I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1238

As soon as the voice fell, the knights held their hands on the sword hilt, and the sound of clank rang, and the cold light flashed in the night, making the dark night even more terrifying.

Shi Lang was not easy, he quickly used the [mortal leader] to give everyone [intuition], and then turned on [Infinite Sword System], took out countless swords, and shot towards King Hassan, like a locust Transit, overwhelming.

Without any sign of stopping, Wang Hassan moved forward slowly, and the surrounding black mist drifted along. The cold murderous intent, if it had substance, formed an excellent protective shield. Countless swords fell on it and were bombed. open.

Shiro sank when he saw this.

After all, he is arrogant. This guy is the Grand Assassin who exists at the same level as King Solomon and the Eternal King. Using such a superficial trick to deal with King Hassan is no different from Gilgamesh holding a deviating sword to deal with the enlightened.

But, why did King Hassan appear here, and also started killing them?

Shirou was puzzled and didn't have time to think about this issue.

The other Knights of the Round Table did the same. Seeing that Shilang’s treasure group had no effect, they took up their weapons one after another and rushed towards King Hassan.

Jahris, who was the first to rush forward, was quite Gao Wen's heroic posture. The sword in his hand was danced so powerfully, and his murderous intentions were revealed.

However, King Hassan ignored it at all and took a slow step forward. The awe-inspiring black mist around him, like a strong wind, shook it out.

"You're kidding? This feeling... is more depressing than the previous king's feeling!" Gerant looked incredulous.

Originally, the Lion King Altria, holding the Holy Spear Lungominiad, was enveloped in an extremely terrifying magical arrogance, like a god. At that time, Gerant knew that the Lion King Altori Ya is invincible, but who would have thought that the person I met here is even more terrifying!

If the Lion King Altoria feels like a god, then the person in front of him is like the end of the gods.

Gerant is an internal affairs officer. Although he has excellent internal affairs ability, he was caught by Wang Hassan's aura for a while, and his body trembled involuntarily.

However, Kai and others are all warriors who have experienced a hundred battles and slayed out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. Naturally, they will not be as embarrassed as him. Looking at the face of King Hassan, they still feel like facing the abyss directly. The sense of despair of death.

Kai gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go!"

The knights rushed forward and slew towards King Hassan.

Upon seeing this, Wang Hassan's eyes flashed with gloomy light, and the black mist hovering around him suddenly violent, like a hurricane, shaking towards the surroundings.

Kai and others are all well-versed in battles, and their reputations are well-known throughout the history of mankind. They are all legendary warriors. However, in the face of the hurricane emanating from the king Hassan, they were like ordinary people. Get out.

Before the knights of the round table approached King Hassan, they were shocked by King Hassan.

When Shi Lang saw this, he did not dare to entrust him.

Although I don't know why King Hassan appeared here, according to the existence of King Hassan, when he appeared, he must kill someone!

Shi Lang's mind moved, and the [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom] was fully activated, and countless [evil] mud surging out of his body, forming a huge wave, slapped toward King Hassan.

The waves formed by this [evil] mud are very powerful, and ordinary heroic spirits are involved, only to be extinct by the [evil] curse and return to the heroic seat.

However, in the face of the overwhelming black mud, Wang Hassan's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the dark night sky, at that moment, endless cold light flickered.

It was not a light cannon, but a trace of the blade waving, but in Shilang's eyes, Wang Hasan did not move at all, even the sword did not pull up, but there were countless sword lights flickering.

[Evil] The sea waves formed by mud are fluid and should not be destroyed by physical attacks. However, after countless cold flashes, [Evil] mud is like a dismembered fat cow, fragmented and scattered on the ground, unable to flow or fail Being dominated is like being [killed].

Shi Lang was shocked, but also deeply understood that this was a swordsmanship beyond Merlin and beyond his understanding.

Shi Lang didn't know how terrifying Wang Hassan's swordsmanship was, because he was not a swordsman, but he knew that he was definitely better than Merlin, and he was incredible!

In front of King Hassan, even Tiamat, a primitive divine body that does not have the concept of [death], will be given the concept of [death] by one of his swords, resulting in the weakness of being killed.

And this is the existence of Grand Assassin, standing at the apex of the heroes.

Shi Lang took out [Opening up the green horizon of Qianshan Mountain (pseudo)], this huge sword of more than 60 meters smashed directly in the past.

Sure enough, when [The Emerald Horizon That Opened Up the Thousand Mountains (pseudo)] fell towards King Hassan, the cold light flickered, and with a "click", the giant sword collapsed and shattered directly, falling on the ground, shaking extremely.

The huge sword fell like a meteorite, shaking the earth.

Shilang yelled anxiously: "This is Grand Assassin! Run! Run away!"

Without thinking about it, Shirou turned around and ran away.

He didn't want to head head-on with Wang Hassan.

Because he knew very well in his heart that he was not Wang Hassan's opponent, at least not now.If you want to head-to-head with King Hassan, you should use him who holds the GrandCaster qualification eternal king record.

After shouting, Shi Lang didn't care what Kai and others thought, so he ran away first.

He didn't want to be killed by King Hassan.

Because once he was murdered by King Hassan, he would return to the endless darkness.

After walking the road of Camelot, Shirou thought that he would no longer have anything to fear, but when his consciousness awakened in his ontology, the darkness that shrouded all senses and existence, and the twisted vortex Shirou did feel fear.

It's like human beings' initial fear of darkness.

Although he didn't understand what happened to his own body, Shirou did not want to return to his body before he was mentally prepared.

This time, he can be summoned by the Lion King Altria, but someone may not be able to summon him next time.

Jerusalem is located in the Mediterranean Sea, and most of its landforms are deserts and mountains.

Dark clouds covered the top and it was pitch black.

Shi Lang ran for a while and entered the desert from the mountains and forests, but he did not dare to slack off at all, because instead of disappearing, the ringing of the bell in Pan Huan's ears was getting louder and louder.

But no matter how strong Wang Hassan is, he is only one person. As long as everyone is dispersed, at least some of them will be able to run away.

In other words, increase the chance of survival.


"When~ When~ When~"

The bell ringing in Huan's ears did not disappear at all, but instead became louder and louder, getting closer and closer, as if a hand of death stretched out from the hell, swaying behind, dragging people into the hell of death at any time.

Then there was the sound of "click, click" iron boots advancing, and a terrifying pressure infected my heart.

Shi Lang took a deep breath, stopped in the desert, turned his head, looked back, his heart sank sharply.

Sure enough, behind him, in the wind and sand, Wang Hassan's figure gradually approached.

He walked slowly like this, but the speed was faster than Shirou's use of the [Evil] thruster.

King Hassan got closer and closer, and the oppression of death was getting closer, and Shi Lang could feel the call of death closely.

However, in this way, Shirou also understood one thing.

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