I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 814

Turning his head, he looked at Saber and smiled: "There is also some connection to King Arthur."

Saber looked at him strangely and said, "I haven't seen you, I'm pretty sure."

Shi Lang laughed and said: "The heroic spirit seat is a zone beyond time and space. The heroic spirits summoned to a holy grail war may not come from the local world. The heroic spirit body on the heroic spirit seat knows what happened to all the worlds, but the living Not so. And I have some connections with King Arthur in a certain world, nothing more."

"Is that so...?" Fiore raised her eyebrows and said, "However, according to what Mr. Assassin said. Mr. Assassin, are you still alive?"

Shirou nodded and said, "My main body is still alive, just because of a special situation, as a servant in the lower realm. And this must be the same for Saber, right?"

Upon hearing this, Saber's eyes tightened, then nodded, and said, "Yes."

"Speaking of which, why did Saber participate in the Holy Grail War? Will Camelot be resurrected?" Shirou asked.

"Although I am currently a partner in the same camp, I am afraid I am not obligated to answer your question, Assassin?" Saber frowned and asked.

Shi Lang froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sorry, I crossed the line."

"No. It doesn't matter." Saber shook his head, frowning his brows slowly and calmly, and said: "In this way, Assassin and me in a certain world are indeed related. So, knowing my desire is not unexpected. . My wish is to resurrect Camelot."

Shilang reminded softly: "God, but it must die."

"I know that God's generation will perish, and I also accept that the kingdom will be destroyed, but I want my subjects to survive, and it’s okay to enter other countries. That’s it. And, the most important thing is that someone told me, There is a world where I did this!"

Saber got excited and said, "So, I will succeed too!"

"Oh, that's it. Then you have to come on, Saber." Shirou said with a smile, not as sarcasm as he did during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Rather than regaining his true self, it would be better to say that he could not ridicule when he knew that this was his fellow Altria.

Shirou turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Saber asked: "Right, Assassin. Haven't asked your real name yet?"

"Fujimaru Shirou." Shirou turned around, said with a smile, and then left.

"Fujimaru Shiro..." Saber showed a confused expression.

Upon seeing this, Fiore asked, "What's wrong, Saber?"

"This is a neon name... During my time in the kingdom, there should be no neon man. How did he meet me in another world?" Saber asked strangely.

"Indeed, this is really strange." Fiore said.

Saber nodded, then continued to eat.

Fiore asked strangely, "Don't you continue to think about this question, Saber?"

"Hunger is the enemy!" Saber said with a serious face: "Only by solving the issue of munitions can we consider other preparations, Master."



Templar church.

The priest looked at the lion Jiejieli from afar with a gentle smile and said: "Welcome to you, the magician of the clock tower, um..."

"The lion robbers the world." The lion robbers the world to introduce himself.

"Oh. Then I will call you a lion robbery." The priest smiled and said: "I am the supervisor sent by the Templar Church, and I am also a direct participant in the Holy Grail War, the Red Assassin's Master, Yan Feng Shiro."

"By the way, this is..." Yanfeng Shiro's gaze fell on the little knight next to Lion Jiejieli.

Before the lion Jiejieli spoke, the little knight stretched out his palm and slapped the table fiercely. With a "pop", several people subconsciously let their eyes fall on her.

Not only that, even Rider Achilles, Archer Atalante, and Lancer Garner who were hiding near the church fell on her.

The little knight said with a look of scorn: "What about the other Servants? Isn't it only Assassin reporting here? Then we are here for nothing? Without the spirit of unity and cooperation, do you want to win?"

Yanfeng Shiro's gaze fell on the little knight, and he looked a few times.

"What are you looking at?" The little knight said dissatisfiedly, "Want to fight?"

"No. No... I didn't mean that." Yanfeng Shiro waved his hand quickly.

"Mordred!" The Lion Jiejieli straightened his chest, and gave the little knight a majestic look.

The little knight snorted, and turned his head around.

Only then did Lion Jiejieli apologize to Yanmine Shiro: "I'm sorry, my Saber Mordred is actually quite good, but his temper is a little hotter."

"Mordred... that rebellious knight?"

Yanfeng Shiro looked at the little knight, who caused the little knight to wave his fist in irritation, and asked, "What are you looking at? Do you want to be beaten?"

Yanfeng Shiro waved his hand quickly and smiled bitterly.

This temper is too hot, right?

After a pause, he said: "Actually, all other combinations have arrived except Caster. Everyone is discussing how to deal with the Thousand Realm Tree Clan who declared betrayal of the Clock Tower. They are in the house now. Why don't you come together, Lion Tribulation. "

"Discuss, discuss...huh--!" The little knight snorted, and said, "No matter how much discussion, it's not as good as using a fist! It's over after a fight, and the victory is determined by strength. Where are so many crook Dadao?"

Yanfeng Shiro reluctantly said, "You can't say that, Saber. Only by formulating strategies and tactics can everyone's combat power be effectively used."

"Huh." The little knight snorted and said, "The evil way!"

Yanfeng Shiro had a headache.

This Saber doesn't look easy to get along with.

In other words, holding the name Mordred, I am afraid it should be difficult to get along with, right?

After all, it was the rebellious knight who betrayed King Arthur and brought down the Camelot Kingdom.

The Lion Jiejieli helplessly spread his hands and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Father. My Saber is this type of servant. If you act together, it will disrupt your actions."

After a pause, the lion robbery said: "Well, tell me your plan, and I will work hard to support and cooperate with your actions."

"This..." Yanfeng Shiro looked at the little knight.

"Huh?" The little knight said angrily, "What are you looking at? I took off the helmet and killed you! You provoked me first. If I did this, even the Master can't What did you say?"

"Mordred!" The Lion Jiejieli frowned and said: "Don't forget that you and I must get the promise of the Holy Grail War!"

The little knight settled down, and a gritted teeth came from the helmet whose face could not be seen clearly.


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