I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1239

——Wang Hassan, came to him!

Taking a deep breath, Shi Lang's eyes gradually became clearer.

He took out the holy gun Lungominiad, and without thinking about it, threw a light cannon directly at the king Hassan who was chasing after him.

With a "bang", the holy gun Lungominiad's light cannon roared, the scorching white light surging like a tsunami, facing the front door of King Hassan, he rushed towards Huanglong.



As the light cannon of the Holy Gun Lungomiard was advancing, the endless cold light flickered, directly cutting the light cannon of the Holy Gun Lungomiard into pieces and slowly disappearing.

This kind of swordsmanship is incredible!

"Click, click", Wang Hassan got closer and closer, Shilang also saw his face.

Shi Lang asked in a deep voice: "Why are you chasing me? There should be nothing to do between us..."

"My face is the death of life. The night bell has rang, and your destiny has come, you should see me." Wang Hassan's voice was vicissitudes and hoarse, but he had a breathtaking power.

Hearing this, Shi Lang smiled: "Don't say such things, I don't understand. Even if it is a murder, should I give a reason?"

Shiro was talking, looking around, looking for a way to escape, but there was a vast desert around him, there was no shelter, and no one. How could he escape King Hassan's pursuit?

Chapter Twenty-One, Mom is Super Cute

The sky was full of yellow sand and the evening breeze was bleak.

Looking at the approaching king Hassan, Shirou's brows frowned.

He knew in his heart that he was definitely not Wang Hassan's opponent.King Hassan wants to kill him, and he can be said to be sure to die right now, but if he said that he did not resist, Na Shi Lang would not be Shi Lang.

Looking at the approaching king Hassan, Shirou took a deep breath and began to chant in a low voice.

"My body is made of swords."

"Blood is like scorching sun, and heart is like steel clank."

"Across the battlefield, it's not a defeat."

"The heroes are bound, the swords are empty and profitable."

"Although Wan Lei cheered, there is nothing but illusion."

"Buried the sword to Sri Lanka, I will die."

"Therefore, the body made it,'Infinite Sword System'!"


With more than five verses of chanting, Shirou liberated the [Infinite Sword System].

This time, the [Infinite Sword System] that Shiro liberated was not the [Infinite Sword System] he inherited from the Heroic Guardian in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but the [Infinite Sword System] he made by himself. The content of the singing has also changed.

[Infinite Sword System], this is a treasure formed after the awakening of the origin of the Heroic Spirit, Wei Gong, after being tempered.Originally, Shirou was a traverser, and he shouldn’t have possessed the treasure created by the awakening of the Heroic Guardian-[Infinite Sword System], but in the Fourth Holy Grail War, it was due to the spirit of the Heroic Guardian Ji inherited, instead let him inherit [Infinite Sword System].

Later, this [Infinite Sword System] copied many of the treasures of [King’s Treasure]. At the same time, it has experienced the historical process of the Camelot dynasty, so this [Infinite Sword System] has become a spiritual symbol of Shilang instead.

It is precisely because of this that even the main verses sung are different from those of Heroine Eiko or Eiko Shiro.

It is a singing that belongs only to Shiro Fujimaru, and [Infinite Sword System]!

As Shi Lang's last chant fell, the magic tide, with Shi Lang as the source, the surging magic power rippled out, causing the surrounding space to slightly set off waves, and finally the sky changed!

The surrounding desert is gone, and replaced by a wilderness.

In the distant sky, the red sunset slowly fell, burning the clouds on the horizon.

On the earth, dozens of more than 60-meter long [The Green Horizon (Pseudo) that opened up a thousand mountains] pierced the earth, and countless iron chains stretched from the horizon to lock the hilts of these giant swords.

And around these giant swords, sharp weapons were inserted one after another, including swords, guns, knives... and all kinds of weapons, and these weapons were blocked by iron chains.

The burning clouds on the horizon burned the scenery of this world prosperously, rendering a very sad feeling.

The whole world is like a sword grave, a grave.

A grave of murderous weapons.

And this is Shirou's [Infinite Sword System].

If the [Infinite Sword System] of the Heroic Guardian is a steel mill, then the [Infinite Sword System] of Shiro Fujimaru is the sword mound.

The inherent barrier is the manifestation of the mind of the holder, so the huge sword mound in front of you is the manifestation of the mind of Shirou.

He wanted to bury the weapon and was calm from then on, but he was involved in the storm again and again.

Shi Lang clenched his fists, his mind moved, and all of the sharp weapons that had been buried moved suddenly, and the sound of clank was heard.

Upon seeing this, Wang Hassan's eyes rose sharply, and he scolded: "Stupid! Destiny is here, don't resist!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang smiled, and then said with a cold face: "If I believe in fate, I am not the King of Eternity!"

"Get it on me--!"

Shilang yelled, and in an instant, the chains that bound and bound these sharp weapons burst open, and countless sharp weapons rose into the sky, overwhelming the world, and the spirit of Xiao slaughter dominated the entire world.

"With all of me, please die!"

Shi Lang shouted loudly.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of sharp weapons turned into a storm and bombarded King Hassan.

This blow was terrible.

Because of the number...

so horrible!

A single sharp weapon is nothing, but when this sharp weapon is counted in tens of thousands, counted in 100,000, it has already undergone a qualitative change!

Even Shirou himself didn't know how many weapons were hidden in Shirou's [Infinite Sword System].The variety may be no more than two hundred, but the number definitely exceeds 300,000!

Because at the beginning, he had armed his 100,000 hero-level army to the teeth, and those weapons, with his return, were all collected in advance, and they were all placed here.

More than 300,000 weapons bombarded the past, and the momentum was fierce, like a Tianhe bursting into the river!

More than 300,000 weapons bombed, this is Shirou's final trump card in this form!

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