I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1246

I'm afraid you will demolish Nitocris and Ramses II will kill him!

Shi Lang covered his face, then glanced at the smug Nitocris, his heart became even more speechless.

This stupid jackal probably didn't know how big a pit was, and jumped down!

This Xuanzhuang Sanzang, although it looks weak in writing, is actually extremely violent!

Let's not talk about the treasures and the like, just say that she is the person of the enlightened person, who violently beat Nero and beat Gilgamesh's peerless martial arts, can she not learn a few tricks?

Seeing Nitocris who was still smug, Shirou couldn't help showing pity in his eyes.

Your path is getting narrower, brother.

Xuanzhuang Sanzang walked slowly in front of Nitocris.

Nitocris smiled.

Bullying a woman who is weaker than me.Ah... Great Pharaoh, I am so evil!Why is there such an evil woman?

Although thinking so, Nitocris was not ashamed, but proud of it.

Because, adding up in front and behind, after so long, she finally found someone who seemed to be more bullied than her...At this time, it was the time to turn over and become the master!

Xuanzhuang's three Zang palms folded together, looking towards the sky, his delicate face was full of compassion, "Buddha, please close your eyes for the time being, everything is for the karma of going west."

She put down the nine-ring tin rod in her hand, and then rushed towards Nitocris.

Good job!Nitocris yelled in her heart, and then greeted her with her scepter.

The heroic spirits are heroic spirits because they are all brilliant heroes in human history.Some heroes are villains who commit crimes, but more are knights and heroes who pay attention to faith and commitment.

Nitokris felt that Shirou and others were knights and heroes who focused on faith and commitment. If they defeated the Xuanzhuang Sanzang heads-up, they would surely keep their promises and retreat on their own, right?

In this way, she completed the mission of Pharaoh.

As for whether you can defeat Xuanzhuang Sanzang?This is no longer within the scope of Nitocris's thinking, because in her eyes, the compassionate Xuanzang Sanzang exudes a weaker breath that is heavier than her, so why does she have to lose?

Although bullying the weaker is a shameless thing, who would call her such a sinful woman?

At the moment when he was extremely close to Xuanzhuang Sanzang, Nitocris smiled.She has seen the dawn of victory!


Mo had then.

As soon as Xuanzhuang Sanzang approached Nitocris, Thunder shot.

Shi Lang was familiar with the posture of the shot, it was nothing else, it was the "Kalari Payat" of the Enlightened One!

Xuanzhuang Sanzang was very skillful on his side, evading Nitocris’s wand, reaching out and clasping Nitocris’s wrist, twisting it fiercely, and making a clear sound of "crack", Nitok Lisi's triumphant smile became extremely exciting in an instant.

However, it is not over yet, Xuanzhuang Sanzang leaned close to Nitocris’ abdomen, then exerted force on his waist, fell back with a "slap", fell heavily to the ground, and then sat on Nito. Chris' body grabbed her thigh with both hands and bent hard.


Nitocris' waist made a crisp and terrible sound.

"Waist! Waist! My waist! My waist! I admit defeat, I admit defeat! Let go! Let go! Broken, broken!"

Nitocris reached out and slapped the ground, crying out.

Xuanzhuang Sanzang sat on her back, turned her head, and asked strangely, "This is the end?"

"It's over, it's over. Let go...oooo... let go...!"

Nitokris burst into tears.

Xuanzhuang Sanzang put down Nitocris's legs and walked back in front of the Shilang trio with a strange look.

"Good skill, Master Sanzang!" Kai exclaimed.

"No... I feel that this Nietocris donor seems to be playing tricks on me." Xuanzhuang Sanzang said uncertainly.

Jahris asked strangely, "Why did Master Sanzang say this?"

"Heroic spirits should be very strong... and I didn't even get a bit of strength before she fell. It's so weak, it feels like it's pretending to be playing me." Xuanzhuang Sanzang said .

As soon as Xuanzhuang Sanzang said this, Nitocris, who was lying on the ground like a dead person, suddenly curled up with a face of lovelessness.

I'm so weak, so sorry.

Nitocris curled up and tightened her body, only this small space gave her a sense of security.

But this matter is not over.

As Nitocris said, this desert is huge, and without her leading the way, it is easy to get lost in it and ruin.

The caravan must pass through Nitocris and enter the territory of Ramses II, thus turning to its own homeland.Shi Lang and others wanted power and stayed with the caravan to prevent King Hassan from being assassinated again.

However, Nitocris, who was a guide, lay on the ground and completely played a rogue. She didn't want to take the caravan and Shiro to the realm of Ramses II.

"That's not so good, Nitocris?" Shirou sighed while looking at Nitocris, who fell to the ground, and said: "We were singled out against you according to your request. And our opponents , But you picked it yourself. Now playing a rogue, isn't it right?"

"I'm not a rascal! In short, the Pharaoh is dead, and the Servant is not allowed to enter it. I am sincere and loyal to the Pharaoh. Even if you put a knife on my neck, cut off my head and gouged my eyes. , Destroy my body, and I will not take you to the Pharaoh's territory!" Nitocris sat up, with a face of righteousness and stalwart, like Wen Tianxiang who left a famous sentence from the past, mighty and unbending.

Seeing Nitocris who persisted so persistently, Shirou was deeply impressed.

He likes this kind of hard bones with persistence and integrity, just like the original Alte Luci, and resolutely refuses to be his spy.

Thinking about it now, the voice and face of Alte Luci are still vivid, Shirou felt very emotional, and then satisfied Nitocris' request, he took out the knife and put it on her neck.

And then……

There is no more.

Nitocris obediently led the way.

"Uuuuu... Pharaoh knows, he will kill me, I am sure I can't even make a mummy!" Nitocris led the way while watching Shi Lang using the hand of [evil] The blade on his neck cried out.

"Furthermore, I will cut your hair first, and then destroy your eyes and skin, so that you can survive as a mummy!" Shilang said fiercely.

Nitocris cried harder.

Shi Lang said with a wicked face: "Cry again! You cry, and I will scratch your beautiful skin! Don't think I can't do it, I am, hehe...I like to ruin the face of a beauty. "

Nitocris stopped her mouth, looked at Shirou timidly, and then tremblingly led the way.

Because Nitocris still doesn't want to be mummified alive compared to being unable to be mummified after death.

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