I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1328


Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth and said, "I want to leave here!"

"Please forgive me, this can't be done." Le Safin shook her head and said: "My task is to take care of your food, clothing, housing and transportation, not to help you escape. And, before you suffer a big loss, please give up this uncut. Actual fantasy. So far there is only one person who enters my master’s workshop and can get out alive."

Quiet Hassan gritted his teeth, even if his body is not coordinated.She also decided that she must escape.Gurneyville, still trapped in the stone tower!




ps: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 64 Listen, is this human?

Quiet Hassan finally understood why Morgan Lefy didn't kill her, but instead arranged for the magic puppet to take care of her.

Morgan Lefy focused on the secret technique of the Assassin Order.

Do not.

To be precise, it is focusing on the mystery of Muslims.

Although Tranquil Hassan has been sublimated by legend and has become a hero, the secret technique of Asathin-[Delusion Poison Body], which he trained before him, has become a treasure, and the effect is once again elevated.

Logically speaking, a treasure is a kind of spiritual manifestation that is sublimated by the legend, and it is a certain spiritual materialization that cannot be studied.

But it is a pity that general principles have never worked for Morgan Leffey.

Morgan Lefie, the legendary witch, can use the treasure to study the mysterious principle of [delusion poisonous body].

And precisely because of this, Morgan Lefy did not kill Silent Hassan, nor did he use [Invasion Blade Gold] to directly divide Silent Hassan's soul, but let him free.

Perhaps it is to get the most true and accurate observation data.

Quiet Hassan was speechless about this. Although she hadn't been in contact for long, she had already sensed the fear and danger from Morgan Lefy.

Intuition tells her that the woman who looks like a snake is someone she can't afford.

But no matter what, Quiet Hassan must flee here, and the other party to let her be free is the best opportunity.

With her experience and consciousness as Assassin, it is not difficult to escape from here if you want to avoid the eyes and ears of others.


She was disappointed.

No matter how skillful she used to escape the gate of the castle, she will reappear in her room the next moment.

Windows, doors...Any passage that seems to lead to the outside world will return to its original place after shuttle.

The magic puppets looked at her strangely, as if they were looking at a little mouse falling into the net of heaven and earth.

"Miss Quiet, you should almost give up." Le Safin said calmly, "Master's magic workshop, there are enchantments everywhere. The flow of space and time are both chaotic, and they are insoluble mazes. . If you can’t get out, only the master can get out.”

"No." Quiet Hassan shook his head and said, "You didn't say that before. You said that there was a person who went out."

"Don't compare with that person, that person has a brain problem, not a normal person..."

Le Safin's originally very plain and pretty face suddenly fluctuated, and his tone was full of vigilance and disgust, as well as a hint of speechlessness.

Not a normal person... "By the way, Miss Reza Sphin. Can you tell me who that person is and how did he get out?"

Quiet Hassan asked carefully, she felt it necessary to learn from the experience of successful people.

"Give up, it's impossible for you." Le Safin shook and said.

"Why?" Quiet Hassan asked inexplicably.

Reza Sphin looked at her, carefully measured her barren airport, and said in a flat tone: "You are a woman, it's impossible. My master is not interested in women."

Quiet Hassan was stunned at the time: "?????"

What does this escape have to do with gender?

Quiet Hassan continued to ask.

Leithaphine's cold face showed an unbelievable expression, turned and left angrily.

Quiet Hassan was dumbfounded at once, Miss Reza Sphin, you haven't told me how did the successful man escape? How did he leave?

Quiet Hassan made up his mind, even if there is no successful person to learn from, he will escape!

Soon, Silent Hassan organized another escape operation.

Those regular exits have been encased by Morgan Leffey, and there is no chance to escape.However, as an assassin for many years, Quiet Hassan does not believe that this castle is really impervious, and there must be some escape loopholes.

To this end, Silent Hassan launched an action.

While avoiding the inspection of the demon doll, she carefully observed every inch of the castle, looking for holes to escape.

Suddenly, a group of guard demon puppets patrolled through the corridor, and Quiet Hassan swiftly hid in the ceiling with his body.

Her vigorous body, like a tabby cat, hides on the beams of the house, moving slowly while observing the situation with the help of a high angle of view.

At this time, two maidservants took the cleaning tools and began to clean on the beams of the room.

When Quiet Hassan saw this, in order to avoid being discovered, he quickly concealed his figure and rushed to the top of a room, holding his breath, waiting for the two golem maids to leave.

Finally the golem maid left, Quiet Hassan breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, it was not found.

Just as she was about to leave, a voice came from the room under her--


It's Morgan Leffe's voice!

Quiet Hassan paused quickly. The woman was terrible. If she changed a little, she would most likely be spotted by her and then by the general!

Quiet Hassan steadied his body and looked down.Through the gap between the beams, she could see a gorgeously decorated room, with red as the main tone, with a warm and gorgeous feeling.

Quiet Hassan also found that in Morgan Lefy's room, there were still a lot of magic figures, or broken arms or short legs, lacking parts, like unfinished robots in a mechanical workshop.

Morgan Leffield was lying on the bed at the moment, holding a teddy bear the size of an adult in his arms, rolling and rolling, like a young girl in love.

Such Morgan Lefy directly refreshed Quiet Hassan's three views.

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