I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1268

Without dismantling, Ozmandias had to pretend that he knew everything while being blown out of his brain by those mathematical models, but there was still suffering.

Just as Ozmandias saw through Shiro's character, Shiro also grasped Ozmandias's temperament.

I have to say that the master moves, the moves are deadly!

Walking out, Shirou felt a bit happy when he thought of Ozmandias's heart bursting with those mathematical models, and had to pretend to be upright, he was a little happy, and even wanted to praise the sun.

It’s good to get along with Ozmandias and Gilgamesh.Although in normal communication, they can be choked to death by their various mischief and arrogant tone, but when they are funny, it is really funny.

With a smile, I felt a little depressed by the child labor, and planned to go back and work hard.



Shi Lang suddenly turned his head, frowning.


Since three days ago, Shirou has always felt that someone is peeping on himself.

Shirou is very familiar with this feeling, because he was often peeped by people when he was in Camelot.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that there are almost twice as many men as women who spy on him.

Thinking of Yinggaylan again...this made him feel bad for a while, so he forged a sixth sense that is very sensitive to sight.

He clearly distinguished between the voyeuristic sight and the direct sight.

"Who is spying on me?" Shi Lang frowned, with a strange expression on his face, "Could it be Wang Hassan?"

In the past two months, the king Hassan who had been chasing him has never reappeared. In addition to Shi Lang's restructuring of the city mechanism and opening of the night market, which led to the bright lights of the city, he also kept himself in the busy city.

Of course, Shirou thought that Wang Hassan might also give up chasing him.

Otherwise, why did King Hassan deliberately mention the existence of Demon Charlie I to him when he left that day?

So, who is this peeping sight?

Shi Lang frowned, then ignored it and turned to return to his workplace.

No matter who he is, since he is peeping, he will appear in front of him sooner or later!

Back at his workplace, Shi Langdang saw Mordred sitting on his desk, painting on his desk.

Shirou's forehead immediately hung a row of black lines, and said: "Mordred, you are not good again."

Mordred turned his head, glanced at Shirou, waved his small fist, and said: "Don't think you are King Arthur, you can control me. You know, your Camelot does not exist in Mordred! "

Mordred looked a little proud.

"Yes," Shi Lang nodded, "because you are superfluous."

Mordred: "..."

Shiro returned to his seat.

A lot of things have happened in the past two months. First, Mordred got out of the cage and stayed with them temporarily.Of course, in her words, she didn’t believe Shirou was King Arthur and wanted to disguise Shirou’s disguise, but actually ran over in two days and asked Shirou what kind of person his Altria was and what he experienced Such things made Shilang speechless.

As for Tristan, he still stayed in the cage.

It can be seen that he is really unwilling to get involved in the upcoming two kings battle and the round table civil war.

Of course, although Tristan is one of the strongest at the round table, he is also the most slender person at the round table.Therefore, he was able to play a soundtrack that was only a few times better than Shiro.

Shi Lang did not force him.

In addition, Xuanzhuang Sanzang left.

Shi Lang repeatedly tried to stay, but the westward traveler still left very freely and went west.

Although Shi Lang was reluctant to give up, he still told her that the short parting was for a better meeting again, and she was on the road with peace of mind.

Of course, in order to repay the Westwalker's two assistances, Shirou told her very sincerely that she had already run through India.

Shirou still remembers exactly how dark the face of this Westwalker was at that time.

She even smashed her head with a nine-ring tin stick, smashing it, and chanting "Why are you so stupid?"

It can be seen that Monkey King would hit her head with a golden cudgel and learned from her.

In the same line!

Shi Lang was doing his own thing, Mordred lay on the table lazily, like a lazy cat, sometimes wiping his sword boredly, sometimes looking at Shi Lang.

Shi Lang put down the blueprint in his hand, looked at the bored Mordred, and couldn't help but said: "Mordred, if you are bored, you can go for a walk, don't dangle in front of me. what."

"Walking? It's boring, and there is no fight to fight. There were a few hooligans who could fight before, but now they are almost out of sight because of you." Mordred said, a little depressed.

She really felt bored. Although she could return to the Lion King, she returned without success and was really faceless.In addition, Mordred currently wants to stay with Shirou and listen to another Camelot story.However, Shirou was also very busy, and only at night would he tell her another Camelot story.

And go out to relax... With Shiro's municipal management, the establishment of a simple law, and the dispatch of Jahris to lead the city guard of Ozmandias before, strengthened the city management, so gangsters are rare.

Without a fight, is that still relaxing?

Mordred was depressed.

"Then you read the book?" Shi Lang asked.

"Don't look," Mordred shook his head, "I want to sleep when I read a book."

Shi Lang looked at her with pitying eyes.

"Wait, wait! What do you mean by looking at me with this kind of look at the'lonely wandering child'? Look! Look at you again!" Mordred gritted his teeth.

She hates this look.

"It's not interesting, just understand how your father, the king, is not willing to admit you, let alone you inherit the throne." Shi Lang said.

Hearing this, Mordred's heart froze, he came to look at Shirou with a serious face, and asked, "Why?"

"I'll just ask you one question. Do you want your mother to be the sinister Morgan Lefé, or the knowledgeable Guinevere?" Shi Lang asked.

"Of course it is Guinevere." Mordred said without hesitation: "Whoever is my mother is better than Morgan Lefé!"

"So by the same reason, in the future you will be married and married. Do you want your child to be a trash who knows nothing, or a king who knows everything?" Shi Lang asked again.

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