I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1267

Suddenly, Shi Lang frowned.

"What's the matter, Gurneyville?" Kay asked.

Shirou said strangely: "I always feel that someone is peeping at me."

Chapter 35 Some people, who look very friendly, are actually full of bad water!

In the past, Shirou thought he was wealthy, otherwise, how could he cross to Camelot and become the king of Camelot?

Doesn't this prove his wealth?After returning to modern times, he will definitely be rich!

but now……

He has to admit that he may, probably, maybe... really hard work...

"This is today's report."

In the Glory Grand Complex Temple, Shi Lang threw the city security report in his hand into the hands of Ozmandias.

Ozmandias wasn't angry either, and instead watched the "Memorial" on Shiro's "submission" with gusto.

Although he is a second grader and tough, he is also broad-minded, especially for approved people and capable people.

Of course, the title of the first emperor in ancient times is absolutely unacceptable.

Ozmandias looked at the security report and said directly: "Next time, you can write better."

Shi Lang was exasperated, pointed at Ozmandias, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, now you meet me when I was a kid. If I change to the real me, I'm sure to chop off your head again!"

To be honest, Shirou also thinks that Servant is very magical. He summoned him down as a child, and his temperament was also from a child.

If he was replaced by Camelot when he was king, Ozmandias would dare to drive him like this, Shi Lang would surely chop him into meat sauce!

It's so grumpy!

This is also normal. After all, it is a person who has been in the top for a long time. Who will subdue and be driven by others?

Now Shi Lang has a good temper and hasn't attacked.

And this, you can also see the magic of Servant.

Hearing that, Ozmandias didn't care, but touched his head and said with a smile: "Great head, if you have the ability, just take it!"

Shi Lang curled his lips.

Nitocris, who was standing on the side, looked at the flirtatious Shi Lang and Ozmandias, feeling a little worried.

She felt that her position in Pharaoh's heart was slowly being replaced by Shi Lang.

This feeling is like the worries that the regular wife sees that her husband has found a junior, who turns out to be smart and capable and is likely to kill the regular wife.

Of course, if Shirou knew that Nitocris thought of him like this, he would be furious, and then he designed Xuanzhuang Sanzang to teach her again.

Ozmandias carefully looked at the security report submitted by Shirou and raised his eyebrows.

Shiro watched carefully, saw Ozmandias's inadvertent movement, and said, "You noticed, Ozmandias."

"Not bad." Ozmandias nodded.

Shiro frowned and said: "The number of businessmen who fled from Jerusalem to here has decreased by 73.7% year-on-year half a month ago, civilians have decreased by 59.2% year-on-year, and aristocratic officials have decreased by 96% year-on-year... This means that the lion king’s sage is very likely. It has already been held, and it is possible that the army is advancing here."

"The army is advancing? Hahaha..." Ozmandias laughed: "This place where the sun shines is the rest of the territory. Yu's eyes are the eyes of the sun. If the Lion King is moving, Yu has already known , Why did you worry about it? You, this is too much worry."

"But the statistics will not lie. Counting from the days when Kay and I were summoned by the Lion King, the number of people who escaped from Jerusalem has not yet reached the peak, but it has already been dropped for half a month. It is not difficult to explain there. There is already action. We have to be prepared too." Shirou said.

"That's true." Ozmandias nodded.

"Then I will go first."

Ozmandias nodded: "Go on, there is nothing left."

Shirou, who had already planned to leave, heard Ozmandias’ words, a row of tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead, turned his head, stared at Ozmandias above the throne, angrily said: "I It's love to help you, you say so, as if I were your subordinate!"

"For Pharaoh, the king is just one of the many beings dominated by Pharaoh." Ozmandias laughed.

Shi Lang was overjoyed: "You enjoy Secondary Two, it's best to pray that you don't meet me who is completely physically, otherwise I will blow up your ashes!"

Shirou turned and left.

Dealing with Ozmandias is like dealing with the second slash, let alone the other, first of all, you can be half dead by the other party's tone.

Seeing Shirou finally leaving, Ozmandias put down the security report in his hand.

Fortunately, it was not seen through!

Ozman Dias breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head and looked at the densely packed security report with various data. Ozman Diaston had a headache.

Shirou’s public security report was well written before, but only with this data analysis, Ozmandias can see Ozmandias with a headache!


Heart attack, cerebrovascular burst...

But still can't understand!

Of course, Shiro’s data report is the Camelot model.

This is a kind of advanced statistics, using advanced mathematics, non-parametric statistics, generalized linear model quasi-likelihood method and other modern advanced statistics combined with Camelot's actual cognitive situation, a statistical model specially created.

In the first few years of Shiro's stay at Camelot, he taught the internal affairs officer, so Camelot's internal affairs report was basically written like this...So now Shirou subconsciously writes that.

And this suffered Ozmandias.

Although the Holy Grail endowed the ancient heroes with modern knowledge, that knowledge is modern common sense. Where does it involve advanced statistics and advanced mathematics?Although Ozmandias is at the same level as Gilgamesh, he has neither the [All-knowing Almighty Star] nor the [Clairvoyance EX] peeping into the future, so naturally he does not understand these expertise.

As the saying goes, the female brother will betray you, but the mathematics will not. Even if you are so furious that you can transform into a super Saiyan and destroy the world, it is still useless.Because it won't, just won't.

Ozmandias naturally couldn't understand this Camelot model, but in front of Shirou, he didn't want to fall into the power of the pharaoh of his god, so he didn't understand it.

Although he had a headache with these ghost-like figures, but fortunately, Shi Lang did not delve into his views on the data, so he has been fooled so far.

Of course, what Ozmandias didn't know was that Shirou did it on purpose.

Since Ozmandias voted for him, how can he not arrange for him?

As for why not debunk Ozmandias's casual refills?

Isn't it of course?Once opened, Ozmandias would break the jar and just ignore it.

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