I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 810

Thousand Worlds Tree.

Under the leadership of Gold, Shirou and Joan came to the castle of the Thousand Worlds Tree.

This is a very magnificent castle. Although it is not comparable to his palace, it is also a good old building.

Gold brought Shiro and Jean to the main hall of the castle.

It is the so-called between kings.

Vlad III sat high on the throne, looked at Gold and Arjuna, and said with a smile: "Thanks, Gold, Arjuna. You wait for the work, I can see it."

Arjuna bowed down slowly and said, "Please forgive my immature behavior, the King of Romania."

"If this is the case, you don't need to say it again. This is not a national war, but a battle of heroes that spans time and space. It should display the spirit of your heroes. If you stop it, you will look petty, but it will let another king. Shameful." Vlad III laughed.

If it was a national war between the army and the army, he would naturally not let Ajuna mess around, but the Holy Grail War was a war between followers and followers, so naturally it was another matter.

Crossing the dimensions of time and space, once again assembled in the present world, but due to the incompetence of the commander, it has not been able to exert its glory. This is probably a pity for Vlad III.

"Thank you for your understanding, King of Romania." Arjuna said.

During the exchange between Vlad III and Arjuna, Shirou's eyes traversed between the king.

Including him and Joan of Arc, Lancer Vlad III, Rider Astorfo, Archer Arjuna, a total of five riders.

In addition, there are a few magicians.

Danick standing next to Vlad III, and Gold standing next to Arjuna.

Vlad III felt Shirou's gaze and asked with a smile: "Assassin, you think this welcoming ceremony is not serious enough?"

"That's not true." Shilang shook his head and said with a smile: "It is enough to be solemn to have you here."

Vlad III smiled heartily, then stood up, spread his hands, and said: "Assassin, Ruler, welcome to the black camp, Yuzhi Castle!"

"It's an honor." Shi Lang smiled.

Joan said, "Me too."

Vlad III nodded, then his gaze fell on Shi Lang, and asked a little serious: "So...what is your real name?"

"Unfortunately, I am not a well-known follower, so knowing my real name or not does not really matter. Of course, if you insist on asking my real name, call me Fujimaru Shiro." Shiro said.

"Fujimaru Shiro..."

Danike murmured and raised his eyebrows. This was indeed an unknown follower.But from the point of view of the name, it should be the hero from the neon side, but in any legend or epic of neon, there is no name Fujimaru Shiro.

It seems that this is a very weak follower.

Danike decided in his heart.

However, Vlad III smiled, and then asked with a serious look: "You... are a king, right."

Although questioning, but the tone is sure.

Everyone looked at Vlad III with a little surprise, and some did not understand why Vlad III had so determined the identity of Shirou.

Shi Lang was not surprised, but smiled and said, "You can see it, the king of Romania."

Vlad III said: "He is calm and relaxed, elegant and confident. There is a difference between aristocrats and kings. I have not yet been so blinded that I can't see the style of the king."

"Exactly. My identity is indeed a king, but if you say it, you may not know it. However, forgive me, I can’t treat you as a minister like Arjuna and other servants, otherwise my subordinates But I will cry, and a king might also jump out of the coffin and tear me." Shilang smiled relaxedly.

This guy……

Is a king?

Danike looked at Shirou in surprise.

"Then, there is one more question." Vlad III fixed his eyes on Shirou and asked, "Where is your Master?"

When Devlad III mentioned this issue, many people noticed it.

It was because I was attracted by the battle between Arjuna and Garna, and because Yu Shilang succeeded in stopping Arjuna and Garna, the scene was too important and the brilliance was too dazzling, causing most people to ignore this issue. .


Where is Assassin's Master?

That should be the magician of the Thousand Realm Tree clan, and the Thousand Realm Tree's partner.

So, what about the Master?

People found the problem.

Facing this problem, Shirou laughed freely and said, "I killed him."


"Sagara Hyouma was killed by you?"

The first thing that came through was Danike, the leader of the Thousand Realm Tree clan.

He looked at Shirou in disbelief, and Servant killed the Master.

But this Servant is still active.

"Don't lose the aristocratic bearing, Danick," said Vlad III.

"Yes—my king. Yes, I was impolite." Dannick said apologetically.

Only then did Vlad III turn his head, looking at Shirou with some cold eyes, and said: "I need to know why to determine whether you are a friend or an enemy."

"He summoned me in the form of a blood sacrifice. Please pardon me, being summoned in this way is the bottom line that I cannot bear." Shirou said flatly.

"Is that so? That's all right." Vlad III laughed.

He looked at Shirou and said solemnly: "Welcome you again, Assassin Fujimaru Shirou. Yu is the leader of the black side, the Lord of Romania in the rank of Lancer, Vlad III!"

"Fortunately meeting." Shi Lang nodded, and then smiled: "However, is it really okay to expose the real name now? When the red team loses, we are the enemy."

"If you can defeat Yu, it won't hurt to take the Holy Grail." Vlad III said.

Shiro nodded.

It can be seen that if Vlad III's legend does not match, this is a very intellectual king.

At this time, Vlad III's gaze fell on Joan, and he asked with a serious expression: "So, Ruler, what is the intention of the rest of Nilai?"

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