I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 805

There are also other things, with the help of envoys or other means to monitor the voices of the masters and followers here.

"It's really worthy of Yu's adversary, and the remaining subordinates are all outstanding people who are brilliant in the history of mankind. It makes Yu Changkui's blood boil." Vlad III smiled cheerfully, but his heart became serious.

I have to admit that even in Romania, he is not sure whether he is the opponent of Garna and Arjuna.

Saber squeezed the invisible holy sword tightly, dignified gaze flashed in those holy blue eyes.


Berserker Hercules let out a majestic roar.


Templar church.

The priest showed a helpless expression, and said: "Black actually summoned Arjuna...and it's no wonder that Lancer, who has always been calm, will lose control."

Red Assassin asked with interest: "Are you upset, Master?"

The priest smiled and said: "How could it happen? The Holy Grail War is the gathering of all causes and conditions. This situation is also expected. It just happened, but it made me a little helpless."

"Lancer is really amazing, Archer is amazing... Ah, I can't wait to fight them." Looking at the image transmitted by the priest's envoy, Red Rider Achilles was excited, and then turned his head. Looking at the red Archer Atalanta, he asked, "You think so too, eldest sister?"

What responded to him were Atalante's bows and arrows, and his facial expressions like wild cats.


The spiritual vein of the cemetery.

Lion Jiejieli looked at the scene transmitted by the envoy with a solemn expression. He turned his head, looked at the little knight sitting next to him, and asked, "What do you think, Saber?"

"So strong..." The little knight sighed and said with a headache: "There will be servants of this level who participate in this kind of war skin, which is actually a personal battle."

"Are you sure of winning?" asked the Lion Jiejie Li.

The little knight thought about it and said, "If I fight head-on now, I will definitely not be able to beat them. Therefore, I suggest that it is better not to fight them head-on."

"So what kind of battle?" asked the Lion Jiejieli.

"Isn't this of course? It must be a sneak attack from behind, either sneak attacking the Master, or sneak attacking him after the war." The little knight said naturally.

Lion Jiejieli looked at the little knight with a natural tone, and said silently: "Please pay attention to your identity,'Galahad' Knight Commander."

"Look at what you said, Master. Knight, is it such an inconvenience?" The little knight said with a very certain tone: "When it's time for a sneak attack, it should be a sneak attack."

The lion Jiejieli was choked, and then said helplessly: "...You are Saber!"

"No. I'm Assassin," the little knight said.

After a pause, the little knight looked at the scene from the envoy and said, "But--, it seems that we are going to eliminate two players tonight."

"Oh? Do you think they will die together? Will the master let them go?" asked Lion Jiejieli.

"Looking at this situation, the master dare to force them to evacuate with a spell, I'm afraid they will be backstabbed next moment?" The little knight was silent for a moment, stood up, and said, "M... it's decided!"

"What has been decided?" asked the Lion Jiejie Li.

The little knight smiled and said, "If there is no accident, one of them will definitely be killed, then we should be prepared to attack the surviving one."

"Should we not go to help Lancer of Red? He is theoretically our partner,'Galahad' Qing." Lion Jiejieli said.

"It's just a superficial partner. The essence of this battle is betrayal and betrayal, use and use? And Master, don't pretend in front of me. Too naive, but can't summon me so dirty The poisonous snake in the bone marrow." The little knight said, "Of course, if I say something wrong, I apologize. Then, I don't hesitate to have a backstab."

The little knight swung the sword in his hand and smiled frivolously.

Lion Jiejieli sighed and got up.


No one can stop the decisive battle between Garna and Arjuna. This is not only seen by the little knight, but also by other servants and masters.

As the master of Arjuna, Gold held a sweat.

Arjuna's eyes couldn't be wrong.

If he dared to use Lingshu to stop this decisive battle, although it might prevent this fateful decisive battle, A Zhouna would definitely kill him.

Gold didn't get along with Arjuna for long, but he had some understanding of Arjuna's temperament.

This is a mature and steady follower who listens to the master's words, but if he dares to stop this fateful battle, Arjuna will definitely kill him.

There is nothing wrong with this.

So now, he can only pray that Arjuna will win.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is Garna who has the upper hand now.

Archer's rank was too restrained by Lancer's rank. Even if Arjuna's martial arts were close to Garner, he could still be matched, but the scale of victory did gradually turn to Garner.

Without hesitation, Gold raised his palm, ready to use Lingshu.

Upon seeing this, Arjuna shouted: "No use!"

Gold was taken aback.

Arjuna shouted: "I will win! I will win!"

Gold didn't know what to do.

"Oh?" Garner asked with interest while attacking: "This time, don't you rely on external forces?"

A Zhou said coldly: "I will win. Because you alone, I will never lose!"

"Big talk doesn't make you stronger." Garner's gaze also fell cold, and said: "That is the same for me. Only you, I will never lose!"

Thousand Worlds Tree.

"What is Gold doing? Don't let Archer retreat. He really wants Archer to fight Garner there?" Danic Preston Yugdomirena was puzzled.

"What's so bad about this, Dane?" Vlad III said with interest.

Dannick looked at Vlad III and said anxiously: "King, this..."

"Don't understand yet, Danick?" Vlad III looked at him.

"What? Wang, I don't understand." Dannick said.

Vlad III said: "This is the collision of heroes, it is the interweaving of faith and existence. No one can stop this battle. Gold is so, you are so, and so is the rest. Rather than stop This idea of ​​collision is an insult to the hero. Let A Zhou go and believe that he will win. That alone is enough."

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