I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1241

But at this time, neither Shi Lang, who was concentrating on the problem, nor King Hassan, who had a heart to kill, did not notice that the arm that fell on the desert was changing.

The broken arm was bleeding with blood, but suddenly black mud flowed out.

One drop, two drops...

The entire broken arm turned into black mud, spreading out in the desert, forming a small hole, rotating like quicksand, like a very small wormhole, connecting an exile area.

In the midst of a slaughter, suddenly--


There was a female voice, very nice, like a mother's ballad.

This voice was... Shi Lang was a little surprised, he had heard this voice.

The moment he responded to the call of the Lion King Altria, he heard this voice in his body.

Wang Hassan also stopped, looking a little surprised.

Black tide flows from the small wormhole.

In an instant, the wind in the desert became colder.

The black tide formed a big hand and threw it at Wang Hassan.

King Hassan drew his sword and waved it to cut off the big hand, but he could not cut off the black tide.


The female voice sounded a beautiful singing voice again.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

A series of beast roars resounded in the desert.

Shi Lang saw countless sphinx monsters, rushing from a distance, as if they were being manipulated by someone, and rushing towards King Hassan.

At the same time, the black tide surrounded King Hassan.

Seeing this, Shi Lang took the opportunity to cover his broken arm and ran away.

At the moment before he left, he turned his head and glanced at King Hassan, who was surrounded by the beasts and the black tide, and said loudly: "Today, I was taken away by your excellency. The king does not complain. Later, when the king recovers his true form, I will ask your Excellency again for advice!"


After speaking, Shiro turned [evil] into a magic thruster, turned and ran away.

He was very clear in his heart that the strange black tide and the Sphinx monster would resist King Hassan for a moment at most, and would soon be killed by King Hassan. He had to run away as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after Shi Lang left, Wang Hassan killed all the surrounding Sphinx monsters.

However, the black tide was more difficult to deal with, and Wang Hasan spent a lot of effort to kill him.

After solving the encirclement problem, Wang Hassan did not chase Shilang, but destroyed the small wormhole formed by Shilang's arm.

After solving the small wormhole, Wang Hassan continued to hunt down.

"The destiny is here, you will offer the first level!"




pS: That's it for today~!

Chapter 22 Look at Sanzang and you will know that the enlightened person is a sorrowful


When Shirou opened his heavy eyelids, the simple and tidy room suddenly came into view.This unfamiliar scene made him stunned. Some familiar voices of communication came from his ears. He quickly turned his head and saw that in this simple room, there are two figures of a man and a woman standing at the door talking. .


Seeing the two figures, Shirou raised his spirit and shouted.

"Huh? Is the donor already awake? Master bless you."

The woman turned her head and looked around, folded her hands together, and said the Buddha's horn.

This woman was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with long black hair that fell straight down her waist, tall and graceful.The appearance is beautiful, there is a kind of submissive gentleness between the eyebrows, like a monk, but the monk costume on his body is extremely exposed, wearing a pink fairy ribbon.

"This shouldn't be your master's blessing, but it's due to Master Sanzang's superb medical skills."

Kai, who was standing next to the woman, said very gratefully to the woman.

Shi Lang frowned, but when he was about to sit up, he felt a sudden pain in his right arm.

Turning his head to see, his right arm had disappeared and was tied up by layers of white bandages, with faint blood stains.

Shi Lang remembered that his right arm had been chopped off by King Hassan.

Seeing Shi Lang chaotic, Kai walked over quickly and said: "Your Excellency Lucius, although we are Servant, it is still terrible to be injured and fatally injured. You should rest more."

"I know, Kay. It's just..." Shirou asked strangely, "Why am I here?"

"This is thanks to Master Sanzang's help." Kai pointed to the revealing woman.

"No, no," the woman named Master Sanzang waved her hand quickly and said, "This is nothing, it just happened that the little monk passed by here."

Shi Lang understood it. Mostly when he was escaping, his magic power was consumed too much, and he passed out and was picked up by the Sanzang Mage. Shi Lang couldn't help but express his gratitude.

"This is nothing, Lucius donor. Oh, yes, I haven't introduced myself yet." Mage Sanzang remembered a little, folded his palms together, and introduced himself: "The poor monk is named Xuanzhuang Sanzang, from Dongtu University. Coming from the Tang Dynasty, I went to the west to worship Buddha and ask for sutras."

"It turned out to be Tang Xuanzhuang Mage." Shi Lang said.

Xuanzhuang Sanzang was very curious, and asked suspiciously: "Lucius donor, know the little monk?"

"I've been in contact with the Enlightened person before, so I know something about you," Shi Lang said.

"Ah...Lu, Lucius donor, you, have you met the master of the little monk?" Xuanzhuang Sanzang widened his eyes and asked.

Shiro nodded.

"No wonder," Xuanzhuang Sanzang smiled: "No wonder the little monk felt the breath of the master when he passed this neighborhood last night, and saw the donor Lucius who fainted in the desert. It turned out that the donor Lucius had seen the master before. , Then, like the little monk, he is a fellow man."

"It's not like people in the same way, it's just a slight intersection." Shi Lang smiled and said, he had seen the Enlightened during the Fourth Holy Grail War, and had also used the Enlightened to avoid Elquit's pursuit. Then the enlightened person gave a lesson, of course, it was a slight overlap.

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