I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 803

"Ask me for this Assassin? My answer is of course, but..."

Shirou closed the book in his hand and said with a smile: "Those who want the referee to disappear, but they have been waiting for a long time."


Joan was taken aback.


Then, as if she had sensed something, her eyes narrowed sharply.

She perceives the breath of a follower several kilometers away.

The alarm in my heart sounded instantly, dangerous, dangerous!

That follower is very dangerous!

"It seems you have noticed it, Ruler." Shirou smiled.

Joan turned her head, looked at Shi Lang with a look of surprise, and asked, "Have you noticed it long ago?"

"As early as half an hour ago, I noticed it. It's really terrifying killing intent, and it's coming straight to you." Shi Lang said.

"Half an hour ago..."

Joan couldn't believe it. As Ruler who is most sensitive to Servant's breath, she was aware of it now, but this Assassin was already aware of it?

"You can't escape, Ruler." Shirou pointed to the dark night sky, and said, "The other party's target is you, and now it's night, it's time for war orgy."

Joan ignored Shi Lang, but stopped the driver and then forced to get out of the car.

"Excuse me?" The driver looked puzzled.

"—Please don't go any further!"

Joan said this to the driver, then grabbed her bag and ran forward, before disappearing in a moment.

The driver couldn't figure it out, looked at Shi Lang, and asked, "Sir, don't you chase it?"

"Why do you ask?" Shilang asked strangely.

"Because you look like friends you know," the driver said.

"We are not friends." Shilang shook his head, and then said: "Also, just park the car here. There is no safer place than this."

The driver laughed and said, "Sir, you can really make a joke. There is no safer place than here. Do you mean that the front is dangerous?"

His voice had just fallen, and there was a "bang", and a huge explosion sounded in front of him.

The driver was stunned.



Like the sun's brilliance, Joan ran out embarrassed amidst the blast of terrifying magic.

"——Hidden, it seems that it is not the general generation."

The voice came from the beginning, and Joan looked up with a vigilant face, and saw a young man standing on a large highway sign not far away.

The long hair is transparent and white, and the eyes are as sharp as a sharp sword. The ruby ​​embedded in the open chest echoes it, brewing a coquettish atmosphere.But what is more conspicuous is the golden armor that covers the opponent's body, which should be said to be "melted" with the flesh and exudes sacred light.

Although every part is incomparably beautiful, the young man who integrates all of them gives people a strong impression beyond beauty. He is an indescribable and wonderful young man.

And there is no doubt that the sudden blow just now was the blow of the white-haired young man.

Joan looked at him vigilantly and asked, "Are you the Lancer of the red side?"

"Oh? I was seen through before I took out the weapon." Lancer nodded with interest.

"I know, even your real name-the heroic spirit Garner!" Jeanne said.

Lancer said with interest: "No wonder I will rush you out. Ruler's rank is indeed troublesome enough."

"I don't understand why you want to shoot at me?" Joan asked puzzledly: "I'm just a referee and won't interfere with any of your actions. The curse that corresponds to yours is just just in case ."

If she can, Joan does not want to fight with Garner. As Ruler, she knows exactly how powerful Garner is in front of her. Unless she uses her treasure, she has no chance of winning.

Do not……

Perhaps using that treasure, there is no chance of winning.

"The master ordered me to pack you here, I only need to follow the contract to do it." Garna said calmly.

With a scream, for a moment, the pale light seemed to penetrate through the gunman's right hand, but that was just the realm of what should be beside him.

A huge spear appeared there, a spear that was longer than the height of a tall young man. Not only was it too big to imagine that it was a weapon operated by humans, but it was also exquisite in appearance to be an art.

Except that it is worthy of being a god-given weapon, there is no other more suitable description.

"Ruler, I'm going to make a move. I'm sorry, considering you have privileges, so I can't release the water. Let me use the strongest move to tell the victory or defeat, it can be regarded as seeing you off." Garner said calmly.

And when these words fell, Garner's instant swelling magic power made Jean of Arc dumbfounded.

Garna didn't mean to fight against each other at all, this was the real name that he planned to liberate the treasure directly.In this way, before Joan of Arc can use Ruler's spell, his treasure will be activated first!

And when Joan, who was determined, summoned her weapon and banner, ready to resist.

She sensed the breath of the second servant.

"Arhcer, do it!"

As a rough man's voice sounded, the arrow of fire shot from the sky supported the iron pillar of the road sign.

With a "boom", Garner's position instantly disintegrated. Of course, Garner wouldn't be in a hurry because of this level. He jumped with an extremely calm attitude and stepped on the asphalt road.

"Sure enough, it's you—" Garner no longer paid attention to Ruler, but confronted Archer with the sharp gun in his hand.

He looked at Archer who had attacked him, and whispered in an icy voice that seemed to bring a chill, "A black Archer appears...you and my destiny, as expected..."

He didn't say the real name of the Archer who attacked him, but he knew it in his heart.

Not only him, but the eyes of the dark Archer who attacked him are also very cold. Obviously, each other is aware of who each other is.

A fat man showed fear and hatred behind the black Archer, and stared at Garna.

There is no doubt that he is the master of the Black Archer, Gold Mujik Yugdomirenia.

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