I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1331

pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 66 Morgan is not sure, she has been stolen from home

Looking at the hole that was blasted through, Shi Lang was puzzled.

He was sure he had no foreign aid to speak of, then, where did the light cannon come from?

At this time, his [Flower of Evil] noticed a very familiar malicious wave.

Outside sunlight leaked through the entrance of the cave that was still emitting white smoke, and a figure dangled at the entrance of the cave.

"Master Gurneyville, Master Gurneyville... are you okay?"

The familiar female voice sounded, and then Quiet Hassan walked into the entrance of the cave. First, he swept around the stone tower with a worried face, then his eyes fell on Shilang.

Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she ran to Shirou, hugged him enthusiastically, and said with a sigh of relief: "Great, you are all right, Master Gnivre."

Embraced by Quiet Hassan, feeling the warmth of that delicate body and the faint incense, Shirou couldn't help but ask strangely: "Why are you, Quiet?"

Quiet Hassan asked strangely, "Why isn't it me, Lord Gnivale?"

"No," Shi Lang raised his hand, pointed at the broken hole, and said, "You broke the stone tower?"

"It's not me, Lord Gnivale. It's a despicable, cruel... ah, no. It's a gentle, noble, elegant, considerate... In short, a fairy with all the good qualities, helped me." Quiet Hassan said.


Shi Lang felt that Quiet Hassan must have had a very interesting experience, because when he said this series of compliments, Quiet Hassan had a subtle expression of being threatened.

Shi Lang reached out and touched Jing Mi Hassan's little head, and said, "Thank you so much, Jing."

Feeling the warmth of his little head, Quiet Hassan couldn't help but squinted, showing an expression of enjoyment, like a cat being petted by the owner.

At this moment, Mordred's unhappy voice suddenly rang: "Hey, how long do you have to hold Gurneyville?"

Quiet Hassan opened his eyes and looked at Mordred uncomfortably. He asked why this guy hadn't been switched off. If he was switched off, he would not save her and let her be locked up to death.

"Okay, okay, everyone. Let's go out first, otherwise it won't be good to wait until the stone tower is closed." The good old man Bedwell said that the situation was not good, and he quickly eased.

Shilang took the opportunity to get out of Quiet Hassan's arms, nodded, and agreed: "Yes."

Feeling that the piece of Wen Yu in his arms was gone, Quiet Hassan felt a little lost, but he also knew that this place shouldn't stay for long, so he nodded in agreement.

Several people quickly walked out of the stone tower.

After walking out of the stone tower, everyone found that there was already someone waiting for them outside.

It was a blue-haired girl in an English maid outfit. She was tall, with a cold face, and she had a high-cold feeling.

Quiet Hassan hurriedly introduced: "Master Gurneyville, this is Miss Reza Sphin, the assistant of the beautiful, gentle, noble and kind fairy who is willing to help us. He is here to help us. "

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Miss Ley Safin." Shi Lang politely extended his hand.

Reza Sphin looked at Shirou and said nonchalantly, "You are too happy, Lord Gnivale."

Hearing this, Shi Lang was taken aback and asked: "Miss Le Safin...have there been a festival between us?"

"You are too sensitive, Lord Gnivale." Reza Sphin said coldly.

I'm sure, this guy does have a feast with himself.

Shi Lang Xin said.

He knew that he had been to Avalon, and had lost the relevant memories.Therefore, even though he didn't know this Leisa Sphin, Shirou was still very sure that he must have had a festival with her.

Shiro withdrew his hand.

Quiet Hassan felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, and quickly introduced the two Bedwells to Le Safin.

Retha Sphin’s face was still very calm, but when Quiet Hassan introduced Mordred, the calm face of Retha Sphin was filled with waves, and he couldn’t help asking: "You are Maude. Lord Reid?"

"Mordred is me, is there any problem, woman?" Mordred asked badly.Because she also saw that this guy felt a little uncomfortable with Shirou.

"There is no problem." Le Safin shook her head and said.

"By the way, Miss Reza Sphin, I don't know who your master is. We must be very grateful for helping us in this situation." Shi Lang said sincerely.

A strong vigilant color appeared on Reza Sphin’s face, staring at Shirou like a thief-proof old mother, and said vigilantly: "No, Lord Gnivale. My master will help you, yes Because of Miss Jing Mi’s repeated plea, if you want to thank you, please thank Miss Jing Mi. Of course, you don’t have to visit the house. My master was forbidden by Master Taitis and reflected on the wall.

"Huh?" Quiet Hassan looked at Reza Sphin strangely, "but I didn't say it before, let me take Master Gnivale to see..."

Before finishing speaking, Le Safin interrupted: "That's a courtesy from the master. The master told me to come with you to help Master Gnivale to leave Avalon and escape the fairies as soon as possible. Hunt, and Vivian's hunt."

Is that right?

Quiet Hassan tilted her head. She clearly remembered that the "gentle and kind" goblin held her hand and told Gneville to take it with him.

At this moment, Mordred pushed Bedwell with his elbow and asked: "King Bedwell, who is that Tettis?"

"That lord, don't you know, Mordred?" Bedwell's eyes widened.

"Should I know?" Mordred asked strangely.

"Isn't this of course? You are a Camelot! Moreover, if you are summoned by the Holy Grail, you should have this knowledge." Bedwell said speechlessly, "The lord , But the original fairy in the legend. Legend, Avalon, and the existence of the other two secret realms, the Plain of Joy and Tirnano, are all related to this lord."

Taitis, the name of this fairy, to be honest, Shirou also sounds quite strange.

He has ruled and ruled in ancient Britain for more than ten years, and he knows a lot about the customs of ancient Britain, even the legend is very detailed, but he really knows very little about this fairy named Taitis.

He only heard the name of this fairy from the mouth of Vivienne, who was incarnation of Guinevere.

Taitis, the primordial fairy, was active in the distant first god, that is, the primitive fairy in the star-making age when the god Tiamat was active.

Of course, according to Guinevere’s statement at the time, this original fairy had already disappeared after the end of the first god generation, together with the star-making gods such as Tiamat, leaving only a few sides, which existed in the inner sea of ​​the stars. In the secret world.

Among them, Avalon has two sides, one is Queen Taito, who has had a relationship before, and the other is Taiton. Like Vivian, it is one of Avalon's nine queens.

From the perspective of game scripts or novels, this original fairy is a background character.

And Leisa Sphin said that her master was forbidden by Taitis, so I am afraid that her master is not small, and should be one of Avalon's nine great queens.

However, I don't know if it is an illusion, Shirou always feels that this Miss Lei Safin is guarding herself like a thief.

It's really inexplicable.

Yes, it is inexplicable.

Even if he knew that he might have had a feast with this guy, Shirou didn't think he would do anything strange before he lost his memory.

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