

"Who?" Lan Mallok asked loudly.

He relied on the strength of force and walked forward with a sharp gun in his hand.

And at this moment, in the wind and sand, on the burly figure, there was a "clank" sound that lit up a faint blue flame like a ghost fire.

Shi Lang felt that this shadow was a bit familiar, but at this moment he saw the eyes that looked like wildfires, and he was suddenly shocked, and he hurriedly shouted, "Lan Mallok, don't come near him!"

not good!

When Shilang screamed, Lan Mallok suddenly sensed a fatal threat, as if facing the abyss and quickly retreated.

At this moment, with a "bang", the windy sand lingering around the burly figure burst open suddenly, and the windy sand turned into a deadly killing sword, spreading toward the surrounding like a wave.

Lan Malok is one of Camelot's superb martial arts, but the wind and sand like the waves hit him, and he couldn't even stand on his heels, as if being hit by a train, he flew out directly. With a click, a big tree was broken.

The gust of wind and sand cast its momentum unabated, like ripples, blowing all the trees within a radius of 30 meters from that person and flying upside down, and even the land was lifted three feet high.

Even the people who were about fifty meters away from that person felt a strong wind hit, and they were a little untenable.

When everyone saw this, they were all shocked, and then looking around, the person was completely revealed.

That is a knight.

That is definitely a knight!

On his tall and burly body, he wore a jet black armor and a helmet that looked like an evil spirit on his head.He stood with his sword in both hands, and his body was exuding a blue ghostly flame, just like an undead knight, and he looked terrifying.

Apart from other things, just talking about this job, all the Knights of the Round Table, including Kai, clearly understand that this person is definitely the strong one among the strong!

Even without a confrontation, the minds of Kai and others were extremely nervous.

Shi Lang was even more shocked when he saw this person.

This person is no one else, but the crowned hero standing at the apex of the hero, the current Grand Assassin-King Hassan!

It is the same class as the GrandCaster- King Solomon and the Shilang recorded by the Eternal King, the crowned hero!

Kai calmed his face, resisting pressure, and asked, "Dare to ask who is your Excellency?"

Wang Hassan didn't answer Kai's question. It was the bell that came from nowhere.

"When~ When~ When~!"

The long and heavy bell sounded from nowhere, but the sound became louder and louder, getting closer and closer, as if it was hovering around.

The sky was shrouded in black mist, the moon and stars were all shrouded, and a primordial dark fear was dyed in my heart.

At this moment, King Hassan drew his sword, and a cold voice resounded from under his helmet:

"The evening bell has ringed, and your destiny has been revealed clearly."

Wang Ha Sauna was walking towards Shi Lang and the others slowly with his big sword, a thick black mist exuded under his feet, and the black mist shrouded him wherever he passed, which was terrifying.

When Kai and others saw this, their expressions changed abruptly, and they shouted: "It's the enemy, draw the sword!"

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