I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 804

However, Garna ignored him, but looked straight at the black Archer and said calmly: "It seems that your target is also Ruler."

Black Archer nodded and said, "Exactly."

Garner glanced at Joan.

Although the goal is the same, Black's goal should not be to eliminate, but to solicit.

If you can recruit a neutral adjudicator to join, your camp will undoubtedly gain an overwhelming advantage.

Garna turned his head, looked at the black Archer, and asked: "Are you thinking about joining with Ruler to knock me down? Is victory only what you are after? Although superficial, it is also a method of tactics, I don't care. "

"You are mistaken, I must decide the outcome with you alone. To be honest, I was disgusted when I was summoned by restraint to cooperate with you last time. But since it is that kind of crisis, it is a last resort. But now—I want to single out with you, Garna!” The Black Archer said coldly.

"It's just what I want, Arjuna!" Garna clenched the sharp gun, his body exuding a strong killing intent.

"Wait a minute, isn't your target me, Lancer of Red?" Jeanne asked.

Garner glanced at Joan and said, "I'm no longer interested in you, Ruler. Although it is the command of the master, it is not the original intention of the master. Then, I will kill Archer first!"

And Arjuna also looked at Gold and said, "Master, I'm sorry. I'm going to fight him here!"

"Wait...wait a minute, Archer! This is not the same as what he said!" Gold was shocked.

His plan was to help Ruler later recruit Ruler, but he never thought of a direct decisive battle!

if it is like this……

Gold looked at the Ling Shu on the back of his right hand.

"Under this circumstance, don't think about restraining me with a spell curse, Master. Otherwise you will regret it," A Zhou said coldly.

The cold eyes made Gold swallow.

Arjuna turned his head and stared at Garna coldly.

Similarly, Garna stared at Arjuna coldly.



A battle between the Son of the Sun God and the Son of Thor is like a myth!

Chapter 7 Give me a face![2/10, ask for a monthly pass!

Unexpected things happened.

Here, Garna, the son of the sun god Surya, and Arjuna, the son of the thunder god Indra, met, and before the first night of the Holy Grail War began, they decided to start a decisive battle to determine life and death.

It's just like their fate in life.

And their battle made Joan of Arc present extremely ashamed.

Garna's fighting spirit ignited like a blue flame, and A Zhou's eyes, which had always been steady, burned with hot flames.

There was a little burnt smell mixed in the air, but it was caused by the weapons of the two, or the friction and collision of the powerful magical arrogance emitted by the slave, it was unknown.

All in all, only one thing is clear to both parties.

——Only you, I can't lose!

Garna was so sure, and Arjuna was so sure.

Before his death, Garna's mother begged Garna not to take action against the five Bandu sons, but Garna vowed not to take action against the five Bandu sons other than Ajuna.

And in the decisive battle between Arjuna and Garna, each other set a rule [not to attack people who are in a state of incompetence], and Arjuna is a noble and calm warrior, but he is in a decisive battle with Garna In the process, he did not hesitate to break the rules, and when Garna was in a state of being unable to fight, he shot that arrow and killed Garna.

And this is enough to explain the cause of the two.

When the two appeared at the same time, this decisive battle was inevitable.

There is no roar, no aura of cracking the silk, but the magical arrogance of both sides is like a raging flame that dyes everything around.

Both Joan of Arc and Arjuna's Lord Gold retreated quietly.

Just like a hot flame conveying danger, the intuition of being a creature tells them: It's too dangerous here!

When both of them retreated, the two who were still holding hands completely let go of each other's constraints and fought fiercely.

Thunder, fire.

The two clashed fiercely, sparks burst out like scattered lives, and the two huge forces competed against each other.

Regarding the distance between each other, of course, Arjuna holding a bow and arrow had the upper hand, but Garna's speed was too fast, and he narrowed the distance to fight Arjuna almost instantly.

The situation has fallen into an absolutely unfavorable situation for the heroic spirits of the Archer rank.

However, Arjuna relied on the bow in his hand to resist Garner's sharp spear, and could not see the slightest disadvantage.

Even in close combat, he was on par with Arjuna who was Lancer.

"This... this is not Archer at all!"

Joan was dumbfounded.

With such superb melee martial arts, you can fight Lancer Garner with the bow alone... Is this still Arhcer?

Garner made seventy-eight moves, deadly, at least in the eyes of Joan of Arc, but Arjuna used the bow in his hand to break Garner's moves one by one. And knocked it back, and finally shot a deadly bow.

There was a terrifying power in the bow arrow, and Joan looked a little cold sweat, but Garner opened the bow arrow easily, and then continued to attack.

There is no doubt that this is beyond the legend, the real battle of myths!

It's not that Joan is inferior...

These two people, she was very sure that she could not beat either of them.

The only thing that can contain these two people is probably only her treasure.

Do not.

Even if I used that treasure...

She might not be the opponent of these two people either.

Why, how come there are followers of this specification?

This is not just what Joan said in his heart.

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