I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 811

"Black Lancer, I'm here to confirm the situation of Black." Jeanne said.When Shirou looked at the servants among the kings, she was also looking at.

"Oh? Then, Ruler, what are you sure about?" Vlad III looked at Joan with interest.

"Very harmonious, but...what about the other servants?" Jeanne asked.

Vlad III said: "Of course it is to deal with their own affairs. How can there be idlers during the war?"

Vlad III's gaze fell on Rider Astorfo for a moment, then turned back to Joan.

Astorfo: "..."

Joan hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "The King of Romania, can you allow me to stay in your castle for a while to determine the situation of Black?"

"Cooperating with Ruler's actions is also part of the war. Yu has no opinion, but before that, Yu has a question for you." Vlad III stared at Joan of Arc.

Joan said, "May I ask—"

"Do you have desire for the Holy Grail?" Vlad III asked.

Faced with this question, Joan answered without hesitation: "Naturally not."

Vlad III was silent.

He stared at Joan, but his eyes were not as flat as before, but rather sharp.

Not only that, even Arjuna looked at her coldly.

Jeanne felt a little baffling.

Vlad III's gaze became plain again, and then he said: "...you will probably get along with Saber very happily, but don't forget your identity, Ruler. If you forget, the rest will make you remember again. ."

"Rider, let you take Assassin and Ruler to their room." Vlad III said.

"Yes, I know, Lancer." Astorfo smiled.

Vlad III waved his cloak and took Danic away from the kings.

Joan looked blank.

What's wrong with her?

Astorfo came to Shirou and Joan and said with a smile, "Come with me, Assassin, Ruler."

"That, that..." Jeanne hesitated for a moment, and asked, "I... Did I say something wrong? Why do I feel that the king of Romania and the great hero of India look very hostile to me ?"

Shi Lang patted her on the shoulder and said, "People who have no desires are the ones who make people most worried."

Chapter 10 is like the kid next door![Third more]

Astorford took Shirou and Jean to their room.

"This is the middle corridor of the castle. Oh. By the way, there is a toilet there."

Astorfo walked in front of the two of them, humming a light tune, while introducing Shirou and Joan of the castle architecture.His pigtail flicked behind him, and Goud Shilang's hand moved a little restlessly.

However, I don't know what to say. Ruler is not a member of the black camp, but Astorfo hasn't introduced the internal structure of the castle at all, and seems to have no intention of concealing it.

Obviously, this guy is a man with no scheming, city government, and a relatively simple person.

And Vlad III arranged for him to lead the way for Joan of Arc and Shirou. In addition to showing his integrity, he might also have other considerations.For example, it is impossible to tell what kind of group they are.

Shirou didn't think much.

The Holy Grail War is said to be a war, but its essence is actually a personal struggle.

Some in the real kind of country-to-country, army-to-army schemes, are simply not used.

There was no war, Shiro used [the evil of this world] to reverse his spiritual foundation.

The ominous, cursing breath emanated, causing Joan to frown.

Even Astorfo, who had a very normal face, couldn't help stiffening his face. He looked at Shirou strangely and asked, "Assassin, why do I think you have become weird?"

"Don't care, my treasure is nothing more." Shi Lang said gently.

"Is that so? What treasure can give people such an aura of restlessness?" Astorfo asked with interest.

Shilang smiled and said, "It's over, Rider."

Astorfo froze for a moment, then scratched the back of his head, and said embarrassingly: "Ah, ah... I'm sorry, Assassin. Sometimes I can’t hold your feet, but trust me, I’m not malicious. ."

"It doesn't matter, I like your character better." Shi Lang smiled.

At this time, the waiter passed by the three of them.

There are men and women holding weapons. Although they are in human form, their expressions are numb and their eyes are hollow, like robots.

"Those are..." Jeanne stopped to look at the waiters, her eyes serious and a little concerned.

Astorfo said: "Don't mind, it is an artificial lifeform made by Caster to prepare for battle."

"Artificial...living body?" Joan was a little surprised.

"Um..." Astorfo thought for a while and said, "It's like a robot nowadays. By the way, in ancient times, it was like a golem or a doll."

"It means...a combat weapon without self-awareness?" Jeanne asked.

Astorfo nodded and smiled: "If we are self-conscious, aren't we humans? Don't worry, we are heroes, we don't know how to do that kind of thing."

"Not necessarily." Shi Lang said.


Astorfo and Joan looked at Shirou.

Shilang shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Compared to this, take me to my room sooner, Rider."

"Oh. Good!" Astorfo nodded.

Shirou looked at the artificial life forms.

His [Evil Flower] absorbed magic power from those artificial life bodies, although it was only an extremely subtle and extremely subtle magic power, but there is no doubt that it is indeed [evil].

Magic power transformed from [evil].

From this point, it is sufficient to show that these artificial life forms are not as Astorfo said, without self-consciousness.

Therefore, whether it is the black Caster who creates artificial life forms or the Servant who enslaves these life forms, in essence, they are oppressors.

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