I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1316

This fairy is Taito?

Shi Lang was surprised and couldn't help but carefully looked at the blue-haired female fairy, her delicate face with long blue hair like the ocean, wearing a white robe, exuding a kind of grace and elegance.

"These fairies, huh! Watch me make a way!" Mordred said.

Shi Lang stretched out his hand to stop Mordred, and said, "Queen Taito is face to face, don't be rude, Mordred."

"Queen Taito, who is it?"

Seeing Mordred with a blank face, Shirou was speechless, and said that you, as a Camelot, even knew Queen Taito, and you were really blinded.

Queen Taito, this is the nine fairy queens of Avalon, or one of the nine fairy queens.

[Remote Avalon] The reason why it possesses the guardian power to isolate all interference, in addition to the power of the original star, the most important thing is the blessing of the nine queens of Avalon.

By the way, Vivian, the famous lady of the lake in the legend of King Arthur, is also one of the nine immortals of Avalon.

In addition, among the nine immortals, there is also Morgan Lefrey, who turned himself into a fairy after the demise of King Arthur.

Of course, these are the real stories from the legend of King Arthur. As for the story of the Eternal King... Well, the lady of the lake Vivian was frightened by Zhu Yue and turned into the timid and embarrassing Gui Niwei Son, and Morgan Lefie inherited the throne.

Therefore, in the story of the Eternal King, there are only eight of Avalon’s faeries, including the shameful Guinevere.

When Shiro was in Camelot, although the fairies often ran out of Avalon and played in Camelot, he also invited Shiro to Avalon, but Shiro was concerned about government affairs, so he never visited.

As for Avalon’s faeries, they only knew their names, but didn’t see them, which was a pity.

But now that I saw this fairy queen, it would be considered a pity that I once had.

It's just that this fairy queen doesn't seem to welcome outsiders. Although she still maintains an elegant style, she is faintly hostile.

Bedwell wanted to introduce Shirou and the others, but Queen Taito shook her head and said: "Qing Bedwell, I am very sorry. Now Avalon, all outsiders are not welcome. You should leave."

"Why?" Bedwell asked puzzledly. When he left, Avalon was not so xenophobic.

A fairy said: "Don't bring danger into the paradise. You drop and leave!"

Bedwell was embarrassed.

"Damn it, these stinky goblins, this is treating us as dangerous! Humph! Watch me cut them off!" Mordred raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly.

Fairies, this is where Get got to her upset.

What Mordred hates most is not having contact, or judging a person out of thin air.

"Don't be so irritable, Mordred. You will only get yourself up, but it won't solve the problem." Shi Lang said.

"Master Gnivale, what you said is really full of philosophical meaning! Will you let me hug and look closely at the light of philosophy?" Quiet Hassan asked with bright eyes.

Mordred gave Quiet Hassan a sideways look, you licking dog!

Quiet Hassan gave Mordred a look, I'm happy!You can't control it!

Mordred: "..."

Mordred looked at Shirou and asked, "Then what do you say?"

"Everything can't be so irritable. Cui Stanqing once told me that fairies like music the most. As long as we play wonderful music for fairies, fairies will treat us as good friends." Shi Lang said.

"But, Cui Stanqing is not here," Mordred reminded.

"You are wrong. A musician who is more talented than Cui Stanqing is right in front of your eyes?" Shi Lang pointed to himself and said proudly.

"Yeah. If it's Lord Gnivale, he must be a great musician." Quiet Hassan said with bright eyes.

Shilang smiled happily and looked at Quiet Hassan with a satisfied look.

Although this guy is a pervert, his vision and insight are indeed good, and he is a plastic talent.

Mordred shivered and muttered, "Why is there an ominous premonition?"

Shiro projected the harp and sat on the spot, putting his hands on the harp.

Queen Taito took a look and asked: "Outsiders, what are you doing?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Lang smiled and said, "I want to use music to tell the queen what kind of people we are."

"Oh! This outsider wants to play the harp!"

"That's great, I like music."

"We like to be friends with humans who can play great music."


The fairies who surrounded Shirou and others said cheerfully.

Shi Lang smiled, the fairy is like that.

Although fairies possess powerful magic powers and possess fairies magic beyond modern magic, their minds are simpler than humans and magicians.For them, as long as it is a human who can play beautiful music, it is their friend.

For this reason, in Camelot, Tristan also has the nickname of Friends of the Fairy.

Of course, that was because Shirou did not show up.

When Shilangxiu got up, even the sun would be dim.

Shirou prepared everything and slowly put his hand on the strings.

There are many kinds of music, but they are roughly divided into two types.

One is to focus on technique, and the other is to focus on artistic conception.

Shi Lang is the master of artistic conception flow.

For him, it doesn't matter what technique or technique, as long as the artistic conception is reached, that's fine.

Everyone's eyes fell on Shilang.

Quiet Hassan's eyes gleamed even more, and he was already thinking about how to talk.

Quiet Hassan cherishes Shirou this friend very much.

For her words, being able to contact her, not minding her poison, and comforting her, treating her as a friend, that is the angel of love, who can please anyhow.


Licking the dog?

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