I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1317

If it's not for love, who wants to be a licking dog?

At this time, there was some commotion among the goblins.

"Do you think this human harp fingering is a bit familiar?"

"Indeed... I seem to have seen it somewhere, but my brain seems to be refusing to recall that memory."

"Do you think this human being is also very familiar?"

"Indeed... I seem to have seen him somewhere, but my brain seems to be refusing to recall that memory."


There was a commotion among the fairies, and this was the feeling of Queen Taito.

I don't know what's going on, she also thinks Shirou is very familiar, and the harp fingering is very familiar, but when she thinks about it, she can't remember it.

As a fairy, unless she conceptualizes and eliminates herself and stops being a fairy, she will definitely not lose her memory, let alone forget any memories.

But right now, it did happen.

It seems that the brain... is resisting recalling something.

what is it then?

Queen Taito thought.

At this time, Shirou began to pluck the strings.

As a master of artistic conception flow, he constructed a story.A cheerful story.Then he turned the strings.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth faded, as if he was the only one in the wild grassland, telling the cheerful story.

He wants to share this joy with music to others.


The fairies are crazy!

"Mamma Mia! It's a hot man!"

"Help...Help! Help me!"

"God... Is this God? I saw God... This is heaven..."

"No--! The end of Avalon is back!"

"God damn it! I won't be a fairy anymore, help--!"


When the song was over, Shi Lang put down the harp and sighed sadly.I haven't played the piano for a long time, and I feel that my piano art is a bit rusty.

After putting away the piano, Shi Lang got up, looked around, and suddenly saw a lot of fairies sleeping peacefully.

It must be that his piano sounds are too good, so they fell asleep happily.What a group of naughty goblins.

"It's over...finally it's over!"

Suddenly a very sad and angry voice resounded. Shi Lang turned his head and looked a little surprised. In the woods about three kilometers away from him, Mordred, Bedville, and the elegant Queen Taito, and some The fairies are hiding in it.

However, their appearance is a bit strange.

Especially Queen Taito, her long, supple hair became fluffy and bad at this moment, as if she had been assaulted, and she was embarrassed.

Besides, Mordred, Bedwell, and the goblins looked at him with a rather terrifying look.

"Why did you get there?" Shi Lang puzzled his head and took a step.

"Don't come here ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Queen Taito's grace disappeared suddenly, she yelled like a madwoman, her eyes flashing with deep fear.

At this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed Shiro's leg.

Shi Lang was taken aback. He looked down and saw Quiet Hassan clutching his leg like a walking dead. His face was white as a white man, with a reluctant smile, and said, "You, your piano... …It’s, it’s so nice, so nice...!"

After Shilang heard this, he was very moved and very happy: "Then I will play it for you every day!"

Quiet Hassan's face froze, and tears shed from her beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Quiet?" Shi Lang asked.

"No. I, I'm so touched..." Quiet Hassan said with tears.

Shi Lang squatted down, patted the quiet shoulder, and said with approval: "I understand how you feel. After all, it is an honor for a great musician like me to play for one person."

"Cough cough cough!"

Quiet Hassan was choked and coughed directly, with tears in his eyes, looking at Shi Lang, and said to his heart, where are you so self-confident?

I'm just being polite. Since you are a great musician, can you just refuse it?

At this moment, Mordred looked at Serene Hassan with admiration.

On licking, I Mordred would like to call you the strongest!

What the few people here don't know is that with the sound of Shiro's piano, Avalon, who was originally peaceful and harmonious, suddenly rioted!

"The hot man is back! The hot man is back!"

"Which man is back? The true ether of the present world has disappeared, will there be any fairies going out?"

"Not a fairy, but a hot man!"

"Which man?"

"It's just spicy! The one who pulls us to the concert every day... the spicy man who sings like shit!"

"Oh no! Why are you reminding me of hell? Wait! You said that man is back? My God...Avalon is going to mess again!"




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!Why is Shirou's singing so bad?Because this is a man who can sing and play resonance...

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