I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1250

Yes, the place where Ozmandias held the banquet was the pyramid that was slapped to pieces by the Xuanzang Sanzang.

Kay and Jahris also looked at Ozmandias with weird faces.

As if perceiving the weird gazes of Kay and Jahris, Ozmandias asked, "You wait, but are you caught by the glory of the Yuzhi King City?"

Kay was so upset about Ozmandias’ previous attack on the caravan, so he sneered: “This doesn’t look like a royal city, but like a beggar’s den.”

Hearing this, Ozmandias was not irritated, but laughed and said: "Yu originally thought that King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table were more or less glorious people, but did not want to be a group of people with wine and food.

Jahris and Kay frowned.

"Let Yu tell you to wait. Yu is the first king in ancient times, the absolute one, as the radiant sun, the largest and strongest pharaoh. Where is the pharaoh, where is the king city!" Ozmandias Smiled.

Kai and Jahris looked at Ozmandias with a little surprise. They thought that Ozmandias was a very small and tyrannical monarch, but these words sounded magnanimous and majestic.

Shi Lang was not surprised that Ozmandias, like Gilgamesh, were both self-centered, arrogant and arrogant in the late stage of the second disease, but his mind was still very open.

But why does Ozmandias, who is so open, prohibit Servant from entering his territory?

After a while, Shiro asked this question.

"Huh. You are called by the Lion King. You should know what the Lion King is going to do. Although the Lion King is a king, he refuses to obey Pharaoh's guidance. It is a violation of Pharaoh's law. War is a matter of time. Naturally, the Servant cannot be allowed to enter the rest of the territory, lest the dark things rejected by the sun enter." Ozmandias said.

It sounds very secondary, but Ozmandias's meaning is very simple, that is, he is unhappy with the Lion King Altria's Saint Bale, and sooner or later he will go to war with her.The Servant is forbidden to enter his territory to prevent spies from entering.

Of course, this guy spoke really nicely, as if the Lion King was vulnerable in front of him.

But in fact, in "FGO", before the Lion King completes Saint Bale, neither Ozmandias nor the Lion King can do anything about it. It was not until the arrival of Chaldea that the deadlock was completely broken.

Now, it is different.

Because Shirou was called, the situation was very different from Chapter 6 of "FGO".First of all, Kai waited for the Knights of the Round Table who were supposed to be killed by the Lion King at the beginning. Under Shiro’s prompt, all but Lan Mallok survived. In addition, King Hassan, who was supposed to be a helper, is now chasing them. .

The situation is fundamentally different from the sixth chapter of "FGO".

However, since Ozmandias opposed Saint Bale and personally said that sooner or later he would be on the bar with the Lion King, then he could try to win, and work together to defeat the Lion King and liberate this peculiarity.

Kay and Jahris felt dull.

They are King Arthur's round table knights, but King Arthur has fallen and gave up the resistance to King Solomon, Riyasu, which means that he has also given up the glory of the heroic spirit.As knights, they had to raise the banner of rebellion for this.

They had planned to stabilize the situation first, and then solve the Lion King as early as possible, so that they could also defend the glory of King Arthur.

In this way, the other kings will not know about this, and they still respect and respect King Arthur, but who would have thought that there will be the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Ramses II, that is, Ozmandi Yas!

In this way, the glory of King Arthur will be lost!

Kay and Jahris both sighed in their hearts. The so-called humiliating ministers died, they first had this feeling of helplessness and powerlessness towards them.

At this time, Ozmandias said: "However, the Lion King will choose Saint Bale, and Yu can still understand."

"What do you mean, Pharaoh?" Kay looked at Ozmandias, and asked emotionally: "Are you in favor of my king's saint? The people who favor my king in front of King Solomon's Riyaki. Do you want to perform Saint Balat without resistance?"

He couldn't control his emotions. He was the elder brother of King Arthur, but he could only watch the Lion King walk on the path of total abandonment and non-resistance. This was simply a denial of everything that King Arthur had experienced before him!

