I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 808

"You, you...!" A Zhou glared at Shi Lang.

Garna hesitated for a moment, then sighed, looked up at Shirou, and said, "Only this time, Assassin!"

"Don't worry, if it's night, I won't interfere." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Garner glanced at Arjuna, and then at Ruler Joan, and finally fell back to Shirou, saying: "Obviously you are in the rank of Assassin, but you are more like the one next to you. Ruler."

Jeanne: "..."

Jeanne looked at Garner, then Shirou, and finally pointed at herself with a dazed expression.

Garna turned and left.

Arjuna glared at Shirou in embarrassment, then looked at Gold, and said, "Go, Master!"

"Wait, wait, Archer." Gold stopped Arjuna, turned to Shirou, and said, "If this is Assassin, it should be..."

Shirou smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes. I am Assassin of the black, and I am considered a partner of the black."

"Oh, oh! That's so reliable. Please go to the Thousand Realms Tree with me." Gold sent out an invitation.

Shirou nodded and said, "This is natural, because I am the Assassin of the black. But, will Archer be willing to let me go with me?"

Shi Lang looked at Arjuna.

Gold's gaze also fell on Arjuna's body.

Garna had already left, Arjuna recovered his calm, and returned to a normal calm man.

He calmly said, "Don't interfere in my duel with him next time, that's enough, Assassin."

Shilang smiled and said, "I said, don't fight during the day, I won't be nosy."

Arjuna looked at Shirou, then raised his palm, pointed at Joan, and said, "You are more like Ruler than she is."

Jeanne: "..."

She looked blank.

Who did she provoke?

Shirou looked at Joan and said, "Farewell here, Ruler. It's a nice trip with you."

"Wait, wait a minute! I also need to go to Black's camp." Jeanne said: "Please allow me not to say the specific reason, but please rest assured, I am Ruler, I will not do unnecessary things, let alone unnecessary. Intervene in this Holy Grail War."

"Did you find something unusual in this Holy Grail War?" Shilang asked.

Joan looked at Shirou in surprise, and asked, "You...how did you know?"

Shilang smiled and said: "A normal follower does not rely on human flesh to embody the world. This, but you don't need to know the common sense with your brain."

Jeanne: "..."

However, speaking of anomalies... Shirou raised his head and looked at the sky.

The dark ring of darkness still hovered in the sky, like the sword of Damox above everyone's head.

At least, Shirou felt very strange.

"That's right," Shi Lang turned to look at Joan and asked, "Aren't you using a magic spell on Garner, Ruler?"

"Huh?" Jeanne was taken aback, and asked: "Why should I use Lingshu on him?"

"There really are rules, Ruler." Shirou said with a smile, "If I were to be Ruler, I would definitely use Lingshu to send anyone to die when I saw him."

"Please... please don't say such terrible things with a smile." Jeanne said with a cold sweat on his face.

Gold contacted Danike, the commander of the Thousand Realms Tree Clan, and after obtaining Danike's approval, he took Shi Lang and Jean to the territory of the Thousand Realms Tree Clan.



The spiritual vein of the cemetery.

The Lion Jiejie Li helplessly spread his hands and said: "It seems that the plan of the sneak attack has been ruined. The scene of the death of the same thing was finally destroyed by the sudden appearance of the black Assassin,'Galahad' Qing."

The lion Jiejieli was about to say something, only to find that the little knight was sitting on the ground with his chest in his arms, silent.

Because of the helmet, the lion robbery could not see the face of the little knight, but this kind of performance...

Is it sulking after planning bankruptcy?


"Is it him? Is it him? It shouldn't be, it's impossible... If it's that person, how could it be possible to live in the realm of Assassin's rank? From the perspective of that person's great achievements and the wisdom left behind , The most suitable rank should be Ruler, and no matter how bad it is Caster. How could it be Assassin's rank present? But...that face is exactly the same as the sculpture..." the little knight murmured Talking to himself.

"What's the matter,'Galahad' Qing?" The Lion Jiejieli looked over and asked.

"Ah, ah...no. Nothing, please don't mind, Master. I am a person who likes to be alone sometimes, even though it seems very neurotic. M... ok, you laugh at me now, I I won't beat you." The little knight said.

After a pause, the little knight added: "Of course, if you laugh too hard, I will definitely kick your ass."

"Then what is this cruel standard?" asked the lion robbery.

The little knight said: "Of course it is defined by me. I think it is too much, then I will kick your ass."

The lion robbers the world: "..."

Why is there a feeling of facing children?

"Let's not mention those. Your plan has gone bankrupt,'Galahad' Qing." said Lion Jiejieli.

“It’s common to plan bankruptcy. It’s rather strange to say that you don’t want to go bankrupt. “Those who work in scheming must be calculated.” The more meticulous the plan, the more flaws there will be. Remember, Master, This is..." After a pause, the little knight said, "This is my motto!"

The Lion Jiejieli asked: "Next, what should we do? Shall we continue to live here?"

"Of course not. It's time for us to get in touch with our dear little friends." The little knight smiled: "Everyone is a partner, but we have to help each other."

The lion robbery said speechlessly, "Who just said that everyone is a superficial partnership? Still thinking of stabbing a partner in the back?"

"Oh! Of course it's me. It's not that I am bragging, making small moves behind my back, stabbing a knife behind my back, but I have a good one. Also, are you complimenting me? M... I accept it. Very good praise." The little knight nodded and said.

The lion robbers the world: "..."


This guy is shameless.

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