I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1336


Thunder flashed through the dark sky.

Le Safin said calmly, "I mean, she is quite sunny. This illusion is indeed very strange, it must not be made by Master Vivian."

Mordred looked at the maid maid with contempt.

Even her IQ can tell that this magic puppet maid takes Vivien's heart.

Looking at the dark cube in the distant sky, Shirou pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand, pointed at the dark cube, and said, "Let’s go there first."

Everyone did not refuse, they all nodded in agreement.

Shirou and his group walked towards the dark cube area.

Along the way, what he saw and heard made Bedwell, a gentle man feel uncomfortable.

Although he knew this was an illusion, he still couldn't see such a miserable scene.

The city has been completely destroyed, and everything you see is a burst of flames.

The destruction of tall buildings, broken walls, and the sparks of civilization burned in the raging fire.

"By the way, what is this?" Mordred asked suddenly.

"Idiot, Lord Gnivale just said it. This is Vivian's illusion." Quiet Hassan said.

Mordred said impatiently: "Huh... I certainly know."

At this time, one after another roar came from the shadow of the city.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, his heart tightened.

Mordred was overjoyed and said with a smile on his face: "It's the same kind of monster before! It is estimated that he smelled our breath, so it's troublesome for us!"

Turning his head slightly, Shilang sighed helplessly, looking at Mordred's smiling face, "Are you going to fight?"

"Isn't this of course?... Don't you think I'm looking for something? Humph... I didn't deliberately look for something. If those monsters came up, why would I refuse? And oh, you This look is too cowardly, isn't it? Since it's King Arthur, you have to put on the mighty look of King Arthur with victorious battles!" Mordred said displeased.

"I don't want to do things that are meaningless and time-consuming," Shilang said.

"Hmm... I think you are afraid of fighting? Although you are a very good person, but after so long with you, I do feel that you are a little indecisive. But who taught you to play with your brain? That's it. Although I'm not smart, I'm never afraid of things. Look good, I will kill as many monsters as they come. Let's just kill them!"

Mordred said majesticly.

Shi Lang looked at her speechlessly, and could admit that he was a dumbfounded person, and that you were also a unique wizard.

At this time, in the shadow of the city, those chaotic human figures came out.

Mordred stood up and said majesticly: "Don't rob me, let me kill you--"

Before she finished speaking, she turned and ran away.

Shi Lang and his party also ran with her.

Quiet Hassan teased, "Didn't you say you want to kill it, Mordred?"

"Bah! Who knows so much!" Mordred's cheeks blushed and said angrily.

Yes, from the shattered ruins of the city, there are quite a few chaotic human figures, like ocean tides.

Shi Lang found a rather remote ruin and told everyone to hide in.

Although those chaotic humanoids were crowded and powerful, they didn't seem to have the ability to find enemies, and they were easily confused by Shirou and others.

Hidden in the ruins, looking through the ruins that were used as fences, looking towards the city streets, seeing that there were chaotic figures dangling around, Shiro turned around and said: "There is no way, I can only hide here temporarily. We will go out again when they come out."

"Really suffocated!" Mordred clenched his fists and said uncomfortably.

"This is not stubbornness. It is a compulsory course in life to judge the situation and the situation. And, haven't I told you? Recklessness is not a sign of courage." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, Lord Gnivale. I remember you can fly, why don't you take us directly?" Quiet Hassan suggested.

"This is a good way," Shi Lang touched his chin, and said with a smile: "Then when there is a gap, I'll take you to heaven."

"Good!" Quiet Hassan said with a smile.

However, the chaotic humanoids on the street flowed endlessly, just like the zombie world where the T virus broke out. Shi Lang and others could only wait at a safe point for the chaotic humanoids to disappear and appear neutral.

In the midst of boredom, Mordred complained about Vivienne, while Shirou had been observing the outside world with all his heart and diligence. As for the other people, they wandered through the broken, small ruins of the small room boringly.

"...The true ancestor girl"

Suddenly a whisper sounded in his ears, Shi Lang turned his head and saw that it was Reza Sphin who was talking.

Perceiving Shirou's gaze, Le Safin turned her head to look at Shirou, and asked, "What's the matter, Lord Gnivale?"

"No. Nothing..." Shi Lang shook his head and said.Reza Sphin seldom speaks, so when he heard her talking suddenly, Shi Lang glanced at it subconsciously.

"By the way, what are you doing, Miss Reza Sphin?" Quiet Hassan asked.

"I found a tattered book." Rezasfin raised the tattered book in Yang's hand, and said, "But the content and cover are basically burned. It's a shame."

Quiet Hassan smiled and said, "There is nothing to be regretted, Miss Reza Sphin. Anyway, this is just an illusion."

"That's true. But in my own words, I am more concerned about creatures such as elves and true ancestors. So I am also very interested in books on these topics." Rethasfin said.

"So..." Quiet Hassan nodded.

At this moment, Mordred suddenly said: "By the way...this is a magical device, right?"

Everyone turned their heads to look at her. There was a blue short staff in her hand, but it was broken, and the broken mouth had been burned to black charcoal.

However, this blue short rod still exudes a wave of magical power.

Reza Sphin took a look and said, "Yes, Master Mordred. This is a magic device, but it has been destroyed."

Hearing that, Mordred threw it aside, and said: "Vivian is really interesting to create this kind of eschatological illusion. It must be a dark fellow like Morgan Lefy."

Reza Sphin frowned, but said nothing.

"You can't say that, Mordred. Master Vivian, it's not such a fairy." Bedwell clarified in trouble.

Shi Lang nodded in support: "Although I haven't seen Vivian in this world, the famous lady of the lake, I don't want to have such a bad taste."

"Then who do you think it will be?" Mordred asked displeasedly.

"If you can make such a person, you can only think about it..."

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