I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1247

At this time, she realized that the most vicious person was this little one!

Seeing Nitocris, who was finally willing to cooperate well, Shirou felt slightly wider.

Therefore, reasoning can only tell the reasonable people, and it is better to use the tricks of the rascals.

It's just that, in this way, Nitocris was forced to make the road, and the people in the team were quite criticized.

Jahris, Xuanzang Sanzang needn't say much, the people in the caravan are also quite complaining.

Of course, because Nitocris was the messenger of Ramses II and the goddess of the desert, this was also forcibly treated by Shirou, and the people in these caravans naturally made a lot of criticism.

However, this did not affect Shirou.

Shirou is not someone who will be affected by what others say. He knows what he is doing.

Reasonable with Nitocris?Grind slowly?

In fact, I have tried it before, and Nitocris definitely does not want to take them into the desert, because Ramses II has this order.Therefore, we can only change to tough methods. Otherwise, once they are dropped by the caravan, King Hassan will bring up the sword and kill them.

However, mentioning King Hassan...

Shi Lang turned his head slightly and looked behind the troops. There was a burly figure in the distant sand.

There is no doubt that Wang Hassan is still following him, waiting for opportunities.

Kai also noticed this situation and walked quickly to Shirou's side and whispered: "Your Excellency Lucius, the crowned Assassin is still following us, what should we do?"

"The crowned Assassin is following us? Why don't I know? I didn't see it." Shirou said.

Kai was stunned, then reacted, and said admiringly: "Yes! We didn't see any Assassin champions! Here are all his own people, where is the champion Assassin!"

With the shameful guy Nitocris leading the way, soon everyone saw the faint shadow of the pyramid in the distance.

The caravan leader exclaimed ecstatically: "Here! Here! We are in the territory of the Sun King!"

Looking at the distant shadow of the pyramid in the distance, and the vision of the city developed around the pyramid, Shi Lang Xin said, finally arrived.

Shirou was relieved, Ramses II produced a prosperous city at this peculiar point. Among the prosperous cities, Wang Hassan should more or less converge.

Unlike everyone's joy, Nitocris looked at the city getting closer and closer, feeling like an ice cellar, shaking all over.

How to do?

what should I do?

Nitocris was shaking all over, feeling that she was getting closer and closer to death.

Not to mention the failure to complete the mission sent by the Pharaoh, the failure to find the Holy Grail thrown by the Lion King in the desert, and the inexplicable killing of the Sphinx Legion, and now he brought in the Servant, whom the Pharaoh had strictly forbidden to enter. ...

The counts of these counts are simply exhausted!


What should I do?

Pharaoh will definitely make me unable to make a mummy, oh...

Nitokris felt very sad, and then glanced at Shi Lang who was using a knife on her neck, and she wailed in her heart, it was this guy!All this villain!

"Huh? Are you looking at me, Miss Nitocris?" Shirou turned his head to look at Nitocris, showing a gentle smile, his eyes bright as fire: "Do you think I'm cute?"

Can I slap you twice?

Nitokris thought.

Chapter 25 With this slap, you are afraid that you are not going to die on the spot!

Shi Lang and others walked forward.

Far away, a huge pyramid stands tall, proud of the blue sky, looking very magnificent.

Xuanzhuang Sanzang looked at the phantom of the pyramid in the distance, and said with a smile: "That's the Pharaoh's pyramid. It's really a long experience. If you're only in the Middle Earth Tang, you can't see this style of architecture." Yeah. Well, this is the record of my Westward Journey. When I go to the West Tianling Mountain, I need to tell Master this thing."

Hearing this, Shi Lang looked at the Xuanzhuang Sanzang and asked: "Yes, Master Sanzang. You are talking about the West Tianling Mountain, are you talking about India?"


Xuanzhuang Sanzang nodded and said with a smile: "In modern terms, it is indeed India. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Shaking his head, Shi Lang was really embarrassed to tell her that she had already passed her head and this was already the Mediterranean region.

At this time, the dark clouds covered the top and the sky thunder rumbling. The camels under everyone were shocked and restless.

"what is that?"

"My God! What is that?"

"What a big eye!"


Everyone in the caravan exclaimed, only to see that on the towering pyramid in the distance, a golden light flashed suddenly, and a huge golden eye appeared.It is very similar to the eye on the Millennium artifact of Yu-Gi-Oh.

This sudden change made Te Shilang alert.

Kay and Jahris drew their swords one after another, secretly warning.

"Ho, the eye of Horus..."

Nitocris looked at the eye on the pyramid as if she was frightened. She trembled and murmured to herself tremblingly: "Finished, finished, Fa and Pharaoh are awake! I, I even have mummies. It can't be done...uh..."

"Yu is Ozmandias, the king of kings!"

When the Eye of Horus opened at the top of the pyramid, the low and majestic voice resounded continuously throughout the desert, like the sound of the sky high.

"It's the Sun King!"

"This voice... is the Sun King!"

Everyone in the business traveler was ecstatic, and one by one turned over from the camel and bowed to the ground.

The caravan leader shouted: "Sun King, we are merchants in Jerusalem, we are going to your territory. I hope you can protect us and let us pass!"

"Yu is brilliant! Shine on everything! Very good, that's it. Let Yu's light shine even more!"

The haughty voice of Ozmandias resounded, and the light of the Eye of Horus on the pyramid became more brilliant, like a dazzling sun, with the clear sky shining all over the earth.

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