I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 807

Ah Zhou couldn't help but uttered.

Did they admit it wrong?

Will not.

You will never admit it.

Because even if the appearance changes again, even if the temperament changes again, but only those bright eyes like fire will not change.

It's him.

It was the king who had led them to fight together.

"You will be summoned by the Holy Grail..." Garner couldn't help but pull the corners of his mouth open because of excessive surprise.

Facing the sunrise, Shirou walked slowly, with a faint smile, looked at Garna and Arjuna, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you two. It seems that you still remember me. Then, can you give it to me? For a face, does it end here today?"

"Heaven—it's already bright."

Shi Lang pointed to Asaka and said with a smile.




pS: That's it for today~!

Also, it is really a failed author, who forgot to ask for votes.At the beginning of the month, I beg you to vote for the guaranteed monthly pass and the guaranteed blades!!

This is very important (try to be serious

Chapter 8 Equally Insidious

Thousand Worlds Tree.

Vlad III looked at the battlefield projected by the envoy, focusing on dividing the battlefield, stopping Garner and Arjuna's Shirou.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "I interrupted the battle between the heroes... who is this person?"

"I don't know..." Rider Astorfo touched his chin and said, "But it seems that Arjuna and Garna seem to know him...could they be great heroes from India? , Rama?"

"It's possible. However, even Rama, interrupting the match between them would be a bit untimely." Vlad III said.

"No, the king of Romania." Saber shook his head and said, "It's already dawn. It's out of time to keep fighting."

"You are right, Saber. I am obsessed with heroic battles, and I have indeed neglected this. It really is the ideal king who has ended the dark and troubled Britain in Britain and has followed the call of the people. He discovered it in the first time. Things I have overlooked." Vlad III nodded, admitting his mistake openly, and praised Saber.

"No. I'm not the ideal master, I'm just a king who doesn't understand people's hearts." Saber shook his head and said.

Vlad III smiled and said, "You humble yourself, Saber."

Rider Astorfo yelled, "You kings, don't lift each other up anymore. Why don't Garna and Arjuna give up?"

Vlad III said: "It depends on what A Zhou thinks in his own heart. Whether he wants to fight or stop, Yu will support his will."

Saber raised his eyebrows and said, "But in this case, it will be exposed to ordinary people in Romania."

"No problem. By then, Yu Yu will personally create a duel for them on the battlefield. But it's just a bit more tricks, if you can appreciate the hero's final, it would be good." Vlad III said.

Saber said: "That's fine, whether it's a warrior or a knight. The sacred duel can be held without affecting the people, and it must be a blessing to everyone."

"However, it depends on what Arjuna and Garna think about themselves. Also—this is the person, what to do."

Saber's gaze fell on Shi Lang in the projection.


In the battlefield.

Shirou looked at Garna and Arjuna with a smile.

Garner asked, "Do you want to stop the duel between me and Arjuna, never...no. It's better to call your rank."

"Assassin." Shiro reminded.

"Yes, Assassin, do you want to stop the duel between us?" Garner asked.

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I didn't intend to stop the duel between you, because if you do that, you will be completely disrespectful. It's just that it's already dawn, can you respect the principles of the Holy Grail? What?"

"Are you Ruler? Why do you care about this kind of thing?" Arjuna asked with a frown.

"That, that..."

Joan reminded weakly: "A few...I am Ruler."

But it is a pity that neither Arjuna nor Garna paid any attention to her.

Their eyes were all on Shilang.

Shirou turned his head, looked at Joan, and said gently, "Of course we know that you are Ruler."

Joan showed a touched look.

She suddenly discovered that this person is very good.

After that, Shiro turned his head, looked at Garna and Arjuna, and said, "I am not Ruler, but don't trouble the Romanians, two great heroes."

"Huh--," A Zhou Na snorted coldly, and said, "At this point. The only way to stop me is to let me kill Garna!"

Garna turned his head and stared at Arjuna coldly, and said: "You don't have that strength, you are just talking big. And unfortunately, I am the same!"

"This is really troublesome." Shi Lang sighed, then stretched out his hand.

In the next moment, [Mortal Leader] was launched, and he readily attached [Death of Gods] to Garna.

Arjuna raised his eyebrows, looked at Shi Lang, frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Garner frowned and asked, "Do you want to make trouble, Assassin?"

"How can this be a mess?" Shilang shook his head and said with a smile: "I remember, you always wanted me to strengthen you before? As a partner who fought together, I think I can request this kind of request. Promised."

"M... this is good. I will strengthen Garna first, and when Ajuna is about to lose, I will strengthen Ajuna. Don't worry, when you want to release the treasure, I will give you all Reinforcement. Of course, if the winning or losing caused by this is considered fair, I don’t care. Oh... By the way, you want a fair fight, right? This is a shame, because I'm not sure about my abilities. What if I strengthen one person a little more, and strengthen another person a little less, which constitutes an unfair battle?"

Shirou showed a troubled expression and said: "It is rare to be together across the world and time, and finally can spell a fair and just outcome. In the end, it just re-stages the ending of the myth. What should I do? This is too much. Sorry?"

"That's right. Will the person who wins be criticized again? For example, did he win with the help of external power?" Shilang smiled.

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