"King Solomon's people are fired? So that's it, haven't you noticed it yet?" Ozmandias laughed loudly, and said with an arrogant expression: "It is not the so-called one who forced the king to choose Saint Bale. The people of King Solomon were burned, but humans [evil]!"

"Human, human [evil]?" Kai and Jahris looked at each other.

Shirou's brows couldn't help but raised, and his heart said, is it true that Ozmandias has noticed the truth about Gettia?

"Yes, it is the human [evil]. Or it is the old enemy of Yu and other heroes-Beast!" Ozmandias said.


Kay vomited the term lightly, frowning.

After being sublimated by legend and becoming a hero, the hero will be given a recognition and mission by the hero.

That is a natural enemy, an enemy that must be destroyed!

And that is human evil, Beast!

The so-called human evil, as literally means, is the stain of mankind, referring to various disasters that destroy mankind.The more human beings develop, the stronger they will be, just like cancer that cannibalize the body from the inside of society.In other words, it is the silt deposited in human history.

Because it is a disaster caused by the animal nature of humans, it is called "beast", which is the Beast rank.They have the characteristics of individual appearance, can appear alone in the world, and also have charm resistance, as well as resistance to attacks such as parallel worlds or time retrograde, also known as fate or death resistance.

Beast, from Beast I to Beast VII as the last beast, there are a total of seven beast powers.

And these are all Kai's knowledge of the beast.

"Pharaoh, what do you mean..." Kay raised his eyebrows, and he realized what Ozmandias meant.

"Yes, the culprit of Renriyaki is not King Solomon. It's Beast disguised as King Solomon!" Ozmandias said.

The culprit of Renriyaki is Beast?...Kay was stunned, frowned, and asked: "How did you know?"

"Huh! Pharaoh on the earth is omnipotent! Everything is in Yu's hands! How can Yu not notice it? Besides, this foreign king, looking at your expression, I am afraid that this matter is also very clear, right?" Oz Mandias pointed at Shirou and said.

Kay and Jahris turned their heads and looked at Shirou in surprise. Your Excellency Lucius also knows?

Shiro nodded and said, "I do know it. It is indeed not King Solomon that caused people to be burned, but Beast. Beast holding the principle of'compassion'."

Hearing this, Ozmandias looked at Shirou with a little surprise, and said: "It's quite capable, the king of foreign nations. He actually noticed the principles of beasts that Yu could detect."

Shi Lang smiled and didn't respond.He knows more than that.

He also knew that Beast-Gatia, disguised as King Solomon, lost a Holy Grail in the Mesopotamian plains, which led to the appearance of the second Beast-Tiamat.

As a matter of fact, Shi Lang, a traverser, knows a lot, such as Beast's distribution, candidates, and the power of the beast.

For example, Getia, he is BeastⅠ with the principle of'compassion'; BeastⅡ is Tiamat with the principle of'return'; BeastⅢ is the killing house Kiara and Mara with the principle of'Eros'; BeastⅣ It’s Cathy Parruge who holds the logic of “comparison”...

Beast Ⅵ was once summoned by the Root Empress Sajo Love Song, the apocalypse of the "Bible", the beast of 666.

As for the other Beasts, especially the most important Beast Ⅶ, which represents the end of everything, Shirou didn't know, because before he crossed over, there was no exact setting.

"My king realized that King Solomon who put the singularity was actually a Beast, so he gave up resistance and chose Saint Bale?" Gahris murmured.

"It's not clear about this, but if it's just a beast, that King Arthur, who has already begun to deify, must not be so." Ozmandias put down the wine glass, the rest of the smile on his face gradually disappeared. I got up and said flatly:

"Beast will appear in a chain. When a Beast appears, other Beasts will appear in a chain. The world where human evil appears will usher in further disasters toward the'end evil'. Once Beast I appears, then Beast Ⅶ, the beast of the end, will definitely appear in a certain corner of the world at a certain moment. But the problem is that now as far as I can detect, there are already four Beast's beast powers appearing at the same time. "

"Four, four!?"

Kai and Jahris looked stunned, and the quietly seated Xuanzou Sanzo clenched their fists.

Shi Lang frowned.

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