I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1332

It's right to think about it carefully. With your boring character, what strange things can you do?

Shaking his head, Shi Lang said to Le Safin: "That's really a pity."

"Yeah, it's a pity." Reza Sphin nodded, and then said, "However, as my master said, I will do my best to help you leave Avalon, Master Gnivre."

"That's great," Shi Lang said with a smile.

Reza Sphin couldn't help but smile.

However, Shiro said again at this time: "However, before that, I have to get my things back."

Reza Sphin's smile froze, and she couldn't help asking, "What is it?"

"I am very, very precious and valued. It was taken away by the evil and cruel Vivienne, and you will help me to take it back, right? The kind and lovely Miss Leisa Sphin." Shirou looked sincerely. Reza Sphin.

"Of course. If you can return as soon as possible...safely to complete your work, I am willing to provide help within my power. And this is what my kind and perfect master meant."

"That's great," Shi Lang said with a smile.

Maybe there is a holiday, but it's great that Le Safin can help.Take the crown back first, and see if you can restore your memory, so that you can get the answer if you are puzzled.

Thinking of this, Shirou's smile became brighter.


Looking at the smiling Shirou, Reza Sphin hesitated and asked: "I will ask for a moment. The precious and important thing you have been taken away is your virginity?"

Shi Lang's smile stopped abruptly, his face full of dazed: "?????"



Morgan Leffield's workshop.

Morgan Lefy was in his boudoir, looking in the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror.

Wearing a gorgeous red dress, the makeup is very delicate.

She reluctantly looked at her dress in the mirror, thinking about whether she was dressed appropriately and whether her makeup was dignified and beautiful.

Her cheeks were slightly pink, as if she was about to meet her sweetheart, she dressed herself up, trying to show her best side.

"M...does the red dress look too warm? What if Genieville thinks I'm not solemn? Listening to Miss Quiet, Genieville seems to have lost the memory of Avalon, and It’s getting smaller. Wouldn’t it be the first meeting? If the first impression is not good, what should he do if he doesn’t get close to me?"

"M...really, how should I dress up? It’s been a long time since I’ve been deliberately dressed up, and I don’t know how to be likable anymore. Oh, yes, Genieville said that he likes white. Then I wear it. The white dress is ready."

Morgan Lefey put on the white dress again, and looked at it again. Although he felt that he was more suitable for black, in order to please Gneville, it was fine to change to white.

"Oh, yes. How should I communicate with him? Well, let's practice. "When we first met, I was the sister of your same individual, Morgan Lefy. Although I was portrayed terribly in the legend, Don’t panic, it’s all Saxon’s discrediting on me. In fact, I’m very gentle, and you will surely be able to appreciate my sister’s love from me in the next time I get along...'Mum. Will this appear Isn't it reserved? Really, no one taught me how to please a man. Hmm, well, practice it again, try to be a little reserved this time.

The passing by the magic puppets looked at Morgan Leffey, who was talking to himself like a spring girl in the mirror, and suddenly the whole person was not well, feeling that the sun had come out from the west.The master who has always been strong and domineering, vicious, cruel and unkind, has such a girlish side, which is simply destroying the Three Views!

Morgan Lefy finally picked out the most favorite speech, sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at himself dressed up in the mirror, very satisfied.

She stretched out her white jade arms, supported her delicate face, and looked at herself in the mirror, her slender legs moving restlessly under the dressing table, just like a girl in spring.

She was waiting for the dear one to return, but her thoughts drifted to the glamorous feeling when she first saw her.

When I first saw him, the dear one, like Quiet Hassan, was chased by angry goblins, and ended up falling into her workshop and becoming her property.

Like Quiet Hassan, that dear one wanted to escape.

Of course, with her character, how could anything that fell into her hands be let go?

Even if he knows that the other party is King Arthur in another world, he is his own younger brother from the perspective of peers.

Moreover, the mystery held by the other party made her very interested.

Therefore, this kind of thing is of course to be made into its own research product.


"Others are afraid of you and dare not approach you, but I won't be like this, because I know you are gentle, my dear Morgan Leffey."

"Don't think of me as your sister. I'm different from the other me. I'm cruel and tyrannical. Caring for others, understanding, this kind of trash will only make you weak... I've already thrown it away!"

"You are lying, you can't give up, because the feelings are kind. Let's get in touch with other fairies. After a long time, everyone will truly recognize you and be friends with you."

"Huh. Self-righteous trash. The beast always walks alone, and the sheep are in groups."

"Really? But if you feel uncomfortable sometimes, you can tell me."

"Huh. I said, you weak sheep, don't think of me as your weak sister!"

"She is not weak, she is strong. And oh, I never regarded you as sisters, but as willful sisters. Therefore, no matter what the legend says, I will not believe it, I only believe in you."


Morgan Leffey covered his face, "My brother, my dear brother, the only one who understands me. Come here, sister, I miss you so much."

Morgan Lefy held his face, his eyes were extremely expectant, looking forward to the dear one coming.

However, she didn't know, in fact...

She has been stolen from her home.




pS: As for the main line, it is there. The Nordic volume will be released once it is finished. Everyone will look better.In the first volume, the reset is also in progress, but the progress is a bit slow.

Also, this fan will not be linked to the main line, but it uses the main line's magical world view.

The following is the time to push the book, not the word count.

"I, Girlfriend, Queen of Bee Eaters"

Introduction: [Congratulations to the popularity of "Dating A Live" over 1 million, and the successful extraction of Angel·Kekdi]

[Successfully returned to 3 days ago to rescue the dead clone Dolly]

[Congratulations to the bee eater and pray to become a couple and leave the single* camp]

The main devil forbids super cannons, and the daily life (in addition, there should be no bugs such as demon gods in this book)

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