I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 813

Shi Lang shook his head and got up.

Speaking of it, he also wants to patrol the castle and familiarize himself with the architectural structure of his camp.

Leaving the room, Shirou walked across the corridor and garden, and met Caster Avisbronn.

There was not much communication, they just nodded, and went busy with their own affairs.

The castle of the Thousand Realms Tree clan has been around for some years.

In the country of Romania, it can be regarded as an ancient building with considerable cultural heritage.

It's a pity that this is not for people to visit, but the base of the magician family, the Thousand Realm Tree.

In this castle, besides the Thousand Realm Tree Clan, the most are the artificial life forms created by Caster Avisbronn.

It is said to be an artificial life form copied using Einzbern’s artificial human technology.

And this is also the confidence of the Thousand Realm Tree clan to betray the clock tower.

After patrolling the corridor and the garden, Shirou went to the cafeteria of the castle.

And here, he met someone he didn't expect.

"S, Saber... will you eat too much? Will this affect your actions?" The beauty in the wheelchair looked worriedly at the petite, blond girl who was eating at the table. .

"Please don't say anything that bothers me so much, Fiore. For me, hunger is the real enemy!" The blonde girl said seriously.

That petite body, and those bright eyes like emeralds.

Although his body changed back to his fifteen-year-old appearance, Shirou would never admit his mistake.

This, this woman is...

"Al?" Shi Lang couldn't help but said.


Saber, who was eating gluttonously, stopped his palm, raised his head, and looked at Shirou who was slowly walking towards this place.




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Chapter 11 That is... King Arthur!3/10

Saber raised his head and looked at Shirou. His turquoise eyes were very clear and confident. He said, "You...are our black Assassin."

Her attitude is not close or far away, giving people a very plain feeling.

From the first contact with communication, it is a very good attitude.



If it were Al, you would definitely not treat him with this attitude, right?

The first reaction to seeing him must have been to bow his head respectfully and call him "king", right?

Didn’t you recognize yourself?

Shiro turned Lingji back, pointed at himself, and asked, "Do you recognize me, Al?"

"Excuse me... Excuse me, do we know each other?" Saber asked strangely.

Shiro: "..."

Uncertainly, Shi Lang reminded: "Zhu Yue, Camelot, two days and two nights!"

Saber: "?"

"I probably understand the situation." Saber's gaze tightened, then he stood up slowly, and said with a serious face: "You probably admitted the wrong person, Assassin. Since you are from the same camp, it doesn't matter. Look at you. Like this, Lancer must have already told his real name. It is a blessing to be able to fight in such a situation where the name is told, whether it is a king or a knight."

After a pause, Saber introduced himself with a serious look: "I am King Arthur from Britain, my real name is Altria Pendragon. There may be someone who looks exactly like me, but please don't admit it, let alone Recognize me as the saint of France's salvation-Joan of Arc."

When Saber thought of the last time he was summoned to the lower realm by the Holy Grail of other worlds, and was entangled by the big-eyed Caster Gil de Ray, he felt melancholy, so he spoke a lot more serious.

Shiro: "..."

He probably understood the situation.

Shi Lang sighed, this one shouldn't be his Altria.

When I thought of seizing the lower bound of the Summoning Channel, he saw someone who seized Saber's lower bound as well.

At that time, he was still more confused about who did the same thing as him.

Now it seems that this is Saber in front of him.

Since it wasn't his own lioness, Shirou's interest diminished a little, and he nodded politely and said, "Excuse me, it's true that I confessed to the wrong person."

"It doesn't matter, Assassin." Saber's serious expression relaxed a little, and said, "It is common to admit mistakes. As long as you notice this, it doesn't matter."

Shirou nodded, but looking at Saber's serious expression, he felt a little funny and nostalgic.

Since the time of Camelot, his Altria has never shown such an expression to him.


Do not.

Think about it carefully. In Cornwall, when he worked day and night, his Altria still put on a very serious expression to let him rest.

I didn't feel anything at the time, but thinking about it now, I'm afraid that from that time on, his Altria has that kind of emotion towards him.

Speaking of which, how are they doing now?

When he saw Saber's face, Shirou couldn't help but think of his Altria and his family and friends.

"That... Mr. Assassin, are you also a hero from the British Isles?" Fiore asked, Saber's lord.

Shi Lang turned his head slightly, looked at Fiore in the wheelchair, nodded, and said, "There is indeed some connection with the British Isles."

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