I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1240

In normal times, Shi Lang absolutely can't take it out, and he needs to release the [Infinite Sword System] before it can be released.

In the face of the bombardment of more than 300,000 weapons, even a first-class army of heroic spirits, even an army of gods, Shi Lang could kill him with a number!

Therefore, even if it is the king of Grand Assassin, Hassan, in front of this number, at least...


Shi Lang's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

When these 300,000 or more weapons bombarded the past like a pear blossom rainstorm, Wang Hassan swung his sword and slashed. With a "click", hundreds of thousands of weapons were cut into a road leading to Shilang. Even the sky of [Infinite Sword System] has cracked a gap.

Wang Hassan carried the sword and walked slowly towards Shilang.


Shi Lang stared blankly at King Hassan, who was piercing through the group of weapons and walking towards him, feeling full of amazement.

Crown... Crown Hero...

Is it really so scary?

Shirou admitted that without using the King of Eternity, he must not go head-on with a character like Hassan.

His mind moved, and the remaining weapons were like a huge mouth in the abyss, strangling toward King Hassan who had walked into it.

Taking this opportunity, Shiro took advantage of the [Evil Flower to Freedom] to wrap himself up, eroded the world barrier of [Infinite Sword System], and escaped.

The inherent barrier is a world egg. I originally wanted to escape from the inherent barrier. One is to unlock the inherent barrier on his own. The deviating sword destroyed the infinite sword system.

Shirou is very simple. The power of the curse of the [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom] can erode the barriers of the inherent barrier and escape from it.When he dealt with Fu Hailin back then, he used the [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom] to erode away Fu Hailin's enchantment, which was higher than the inherent barrier.

Escape from the [Infinite Sword System], and then use the inherent barrier characteristics of [Infinite Sword System] to trap King Hassan.Even if King Hassan can't be trapped to death, it can at least hinder his pursuit and kill, allowing Shirou more time to escape.

However, Shi Lang, who had just been wrapped in [evil] mud and escaped from [Infinite Sword System], suddenly tightened his eyes into needles the moment he set foot in the desert outside [Infinite Sword System].

Because, King Hassan, who should have been trapped in the [Infinite Sword System], appeared in front of him faster than him.

Weird, monster...!

Shi Lang sighed, and now that he has to admit that he really can't get through the storm in front of Wang Hassan.

It seems that this time is going to be beaten back.

"When~ When~ When~"

The bell in my ears rang even more, as if the goddess of fate was playing the death knell.

"—Did you hear the bell?"

Wang Ha sauna with a sharp sword, exuding a bitter murderous aura, slowly walked towards Shi Lang, "This is the end of your luck. Accept it, liberate your soul. This is your last chance to rest in peace." ."

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

Wang Hassan swung down his sword, which was so bitter, Shi Lang felt the call of death.

This is a sword that transcends everything, with the curse of death. In game terms, it is a deadly attack!

But it is a pity that this accompanying death curse was restrained by Shirou's [Evil Flower to Freedom] and absorbed.

In terms of the game, it means that Shirou possessing the [Evil Flower to Freedom] possesses great patience for the dead.

This was nothing at all, but at this moment, it gave Shi Lang alive.

With a "click", the ground cracked, and a holy spear Lungominiad rushed out of the ground, stabs Wang Hassan's abdomen directly, and directly pierced it out with a "click".

The insidious blow that was caught off guard caused Wang Hassan’s sword to fall slightly for a moment, and it was this moment that caused the Deshilang to escape his fate of being split in half, but Wang Hassan’s sword falling speed was still very fast. Quickly, with a "chao", Shi Lang's right arm was chopped off.

With blood on his arm, he flew up and down to the ground, splashing blood on the ground.

It hurts!Shi Lang clutched his severed arm and looked at Wang Hassan solemnly.

The holy gun Lungominiad under the ground was previously manifested by Shirou, and was buried in the ground as an ambush at the moment before he decided not to run.

Unexpectedly, the ambush was successful, but he was still cut off by Wang Hassan.

Wang Hassan’s eyes flickered with dim light, and the volley flickered with cold light, and several "clicks", ruining the holy gun Lungominiad, his eyes turned to look straight at Shi Lang, and said in a deep voice: "Ru Can't hide from your destiny."

"Stop talking about this kind of trash! This king doesn't believe in fate!" Shi Lang said with a grim expression.


King Hassan came with a sword, killing intently.

Shi Lang gritted his teeth, he can't be killed by King Hassan!

Not even this Servant body!

He felt it. The moment Wang Hassan dropped his sword, Shi Lang felt that it was him that Wang Hassan was going to kill!

It is to kill him thoroughly with the body!

Shi Lang couldn't describe Wang Hassan's swordsmanship. It could only be said that it was a swordsmanship that had reached an unbelievable realm. It could kill his Servant body while killing his body and completely kill him!

For this reason, Shi Lang absolutely cannot let King Hassan kill him.

Although it is clear that the ontology wanders in the imaginary space and seems to be trapped by something, but——,

But Shiro didn't want to die!

Are you kidding me?Finally survived Camelot's situation, now being killed?

How could this be!

How to allow it?

However, Shi Lang already understood his situation at this moment.

He is exhausted.

It's really a dead end!

He is not King Hassan's opponent, even if his cards are exhausted, he is not King Hassan's opponent.

Grand·Assassin really deserves its reputation!

Holding his severed arm, Shi Lang gritted his teeth while looking at Wang Hassan who was constantly approaching.

what can we do about it?

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