I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1335

Mordred looked at this chaotic humanoid with a little surprise.

She knows her strength.She possesses the dragon factor inherited from Altria, whose power is comparable to that of a giant dragon, and coupled with the sharpness of a magic sword in her hand, it can be said that she can cut iron like mud.

However, the sword slashed on the opponent's neck without any damage.

Seeing this, Shi Lang hurriedly shouted: "Back, Mordred!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho --!"

The chaotic humanoid who had been slashed with a sword roared and stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Mordred.In the dark, chaotic, mud-like palm, there are shining protons, like the concentration of flames, exuding a breath of incomparable heat and destruction.

not good!

Mordred screamed, she sensed the danger from this chaotic humanoid, and she instinctively took a step backwards and opened the distance.

Hearing a "chichi" sound, an orange-red light blasted from the palm of the chaotic humanoid, quickly passing beside Mordred, and hitting the building far behind Mordred.


The building was like a cake, cut open by this light, and fell down.

What fell with it was Mordred's strands of golden hair, as well as the cuts on his face.

Feeling the pain in his cheek, Mordred stretched out his hand and wiped it, looking down, it was blood.

She licked her own blood on the palm of her hand, looked at the chaotic figure full of warfare, and said fanatically: "It's kind of interesting. It's a qualified opponent."

Seeing this, Shilang hurriedly shouted: "Don't act rashly, Mordred!"

However, Mordred didn't listen at all. She raised the magic sword and rushed towards the chaotic figure.

This made Shi Lang a little helpless.

This bear boy, although he has been a little behaved recently, in the final analysis, he is still a bear boy.

Fortunately, the illusion created by Vivian is not too dangerous.Although the chaotic humanoid possessed huge magical power and defensive power, it was irrational. After Mordred figured out his law of action, he shot a treasure and blasted his upper body.

Mordred was holding the sword, turning his head to look at Shirou, with the corners of his mouth raised, and asked: "What did you just tell me to do, Gurneyville."

Quiet Hassan said to the side: "Master Gnévre said, you are a pig that can't listen to people."

"You said that, right?" Mordred raised his eyebrows, looked at Quiet Hassan with a displeased face, waved the magic sword in his hand, and said: "I really want to give you a treasure too. Tool."

To be honest, this is what I think.

Quiet Hassan said heartily.

She was very upset about this golden retriever who always prevented her from getting close to Shilang.

When Mordred wanted to say something, he suddenly felt a chill behind him. When he was about to turn his head to look around subconsciously, Shirou's eager voice resounded:

"Head down, Mordred!"

Mordred didn't have time to think about it, he subconsciously obeyed Shirou's words and lowered his head.

In an instant, just hearing a "bang", Mordred suddenly felt the air around him hot, and then saw a magical light cannon across the night sky, galloping past her head.

Mordred was not in a daze. A donkey rolled and rolled out of the range of the light cannon bombardment. After confirming safety, he turned his head and looked at him with a stunned expression: "Why..."

I saw that the chaotic humanoid figure that had been blasted out of the upper body by her treasure had grown back to its original shape, but at this moment, it was completely turned into ashes in the light cannon sent by Shi Lang.

Seeing that the chaotic human figure was completely turned into ashes, Shilang breathed a sigh of relief. The star spear projected quickly in his hand also turned into powder and disappeared.

It turned out that when Mordred was quarreling with Quiet Hassan, the chaotic figure that had been bombarded by Mordred's upper body was restored to its original shape, and he wanted to launch a sneak attack on Mordred.Because the situation was too urgent, Shirou directly asked Mordred to lower his head and attacked himself.

Shiro walked up to Mordred and asked, "Is it all right, Mordred?"

Mordred knew that she was rescued by Shi Lang, but she pouted and said displeased: "You took my prey."

"You, even if you don't admit defeat, even if you quarrel with others, you should at least confirm your safety first."

Shi Lang didn't care, just reminded Mordred so patiently, and then took out some healing elixir from the [Infinite Sword System] and wiped it on the wound on Mordred's cheek.

These healing potions were military medical supplies refined by some alchemists during the Camelot period.Out of consideration for preparedness, Shirou deducted some medical supplies and stored them in the [Infinite Sword System] that he used as a warehouse.

It is a good time to take it out now.

Feeling the cold sensation of the elixir on his cheeks, Mordred looked at Shirou blankly and asked, "Are you caring about me?"

"Isn't this of course? Aren't we friends?" Shi Lang asked strangely.

Mordred didn't speak any more, he just snorted and said, "You can't buy my loyalty to my father."

"Who wants to buy you."

Shi Lang helplessly helped.

Although I know that as long as the position is wrong, anything will be misunderstood by others.But his concern for Mordred was not adulterated.

"That's great. I also seem to be smeared with ointment by Master Gnivale." Quiet Hassan was full of envy.

"Speaking of which," Shi Lang turned to look at Le Safin and asked: "Miss Le Safin, do you know how to get out of this illusion?"

"Perhaps my great master knows it, but unfortunately, I'm just a humble magic puppet, and I don't know how to get out." Le Safin said calmly.

Shi Lang pondered for a moment, turned his head to look at Bedwell who was taciturn, and asked: "Qing Bedwell, what do you think?"

Hearing Shirou questioning himself, Bedwell pointed his finger at the distant sky and said, "Gurneyville, I think that thing may be a key."

Shirou turned his head and looked at it, nodded, and said, "You have the same opinion as mine."


Mordred was surprised that she was attracted by the chaotic human form just now, so she didn't observe her surroundings. Now that Shirou and Bedwell said this, she couldn't help but turn her head and look around.

I saw under this dark sky, in the distant sky, above the city, a dark cube was suspended.

The pitch-black cube was quite big, and a pitch-black mud flow was flowing down it.

"Tick, Tick" fell on the building on the ground. In an instant, that building was wiped out from the record, turning into a soul and disappearing without leaving any traces. It was quite strange.

Mordred couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and asked, "What is that?"

"I don't know," Shi Lang glanced at Mordred, then shook his head, and said, "However, it should be an important element in this illusion created by Vivian."

"But," Bedwell said with a strange expression on his face: "With Master Vivian's character...will you create such a dark and terrifying illusion?"

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Le Safin said quietly, "Vivian is a fairy with a gloomy mind."

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