I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1327

With a "huh" body, two lines of mercury suddenly poured out of the ground, turning into two hands of mercury. They clasped Quiet Hassan's feet, and only heard a "click", Quiet Hassan fell to the ground.

"You can go out alive when you enter my workshop, but there has never been such a person!"

Morgan Lefey said with a sneer.

Quiet Hassan brandished a dagger, trying to sever the two mercury hands.I never thought that although these two mercury hands were tough, and the strength to grasp her was enormous, they were fluid and couldn't be hacked at all.

No, Quiet Hassan had to plead with Morgan Lefy: "Miss Morgan Lefy, I have an urgent matter, please let me go."

"What to do with me?"

Morgan Lefey sneered.

At this time, mercury flowed down from the ceiling of the cave, and it turned into three mercury hands, which respectively clasped Quiet Hassan's two wrists and neck.

Quiet Hassan was directly picked up by these three mercury fingers, and the whole figure was like Jesus nailed to the cross, being lifted in midair.

Morgan Lefy turned around and entered the cave, and the hands of mercury moved along with it, bringing Silent Hassan into it.

The outside of this cave is bare, bare, and a bit gloomy.But inside, there are different things.

From the outside, the cave is extremely narrow.However, the internal space is very vast. It is a castle, and it should have been used with the magic of space folding.

Above the castle, there is a blue simulating sky, and there is a simulating sun, sowing light.

In the castle, there are written words that Quiet Hassan can't understand, and there are many human dolls of all kinds.

Quiet Hassan could see that those human dolls should be servants made by some kind of golem magic.

Morgan Lefy took Silent Hassan between the kings of the castle and hung it on a cross, while he sat on a throne made of gold and precious stones, looking at Silent Hassan with a joking look. It was like looking at a piece of uncut jade waiting for her to polish.

Quiet Hassan always tried to earn the restriction of dehydrated silver hands, but unfortunately, her strength was not enough to break free from these mercury hands.

"Don't waste your effort, my mercury is secret. Don't say it's you Assassin, even Berserker, a giant, who is known for his strength, can't escape." Morgan Lefy said.

Quiet Hassan was also aware of this, and looked at Morgan Lefy sincerely, and said, "Miss Morgan Lefy, I have important people who must be rescued. Please let me go."

"Your important person, what does it matter to me? As an Assassin, I am so naive. It makes me laugh."

Morgan Lefey snorted, got up, and came to the face of Quiet Hassan. He stretched out his hand and gently touched Quiet Hassan's face, saying: "However, you secret body, I am very curious."

Feeling Morgan Lefie's fingers across his cheek, Quiet Hassan said in his heart, this is your own death, you can't blame me!

Quiet Hassan’s treasure, [Delusion Poison], anyone who touches her skin will be poisoned and die.


"Do you think I'm looking for death?" Morgan Lefey asked with a sneer.

Quiet Hassan's eyes widened, and his heart said, how come?She knows what I think?

"Mind-reading magic. It's nothing to fairies. Moreover, what you Servants are thinking, but it's the best to read. As long as you can crack your spirit-base fluctuations." Morgan Lefey said lightly.

Although Morgan Lefy's tone was an understatement, the impact on Quiet Hassan was very big.

Deciphering Spiritual Waves...

Not to mention that it was done, it was the first time I even heard it.

"The mystery of Muslims is a poisonous treasure formed after spiritual sublimation. Some meaning, although I am not interested in treasures, since it is the mystery of Muslims who have disappeared, I am somewhat interested."

Morgan Lefy took out a golden sword and pierced Quiet Hassan's chest with a "chat".

At that moment, Quiet Hassan intuitively felt that his soul consciousness had been ejected from his body and enclosed in a crystal, unable to feel the outside world, nor his own existence.

It's not like returning to the Heroic Seat, but being directly sealed in a closed storage container.

"Morgan Lefy, Morgan Lefy...!"

Quiet Hassan shouted, but there was no response.

As if there is only her in the sky and the earth.

The familiar loneliness took over again.

——A person who understands loneliness and can perceive the loneliness of others will make you stronger, Miss Quiet.

Quiet Hassan shook his head when thinking of the sunny smile on that innocent face in the sun.

"No. I can't fall here, and Gnivale is still trapped in the stone tower. I definitely can't fall here."

Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth, his soul consciousness, constantly struggling, trying to break through this airtight container.

Constantly struggling, constantly fighting.

Consciousness has become confused.

I was always concerned about the safety of that person.

Suddenly, she woke up and opened her eyes.

It is a strange ceiling.

He lay on a strange bed.

Quiet Hassan sat up, and she found no change in her body.

"It seems that the effect of [Invading Blade Gold] has been lifted."

At this moment, an unfamiliar, nonchalant voice was remembered in her ear, and Quiet Hassan turned her head and saw a maid with long blue hair standing beside her.

"Who, who are you?" Quiet Hassan asked vigilantly.

"I am the seventh-generation magic puppet created by the master, Retha Sphin. I am now arranged by the master to take care of your food, clothing, shelter and transportation for the time being." said the blue-haired maid, Retha Sphin.

Who the owner is, it goes without saying that it must be Morgan Leffey.

No way.I cannot stay here anymore.

Quiet Hassan subconsciously tried to open the mattress with his right hand, but it was his left hand that moved.

Not only that, when he was about to get out of bed, Quiet Hassan's left and right feet were not in harmony with his body, and he fell directly to the ground.

Le Safin helped her back to the bed.

Quiet Hassan looked at his hands in disbelief, then glared at Reza Sphin, and asked, "What did you do to my body?"

Reza Sphin calmly said: "The master's attire-[Invading Blade Gold] cuts into the gap between the body, the spirit, and the soul, thereby cutting the body from the spirit and the soul. It may be that the grafting of the spirit, the soul and the body has appeared. Wrong, so your body is very uncoordinated. Please forgive me, my master is very interested in destruction and research, but very impatient with treatment and restoration. Of course, you should be grateful, thank my master for not taking your head carelessly The part of the soul grafted to the buttocks."

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