I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 815

The little knight turned his head away.

"It really made you laugh, Father." The Lion Jiejieli said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter." Yanfeng Shiro smiled gently.

After a pause, Yanfeng Shiro said, "As for your proposal, I think it is very good, Shizui. In fact, we do have to start action here."

"Oh?" The Lion Jiejieli asked strangely: "Caster hasn't arrived yet, will you start the action now? Is this too radical?"

Hearing this, Yanfeng Shiro smiled bitterly and said: "In fact, if we don't act here, I'm afraid we will leave."

Lion Jiejieli frowned and asked, "What does this mean, priest?"

Yanfeng Shiro said: "The opponent has summoned the crown."

"Crown... Crown?" The Lion Tribulation Realm asked incomprehensibly: "Do you mean that the opponent's master is a crown magician? Isn't this information that has been known for a long time? Nick, a magician of the highest rank."

"No." Yanfeng Shiro shook his head and said: "It is not the crown magician of the clock tower, but the heroic spirit at the apex of all heroic spirits, the crowning heroic spirit."

The lion robbers the world for a moment.

This is information he didn't know.

The little knight said: "The heroic spirit standing at the apex of the seven ranks is the crowned heroic spirit. This is the greatest guarantee for the existence of the primate world. If the opponent has the crowned heroic spirit, this war is no longer needed. Fight again."

Yanfeng Shiro looked at the little knight, and now this Mordred finally felt a bit stable and reliable.

Yanfeng Shiro nodded and said, "That's right, but fortunately, the state of this crowned hero is not complete, but it can be restored. Therefore, before he can restore his state, regardless of all costs, first Let him exit!"

"So, who is this heroic spirit?" the little knight asked.

"The King of Eternity." Yanfeng Shiro said.

Little knight: "..."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Lion Jiejieli always felt that when the words "eternal king" popped out of Yanfeng Shiro's mouth, the body of his Servant, the little knight, suddenly froze.

"It was him... indeed, no matter from any angle, he must be allowed to exit first..." the little knight muttered to himself.

The little knight asked, "In what rank did he come?"

"Black Assassin." After a pause, Yanfeng Shiro looked at the Lion Tribulation Jie Li and said: "Presumably when our Lancer and the Black Archer fought, you also saw it, Lion Tribulation? That stopped us. The Lancer and the Black Archer are our goals that must be resolved as quickly as possible. The crowning hero, Assassin·Eternal King!"

"Wait, wait a minute! You said that the crowned heroic spirit is at the apex of the heroic spirit, so it must be a hero with great popularity? But I have never heard of this heroic spirit!" Said.

"That's... King Arthur, Master!" the little knight said in a low tone.

"Ya, King Arthur...?" The lion Jiejieli looked at the little knight in surprise.

He used the fragments of the round table to summon the little knight. Although he could not guess the true identity of the opponent so far, there is no doubt that the opponent is a knight from the legend of King Arthur.

And now, there is a King Arthur in the opponent's camp?

Isn't this, this Tenko?

"It seems that Saber has understood the seriousness of the situation. The Eternal King, that is the King Arthur standing at the apex of King Arthur. He has not yet recovered his state, so he does not have much expressiveness, but once he is restored to his state, this Qiqi and Qiqi The riding war will probably end in just one night." Yanfeng Shiro said.

Lion Jiejieli looked at the little knight.

But the little knight surprisingly did not object.

"How about it, can you cooperate with us now, Mordred?" Yanfeng Shiro asked, "You are the heroic spirit summoned from the seat, you should understand. There is a difference between the Eternal King and King Arthur, his legend There are no footprints of Mordred."

"Huh." The little knight snorted disdainfully, and said: "I am Mordred, as long as it is King Arthur, I will be killed by me!"

"The powerful beasts are all mavericks, only cattle and sheep are in groups! I won't be with you!"

The little knight turned his words and said, "However, in order to win, it is not impossible to cooperate with your actions."




pS: That's it for today~!

Chapter 12 This is my characteristic!

Yanfeng Shiro explained his plan against the Eternal King to the Lion Tribulation Realm Lihe.

The two discussed the details of their cooperation.

We talked very happily.

At the moment before leaving, the lion Jiejieli looked at Yanfeng Shiro and asked: "The Holy Grail does not choose people who have no desire. Then priest, what is your wish?"

"Me?" Yanfeng Shiro smiled and said, "My wish is not grand. It's just that there is a peaceful world where everyone can be happy."

"Oh? This wish is not ordinary at all." Lion Jiejieli smiled and got up and left.

However, the little knight snorted heavily and disdainfully, following the lion robbery.

Yanfeng Shiro watched the lion robbery and the little knight away.

Like snow, a faint spirit of light appeared beside Yanfeng Shiro.

In the next moment, Assassin, Rider Achilles, Lancer Garner, and Archer Atalante all appeared beside him.

"That Saber is really a bold fighter. I just don't know if swordsmanship is so strong." Rider Achilles touched his chin and said.

Turning his head, he looked at Arhcer Atalante and asked, "Sister, what do you think?"

Archer Atalanta said angrily: "I think I need to tear your mouth first!"

"Oh, oh. It's violent." Achilles spread his hands and said helplessly.

Yanfeng Shiro turned his head, looked at Assassin, and asked, "What do you think, Assassin?"

Assassin sat on the King's Throne, tapped his slender fingers on the armrests, looked at Kenmine Shiro with his charming eyes, and said, "That man didn't reveal any information, but you exposed our plan."

"It's nothing. Saber is also necessary for fighting the Eternal King. If she wants to get the Holy Grail, she must also know the seriousness of the situation and know what to do." Yanfeng Shiro said with a smile.

"Humph." Assassin snorted and said, "As long as you have a decision, then just give up. It's just that Saber looks stunned, but the overlord is very shrewd. Using Saber's stunned mind, he rejected your proposal. You think To kidnap him, the plan to control Saber has failed, Master."

"There is no other way." Yanfeng Shiro showed a troubled expression.

And mentioning this, both Archer Atalante and Rider Achilles showed an expression of irritation, but Lancer Garner's expression remained calm.

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