I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1264

Kay has nothing to say.

Shi Lang didn't say anything, it was just a pity.

"What about you, Mordred?" Shirou looked at Mordred and asked.

"I am redundant... I am redundant..."

Well, this bear kid is still autistic.

Ozmandias snapped his fingers again, closed the cages, and held them down, continuing to use them as batteries for the Glory Grand Complex Temple.

Ozmandias turned his head, looked at Shirou, and said: "The red dragon of Britain, since you have been chased by that one, you should stay in Yu's territory temporarily. In this way, I can take care of you. One or two."

"However, some of our partners are still wandering away." Shirou said in trouble.

"Hahaha..." Ozmandias laughed, and said, "What should I assume? It turned out to be this. Don't worry, it will be a matter of time for Yu to go to war with the Lion King. The knight really has some abilities, and he will naturally find it."

Shiro understood Ozmandias' intentions.

Ozmandias is preparing for a possible battle with the Lion King.

At this moment, the treasures of Ozmandias, the two treasures-[Dark Night Sun Boat] and [Hot Sand Sphinx] were all destroyed by King Hassan, and even the core [Glory Grand Complex Temple] The power of the enlightened person of the Xuanzang Sanzang has been broken by more than half, and now the combat power is greatly damaged. If you fight the Lion King, there is almost no chance of winning, so this is how to win Shilang and others.

And the release of Gerante is actually a good action.It's just that he is as arrogant and high-profile as ever, so people can't tell, in fact, he has no confidence.

Of course, other than that, Ozmandias wooed Shirou and others in order to resist another attack by King Hassan.

Although Wang Hassan's goal is Shilang only, even if others can see this, they are not sure.Therefore, Ozmandias had to strengthen his fighting power in preparation for resisting the Lion King and King Hassan.

In addition, it was the demon that King Hassan said.

Although Ozmandias seems to be a late-stage secondary disease and stupid, since he can become Ramses II, who has achieved world-renowned achievements, how can he be a simple character?

In fact, even a loser can not be a simple person who can make a name in history.

Ozmandias had a clear grasp of the situation in his heart.

And Shiro is the same.

The common goal of both parties is to defeat the Lion King, guard against King Hassan, and the devil in the mouth of King Hassan.It was called Lang Youqing's concubine, and it hit it off, so Shi Lang agreed to Ozmandias and stayed.

In order to show his kindness, Shiro also used [evil] mud to form thin threads, and stitched Ozmandias' head and body with needles.

Ozmandias turned his neck and found that his head would no longer fall off. He was overjoyed and couldn't help but praised: "King Arthur, you are so ingenious."

"Thank you," Shi Lang said.

Ozmandias prepared a residence for Shirou and the others. It was located near the Sha Guanghui Grand Compound Temple, which was in the center of the city.

Shi Lang confessed his identity at the banquet. He thought it was just a storm and it would pass soon.

But soon he understood that he really made the problem simple.

For example, now, Kai carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes, came to Shirou, and said, "Come on, Genieville, this is my scorpion mixed mashed potatoes. Come and try it.

Sitting at the table, Shi Lang, who was drinking porridge, looked at the black mashed potatoes, and suddenly lost his appetite for porridge.

Looking up at Kai with his shiny eyes, Shirou couldn't help asking: "Kay, what do you want to do? Two days, rubbing against me every day, what do you want to do?"

Two days have passed since the banquet ended, and during these two days, wherever he went, the three knights including Kai followed, and he made food for Shilang from time to time.

What is this?


Your uncle!

"You are King Arthur, I am the Knights of the Round Table, of course I want to treat you better." Kai rubbed his palms and said with a grin.

Seeing Kai rubbing his palms, Shi Lang became alert.

Shirou doesn't know the Kai of other worlds, but his Kai, whenever he rubs his palms, it means something is about to happen.

When he was in Aktor Manor, Shi Lang was often pitted to help Kai.

"If you have anything, just tell it straight." Shi Lang said.

"Oh... it's really King Arthur, you know what you have done!" Kai praised him with admiration, then rubbed his palms and asked with a grin: "That's... that's right... I just want to ask, in your card Melori, how's Al's doing?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang said with a strange look: "Didn't you have told you before? She is my chief knight, fighting on the battlefield, high in authority."

"It's not that...I mean...hehehe...I mean," Kai rubbed his palms, a little embarrassed, and some eagerly asked: "I mean, does Al normally marry a wife and have children... …Ah! No, I mean getting married and starting a business?"

"Oh, I see. You mean, did she find a man, right?" Shilang asked.

"Yes, yes! That's what it means!" Kai nodded quickly.

This is his long-cherished wish!

Kai's long-cherished wish is not for himself, but for his sister-Altria.And his long-cherished wish is actually very simple, that is to let Altria live as a woman, not as a king.

Originally confirming Shirou's identity as a king, he was very surprised. There is a world of Al who did not become a king, and he thought that Al had become Shiro's Wanwang princess. In the end, he did not, and he also became a knight.

Although disappointed, Kay is still looking forward to it.Looking forward to Al in that world, being able to be happy as a woman.

"Unfortunately, no." Shi Lang shook his head, "At least before I left, Al did not have a family."

Shi Lang muttered in his heart, who would dare to marry that lioness?

Although his Al is indeed good enough, younger than the Lion King and younger than the Lion King, and his appearance is very pretty, people can't help but greedy her body, but it was killed in the army, that's it. The value of force...Let's pull it down, and the lioness is indeed a bit terrifying when it blows up. Which man doesn't want to marry a tender, tender and beautiful girl?

And most importantly, that lioness is too edible!

In Camelot, who can afford her except the royal family?

"Are you sure?" Kai couldn't help but ask.

"No." Shi Lang nodded, "You know, she can eat too much. Even if someone wants, but looking at the wallet, there is no courage. Money is a big problem!"

Kay: "..."

Kay felt that he had a stomachache suddenly. After all, he knew that there was a sister in the world who existed as a king. What happened?The result is too much food to marry?

This is too real, right?

Doesn't that pig head know how to exercise restraint?How about pretending that you have a small appetite before marriage?

Kay is like those parents who urge marriage in modern times, and they have the urge to cut Al with a knife.

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