I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1265

Think about it carefully, there is now an Al in this singularity, and he is also preparing to hold a Saint Barbara!

Well, this kind of urge to hack someone would fall on her.

Kai thought so.

The Lion King would never have thought of it. Because of this, her dear brother, Sir Kay, who was thinking about her parents, had another motivation to cut her.

But what Kai didn't know was that, in fact, Shiro had thoughts about Al when he was in Camelot, and he lived there for a year at the Aktor Manor.

Only later, forced to complete the record of the Eternal King, to return to the modern world, lest the world becomes a strange news zone and be cut off, so I pressed that thought and Qi Nian deep in my heart and cut it off.




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Dove one day first today and I will make up later.

I just came back, today I will dove one day first, and I will make up later, please rest assured~!

A hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words A hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words

Chapter 34 This is a toil!

Jerusalem is located in the Middle East, far away from the ocean, so it is dominated by desert landforms. However, because Jerusalem is controlled by the Mediterranean climate, Jerusalem is also known as an oasis in the desert, and it is a must for business in the Middle East.

However, a few months ago, the crusaders of the Eastern Expedition used the Holy Grail to summon the heroic spirits including the Lion King Altria Ainet, but they were destroyed by the Lion King instead.

The other heroic spirits summoned were killed by the Lion King, while others were missing.Among them, Ozmandias occupied the Judean Desert leading to Jerusalem, created the city, and proclaimed himself the Sun King.

All merchants who trade through the Judean Desert will pass here, and they can stay in this city regardless of their religious beliefs.Unknowingly, this desert lone city has developed into a fairly prosperous classical city.

The flow of people is dense and it is very prosperous.

A caravan from Mukebair Mountain, after being checked by the guard, slowly stopped at the gate of the city.

The caravan leader is a small, slender Middle Easterner with a black skin and a white turban.

He looked at the prosperous city with a little emotion. This is the city where he is about to show off his skills and make a fortune.

Suddenly, a rather gentle male voice rang in his ear: "Is this the territory of the Sun King?"

The caravan captain turned his head and saw that it was a pretty handsome knight.

He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with long silver hair curled up, and a pair of gentle emerald green eyes. He looked very handsome.He has long arms and legs, wearing a silver armor and a white cloak.

Because of the Crusades, religious conflicts were fierce, and the cities along the way were chaotic. Robbers were everywhere. If a businessman wanted to travel a long distance to do business, if he didn't hire a guard, it was not a business to make money, and he was looking for death.

And this knight was hired by the caravan captain from Mount Mukaibel. He was handsome and gentle. Although he was a man, he had a woman's gentleness.

What's more commendable is that this knight is so strong that one person can compare to a fully armored guard.

But this knight is also quite weird.

The caravan leader looked at the silver-haired knight's right arm subconsciously. It was not a normal arm, but a silver arm.Maybe it is a magic device, or some taboo magic.

The caravan leader was not surprised, because on the side of Mount Mukabair, a Hassan master also refined a rather strange hand.

Facing the knight’s question, the caravan captain nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Lucius Knight."

"You don't have to call me, Lord Knight, Captain. Although I am a knight, I can't bear your honorific name." The knight who claimed to be Lucius shook his head, then looked at the city and said with a smile: " However, this is the territory of the Sun King... It's really prosperous. When you said it at first, I didn't quite believe it."

"The Sun King is a god, this is a city made by gods." The caravan leader smiled and took the words, then took some coins from his pocket and handed them to the knight's hands, saying: "This is the reward that I said before. "

"Thank you so much." The knight smiled.

It was a pretty bright smile, enough to make people feel that flowers were in full bloom, and the caravan leader felt his heart moved.

Damn it!

The caravan captain cursed in his heart, and quickly distanced himself from the knight.

Although the knight is beautiful enough, he is rich and can afford to marry a wife, so he doesn't want to just bend.

"Wait a minute, Captain." The knight called to him.

Is it giving less?The caravan captain turned his head suspiciously, looked at the knight vigilantly, and said, "What's the matter, Your Excellency Lucius? I said it was thirty silver coins, I didn't give it less!"

"I gave two more." The knight took out two silver coins and handed them to the caravan leader.

"That's it..."

The caravan captain nodded and looked at the knight with some admiration.In this age of war, no one has money, but the knight did not take advantage. He was really a knight of good quality.

"Speaking of which, Lord Lucius is planning to go to Jerusalem, right?" the caravan leader asked.

"Yes." The knight nodded.

"There, right now is the center of the war, it is not very safe. I went there once last year, but it was difficult to escape. I suggest that you still don't go, it will be life-threatening." The caravan leader persuaded.

"Thank you for your kind reminding." The knight smiled, and then said solemnly: "But I have a reason to go."

"Really, then I won't persuade you. But at last you will rest in the land of the Sun King to see if there are any caravans that go to Jerusalem to do business. If you have one, go with you. This way, You won't get lost in the desert," said the caravan leader.

"Thank you for your suggestion." The knight behaved well and politely.

"You're polite, it's nothing, Brother Cavaliers." The caravan captain said with a smile.He would not have said so many suggestions to people, especially to those with high power like knights, because the misfortune comes out of the mouth, it is easy to cause murder, but this little knight is very gentle, and it is too comfortable to get along with him. , So the caravan leader couldn't help but persuade a few words.

And this little knight who claimed to be "Lucius" would naturally not be persuaded by him.

This knight’s real body is actually not the so-called Lucius. Lucius is just the gauze he used to cover up his true identity. His true identity is actually one of the Knights of the Round Table who was not summoned by the Lion King—— Bedwell!

"Five hundred years of immortality...I finally came here..."

Bedwell held his silver right arm and looked up at the ruined pyramid in the distance, his eyes flashing firm.

Wang, this time, I will definitely...!

Bedwell clenched his fists.

The newcomers are lining up to enter the city of the Sun King, and Bedwell is among them.

The city’s guards are registering and interrogating the surnames, names and places of arrival of the outsiders. The team is very crowded and the efficiency of entering the city is quite slow.

Bedwell was fine, but the caravan captain was puzzled: "It's strange, when I came here before, there weren't so many famous people!"

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