I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 809

The Lion Jiejie Li sighed, and said helplessly: "The human design is about to collapse,'Galahad' Qing."

"It doesn't matter, it collapsed, just use another person's name." The little knight smiled: "Whose one will be used this time? M...if it's decided, let's use Mordred. I'll use the name of the rebellious knight for the second time. I will be called Mordred from now on, Master. M... By the way, I must be called Mordred in front of outsiders."

"Yes. I see." The Lion Jiejie Li sighed.

However, in this way, two of the knight's real names were excluded.

Not Galahad, nor Mordred.

So who will it be?

Is it Gareth he guessed?

But is Gareth a person of this character?

Lion Jiejieli sighed, he was completely confused by the true identity of the little knight.

It is true, how can a servant conceal his real name from the master?

Isn't this the cornerstone of distrust?

After a pause, the Lion Jiejie Li asked: "Speaking of which, I decided to kill Lancer by sneak attack not long ago. Is it appropriate to visit them now? And, don't you agree with my feelings? My partner this time, something wrong."

"The situation has changed, of course we have to follow it. It's a stubborn performance, and it will be played to death. You must learn to work around, Master. Also, the partner in question may not be something that cannot be used. Of course, the most important thing is that as long as you have not turned your face, your partner, isn't it still a partner? Hehehe..."

The little knight let out a dark laugh.

However, the lion robbery did not feel terrible, but felt very reliable and safe.

Chapter 9 Between Kings [Second More]

Templar church.

Garna returned to their strong base camp.

Fighting against the fateful enemy Arjuna, even if it is as strong as Garna, it will not help being injured.

The priest healed his wound and asked, "How do you feel, Lancer?"

"There is nothing wrong with the wound on the body. In terms of mentality, should it be a confluence of fate, or a game of fate? In this Holy Grail war, I will meet my old enemy and that person." Garner Said.

"That person...!" The priest raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is that the black Assassin?"

Garner nodded and said, "Don't repeat, I'm talking about that person."

At this time, the Red Rider Achilles came over and said with some dissatisfaction: "Lancer, you actually evacuated. I thought you were going to duel with that Archer to the end. For this, the priest must use a spell curse. When you came back, I threatened him for you. Look at—, now the poisonous woman Assassin is starting to settle accounts with me."

Poisonous woman...

Assassin's forehead burst into a series of tic-tac-toe, and said in anger, "You can continue to be proud while you still have time, Achilles. When the war in the camp is over, I will poison you the first time!"

Achilles laughed indifferently.

The priest did not pay attention to the play of his companions, but looked at Garner with scorching eyes and asked, "Who is the real name of Assassin."

"Real name, I don't know." Garner said.

Achilles said in surprise: "You seem to be very familiar with the influence passed by the envoy."

"Arjuna and I were once called to a certain world by restraint as a hero to perform a mission, and we overlapped in that mission. Because of this, even if I were called as a Servant, I still remember Him." Garner said.

"So what is his identity?" the priest asked.He doesn't care about the process, he only seeks conclusions.

Garner said: "It should be regarded as King Arthur."

"King Arthur? The king of British legend?" the priest asked in surprise.

Achilles smiled and said, "This is nothing, right?"

Garna glanced at him and said, "He is a special King Arthur."

Achilles was taken aback.

The priest frowned and asked, "What do you mean by this sentence?"

"That's a very difficult person to deal with. It would be better to say, including me, no one is his opponent in this war." Garner said calmly.

Assassin snorted, swearing his existence.

Achilles asked with great interest: "Is he strong?"

Garner glanced at him and said, "One of the seven riders at the top."

Achilles was taken aback, Assassin's complexion solidified, and Atalante's cat ears moved.

And even the priest's eyes shrank suddenly in an instant.

The scene freezes.

Only the sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom" remained.

"Is the crown and crown one of the seven riders?" the priest asked.

His tongue is knotted.

Garna nodded.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a crown to participate... This is a more troublesome existence than Ruler." The priest murmured.

Garner said: "That's not the case. I can see that his magic power is insufficient and currently does not constitute a fatal threat, and this is probably because he did not directly fight me before. But it should not be taken lightly. He has the ability to quickly restore magic power. At most five days, his magic power will be restored enough to wipe out this Holy Grail War. If you want to ask my opinion, my opinion is only one point, preferably within three days, Let him exit first regardless of all costs."

"It is really uncomfortable to hear such solemn words in your mouth." The priest sighed, and then asked: "The special King Arthur... who is he?"

"If it is the heroic spirit who enters the heroic seat, then it is impossible not to know the heroic spirit who has been sleeping. He is the saint king who sleeps deep in the hall of heroic spirits and can never wake up. The only heroic spirit that has changed pan-human history, eternal Dominator, the end of King Arthur's record, the King of Eternity." Garna slowly told the truth about Assassin.

At this moment, the followers of the red side were silent.

"It is actually the king whose inhibitory power has always wanted to sign as the guardian...no wonder."

The priest sighed.

"This is indeed... he must be eliminated first regardless of the cost."

The priest murmured.



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