I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1266

Bedwell's heart moved and asked, "What was it like before, Captain?"

"In the past, I used to go in when I wanted to, and out when I wanted to... How can it be troublesome now?"

The caravan leader was puzzled that the journey to the Sun King's territory was hard at most, but entering the city is not so famous.

The same person who entered the city on the side said: "That was before, now it's different."

The caravan leader moved his heart, turned his head to look at him, and couldn't help asking: "Why is it different now?"

"Before there was only one Sun King, but now, it's the twin kings in the same sky!" said the person.

"Huh?" The caravan leader was taken aback for a moment and asked: "When did this city have another king?"

"Probably half a month ago. Half a month ago, a King Arthur came. The Sun King assigned him the power to manage the city, and he made this one out... Huh? The little knight, you use What are you doing with such terrible eyes looking at me?" The man couldn't help shaking because Bedwell was staring at him.

The man looked at Bedwell's well-equipped armor, swallowed, and couldn't help asking, "Is there anything going on, Brother Knight?"

Bedwell knew he had lost his attitude, and quickly sorted out his posture, tried to maintain his state of mind, and asked: "You said, you said that the Sun King controls the city together, who is it?"

"Ah, King Arthur!"


Bedwell yelled.

"How could it be King Arthur?"

Bedwell was somewhat unable to remain calm.Because he always remembered how the flower magician told him the state of King Arthur before he came to this singularity.

King Arthur, who holds the Holy Spear Lungominiad, has been swallowed by the starry breath of Holy Spear Lungominiad, becoming the Lion King, and is preparing to hold the Holy Gun.And the base of the Lion King is in the holy city of Jerusalem!

Moreover, the flower magician also said that the desert is the land of the Sun King and an important force against the Lion King.

And now?Now it is said that King Arthur exists in the land of the Sun King?

How is this possible?

Did the magician of the flower make a mistake?

It's impossible. Although the magician who holds the crown magician qualification is unreliable in normal times, he will be more or less reliable when facing the affairs of King Arthur.

He has no reason to deceive him.

Bedwell frowned.

"What's impossible! That's King Arthur!" The man got a temper and said, "If it weren't for this king, entering a city wouldn't be so troublesome! Really, I don't know what the Sun King thinks!"

"That's it!"

There was a booze.It seems that it is also quite dissatisfied with the control of that King Arthur, because before the control of that King Arthur, the city came in and out, but it was not so troublesome, and it was very free.

"You can't say the same thing. At least after this King Arthur took control, the city's security has improved a lot. Everyone has also a lot of rules and better business."

"Yes, before doing business, it was easy to fight and it was not safe. When there was a contradiction, it was in front of the Sun King, and the result was 50 big shots. Now this King Arthur is here, although the action is very tight, it is better than safety .Being a businessman, the first is money, and the second is safety."

There was a booze, and the booze followed.

The two factions argued each other, arguing endlessly.

But Bedwell frowned.

As the Lion King of King Arthur, he should be in Jerusalem, but now another King Arthur has appeared in this city.

Bedwell felt that there was something strange, and it was most likely that the gangster was posing as King Arthur.

In any case, as the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur, Bedwell felt that he had to find out the situation!

Don't let the glory of King Arthur be tainted by the slightest!

Bedwell made up his mind secretly.




Sitting at the desk, Shiro rubbed his temples while watching the report sent by the guard.

He felt that he was pitted by Ozmandias.

Originally, because he was concerned about the assassination of King Hassan and dealing with the Lion King in the future, he stayed here with Ozmandias. However, Ozmandias entrusted the city’s internal affairs to repair his head. He will handle it.

Originally, Shirou strictly refused, and said that a country cannot have two poems, but Ozmandias said that it was only temporarily entrusted, and he wanted to repair his head, and after it was repaired, he took it back.

Shiro felt that it was indeed inconvenient to let Ozmandias do things with his head in his hands. Moreover, if Ozmandias did not repair his head, he would not be able to show off the glorious compound temple, nor would it be conducive to the subsequent crusade against the Lion King. He nodded and agreed.

And this promise...

Something happened!

Ozmandias was the king more than 3,000 years ago, and his personality charm will not be mentioned for the time being, but this method of control, from a modern point of view, is indeed outdated, and it is too coordinated and not detailed, suitable for BC Ancient times, but not suitable for the humanistic atmosphere and social environment of the Middle Ages in the tenth century AD.

And Shiro could see that Ozmandias was about to turn the city into a commercial city state, and did not intend to reproduce the great achievements of ancient Egypt at this peculiar point, so Shiro slightly changed some city rules.For example, the city's roster must be recorded first, and then regional control and various simplified laws will be introduced to make the city and government more suitable for the city to run.

Subsequently, Shirou also elaborated a restructuring plan based on the characteristics of the city and the characteristics of the population, and handed it to Ozmandias in written form for Ozmandias to implement it.

Of course, it does not matter if it is not implemented.


There is no more. The pharaoh of God who stitched his head together saw that Shilang did a good job, and he felt that Shilang's plan was good. The great he simply handed over the management of the city to Shilang, and then he acted as the shopkeeper himself.

This Shilang was half-dead, and told him on the spot that the country must not have two masters, and asked him to quickly take back his rights and responsibilities.

The results of it?

As a result, Ozmandias laughed and said that the pharaoh was still above the king, and the brilliance of various suns, typically wanting to be the chairman of dividends, pushed Shi Lang to the position of president.

For this reason, Shi Lang was depressed for a long time, but was unwilling to have his restructuring plan unfinished, so he could only sit down as a city manager depressed.

In fact, this is also related to Shirou's character.Shi Lang belongs to the kind of person who does everything from beginning to end. He doesn't want to do bad things, and he doesn't want his elaborate plans to be ruined. Therefore, he honestly achieved the position of city manager.

As for Ozmandias, he might have seen Shirou as if Shirou had recognized him, and got his character right, so he pushed Shirou up.

In this regard, Shiro was helpless, but he could only do his own thing step by step.


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