I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1269

"Nonsense! Of course it's the king!" Mordred said with contempt.This kind of multiple-choice questions, even if you are an idiot, can you do well?

and many more!

Mordred's heart trembled.

Shilang handed over a book, smiled and said, "So, do you want to study?"


Mordred looked at the book in Shirou's hand, then looked at Shirou, looked at those bright eyes like fire, pondered for a moment, and asked: "I've read the book, the king I longed for, will he admit me? ?"

"It's learning!"

Shiro repeated it, and then said: "At least I will like you more than now."

"Okay! I see!"

Mordred grabbed it and ran to the side to read.

The Holy Grail has the ability to give language, so she is not afraid of her illiteracy.

Shi Lang smiled. Now, he can finally handle things with peace of mind.

At this time, Kai ran in. He originally wanted to report the matter to Shilang, but when he saw Mordred who was reading, he suddenly felt that the sky was thundering and the sun came out to the west!

For a while, he was actually stunned on the spot.


With a "pop", he slapped himself. Isn't he dreaming?Mordred... That idiot-like Mordred is actually reading!


Did you let the sow up the tree?

"Hey! Sir Kay, what's your look? What do you mean by looking at me with such a "sow can actually go up the tree"? Do you want to fight me?" Mordred was very upset Looked at Kay.

"No, no, no, no... it's just that you can read books... really let me, let me..." Kai doesn't know how to describe it.

Mordred was even more upset, squinting, exuding a dangerous light.

"Cough!" Shi Lang coughed, and said to Kai: "Shi don't treat me with admiration for three days. This is studying. How can you disturb her studying?"

"Ah... yes yes yes!" Kai nodded quickly, rounded up his words, and walked towards Shilang.

He still couldn't believe it when he looked back three times.

Mordred was quite happy with Shirou's words, but he didn't feel angry, and continued to look down at the book.

When he came to Shilang, Kai asked in a low voice, "Gurneyville, she, she is..."

"She wants to study, change herself, and let her go, you don't care. Have you done what I asked you before?" Shi Lang asked.

Kay nodded: "It's done. A total of two hundred people are recruited. I'm already training."

Shiro nodded.

In addition to managing the municipal administration, Shi Lang asked Gerant and Kai to recruit people in the city to prepare an army.

Now, almost all of Ozmandias's three treasures have been abolished. If he fights hard with the Lion King, Ozmandias is by no means an opponent.

The Lion King has been developing for a long time at this singularity, and all the Holy Grail blessings that should be given have been given out. He has the solemn knights and the round table knights who do not know the geometry, and they really fight, and they lose more here.

In addition, coupled with the threat of King Hassan and the devil, Shirou planned to build his own army first, relying on Ozmandias.

Although Ozmandias’ three major treasures were broken, his sphinx army was not all killed by King Hassan, and there were hundreds of sphinxes.When Shilang’s army was formed, together with the Sphinx Army of Ozmandias, the number and quality of the army could level the Lion King, and then care about it.

Shi Lang discussed matters with Kai, and at this moment, the two of them were surprised by a "pop".

The two turned around and couldn't help but laugh dumbly.

I saw Mordred lay down on the paper and fell asleep.

"This guy……"

Shi Lang shook his head, he learned from elementary school students for his ability to sleep while reading.




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 36 The rain is coming!

Shiro thought that the Lion King might have started to move. After all, the people who had fled from Jerusalem had fallen for half a month.

People can lie, but data cannot lie.

As a result, the number of people who fled has dropped continuously for half a month. No matter how you look at it, the Lion King has already begun to gather people and start to win.

Shiro also began to make preparations for the possible war to be launched later, preparing the army.

The Lion King can give blessings and create a solemn knight comparable to the Sphinx, while Shirou can use the [mortal leader] to reproduce the eternal army.

From the point of view of the sandbox game, this can be regarded as the three kings each have their own unique army.

Although the Lion King came to this peculiar point before Shiro, Shiro leaned back on Ozmandias, so he didn't have to start a foundation to fight him.

Shiro asked Gerant and Kai to select people and establish army training. Then Shiro gave the ability and treasures to quickly spread an army.

Ability comes from the [mortal leader], and the treasure comes from [infinite sword system].[Infinite Sword System] Although most of the treasures in the [Infinite Sword System] were destroyed by King Hassan before, there are still tens of thousands of treasures, so there is no need to have Shi Lang work hard to build them one by one like before.

When it comes to Wang Hassan, Shirou feels quite strange.

Since the assassination half a month ago, Wang Hassan has not appeared, and he does not know what he is thinking.

However, this is fine, at least no one is staring at his own life.


A "boom" sounded in his ears, Shi Lang put down the pen in his hand, raised his head, looked helplessly at Mordred, and said, "Can you stop making a sound, Mordred?"

As soon as he spoke, Mordred held the corner of the table and kept slamming his head on the table, making a crisp sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom".

"What are you doing? Even if you want to kowtow to me, you don't have to, and you kowtow in the wrong direction." Shi Lang said.

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