I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1249

Why did she, she ate lard at the time, so she felt that this woman was a bully?

This, this even Pharaoh's pyramid was directly hacked!

Wait, this woman who seems to be bullying is so terrible, so is the weaker looking child more perverted?

Nitokris glanced at Shirou quietly, and her scalp became even more numb.

In fact, Shiro also sighed at the power of Xuanzhuang Sanzang's palm.

By the way, since Xuanzhuang Sanzang is so strong, how about a way to let her slap Wang Hassan?

Shi Lang thought so in his heart, walked over, and couldn't help but admire: "Master Sanzang, you are really amazing!"

"No, no, it's not that I'm good, but my master is good!" Xuanzhuang Sanzang waved his hand quickly and said, "My palm is just a little bit of strength from my master... But actually, I also find it strange. At that time, Master wouldn’t lend me so much power. Why do you lend me so much power now? Isn’t the Sun King’s behavior that even Master can’t stand it? It shouldn’t be, Master wouldn’t be involved in human affairs. ..."

Xuanzhuang Sanzang looked at his palm, seeming a little puzzled.

Obviously, the power of [Five Elements Mountain? Sakyamuni Buddha Palm] exceeded the Xuanzang Sanzang's own expectations, and the reason for this result was that the Enlightened One had borrowed a little more power from the Xuanzang Sanzang.

And this caused the Xuanzhuang Sanzang to slap Ozmandias' grave with one slap, and his life and death are still unknown.

This is not called Xuanzhuang Sanzang, this is called One Punch Man!

Shi Lang squinted his eyes and looked up and down the Xuanzhuang Sanzang, the gaze that had once looked at Guiniweier and Merlin.

He appreciates such a capable person.

At this moment, laughter resounded from the ruins of the distant pyramid.

"Unexpectedly, I broke Yu's pyramid! Yes, yes, really capable, Yu Zhen is exuberant and sincerely complimented. Hahaha!"

Hearing Ozmandias' laughter, Nitocris looked at the ruined pyramid in the distance, her heart slightly wider.Great!Pharaoh did not die on the spot!

In the ruins of the pyramid, a black spot appeared, and then a huge, shining shining boat soared into the sky and soared towards Shilang and others.

Ozmandias' laughter got closer and closer as the ship approached. Obviously, Ozmandias was on this glorious flying ship!

"Master Sanzang, give him another palm!" Shi Lang instigated.

"No, no. I have asked the Lord Buddha to close his eyes twice today. If the Lord Buddha closes his eyes for the third time. I, I will be beaten to death by the Lord Buddha..." Xuanzhuang Sanzang shook his head quickly. As if thinking of something terrible, he said with a pale face.

Shiro: "..."

Ok!The enlightened person is indeed very careful, if he closes his eyes for the third time, it is impossible to say that Xuanzhuang Sanzang will really die on the spot!

At this time, Ozmandias drove the spacecraft to the top of everyone, and laughed and said: "It is an honor to see Yu Zhizheng! The true posture of the sun!"

Ozmandias' eyes swept across the earth, and the businessmen were so frightened that they did not dare to look at Ozmandias.

Ozmandias finally fixed his gaze on Xuanzhuang Sanzang's body, and laughed loudly: "Woman, did you destroy Yu's pyramid?"

"It's a poor monk!" Xuanzhuang Sanzang said.

"Very well. Yu admires you very much. You are the first person who can destroy Yu's pyramid. You have achieved that even the Almighty God has failed to achieve the great cause of ears. Yu Shen was surprised and surprised. Therefore, Yu Dang bestowed it. The desperate death of you excellent! Hahaha!" Ozmandias laughed.

Kay and Jahris stepped forward, squeezed the sword in their hands, and pointed the tip of the sword at Ozmandias.

They did not speak, but their behavior had already revealed their will.

"Oh? Rebelling against Yu? Rebelling against the Pharaoh? Really stupid! How does the ant fight against the sun?" Ozmandias laughed: "The Pharaoh on the earth is omnipotent, and all living beings are in Yu's hands! Knight, hero For Yu, he is nothing more than a mass of beings, not worth mentioning. Since you want to set off a flag of rebellion against Yu, Yu will give you destruction!"

Ozmandias laughed.

His pyramid was destroyed by the Xuanzang Sanzang, Ozmandias was not angry, but laughed, but he would give the Xuanzang Sanzang to destroy it.

And the resistance of Kay and Gahris is not worthy of him.

He is such a person, extremely similar to Gilgamesh, arrogant, lonely, self-centered, and possesses all the qualities of a tyrant.

But the king of the classical age, who is not like this?It's just that some kings disdain to hide, and some kings disguise themselves with benevolence, justice, morality and other things.

Ozmandias' heart to kill has been set, and no one can stop him from destroying the people here.

He was full of murderousness, and his gaze fell on Shilang's body inadvertently. He was still laughing, and his expression was fierce, and his murderous aura could not help but stagnate.

"...It's really unexpected to Yu, there is still a luminous person here." Ozmandias muttered to himself.

Everyone couldn't figure it out and didn't understand why Ozmandias, who was still murderous, suddenly stopped.

"I didn't feel such a strong breath of the king... I didn't notice it until now. It's really disrespectful." Muttered to himself for a moment, Ozmandias turned his head, looked at Shi Lang, and asked: "Ru Who is it?"


Kai and Jahris looked at each other, and then their gazes fell on Shirou's body, very surprised.

Lord Lucius is the king?




pS: That's it for today, good night~!

Chapter 26. It’s good to be mummified, and to be mummified...

"Cowardly, too cowardly. Such a breath of the king, but I didn't notice it for a while, this is also nothing to do. Yu is the Pharaoh, the incarnation of the sun, the glorious light shines on all things, there is no glory when you stand before Yu , There is no way. Hahaha!"

Among the pyramids, Ozmandias held up a golden cup full of fine wine, and laughed at Shi Lang sitting in front of the banquet below.

"Pharaoh's glory is indeed brilliant, but if you use it to degrade others, you can't lift yourself up, Pharaoh." Shi Lang responded with a glass.

After Ozmandias sensed Shirou's identity, he did not attack.

In the words of Ozmandias, although the king does not exist on an equal footing with the pharaoh who is the absolute, it is possible to occasionally guide the king who cannot become a pharaoh. Therefore, the kings of foreign nations come to admire the stalwart sun. Never refuse.

Of course, Shirou heard this guy's pride and desire to express himself.

"That's wrong, the king of foreign nations. Although the pharaoh is also a king, the pharaoh is absolute. Whether it is a hero who is famous for bravery, a magician who performs mystery, or a king praised by a foreign country. Either way is just being praised. The numerous beings dominated by the pharaohs are not worth mentioning. Yu Nai is the pharaoh among the pharaohs, the absolute king, and the first king! Worship, more than allowed!” Ozmandias laughed loudly. .

This guy……

Shi Lang was speechless, and Ozmandias and Gilgamesh got together, maybe they could collide with different sparks, but he suddenly lost interest in communicating with Ozmandias.


Shiro's gaze swept across the tattered ruins, and like an auntie, he was cleaning the surrounding floor tiles, and his eyes were tearful from time to time, staring at Ozmandias like a puppy like Nitok. Liz.

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