I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 816

Their master just didn't notice for a while, and was hit by Yanfeng Shiro's strategy.

Being controlled by Yanfeng Shiro, they also had to be controlled by Yanfeng Shiro.

After a pause, Yanfeng Shiro said in trouble: "However, can this really pose a threat to the crowned hero? Honestly, the word crown is really too much pressure."

"Huh." Assassin said displeased: "I am here, what are you afraid of? Don't forget, Yu's palace, but it's about to be completed!"

"That's true." Yanfeng Shiro nodded.

Assassin raised his head proudly, like a proud white swan, and said: "There are more palaces, even if it is a crown, it is nothing."

"No." At this moment, Lancer Garner shook his head and said: "Your palace is nothing in front of the Eternal King."

"What did you say?" Assassin looked at him displeased, and said, "You can see the rest of the palace?"

"I haven't seen it, but I can guess it somehow." Garner said calmly: "My body has fought with him, so I know. Palace-type treasures want to pose a danger and containment to him, only King Solomon crowned Caster. You are not enough, Assassin."

Assassin glared at Garna, a series of "wells" burst on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said: "You can take advantage of it now, Garna. When the camp is over, I must be the first to poison you!"

Rider Achilles asked strangely, "Didn't you say that I was the first to poison me, Assassin?"

"You, you--!" Assassin was choked out of breath.

Yanfeng Shiro hurriedly rounded off, saying: "All are partners, all partners, calm down, calm down. Respect each other, respect and respect each other."


Assassin snorted and turned his head away.

Yanfeng Shiro gave a wry smile, but Assassin was willing to give him face, he was still very moved.

Afterwards, he looked at Garna and asked: "Garna, then our strategy will work?"

"The Eternal King of the real world at the level of Assassin has not yet recovered, but no one can say how much combat power it has, whether there are any terrible cards." Garner shook his head and said.

Yanfeng Shiro frowned and asked, "In other words, is there a high probability that we will fail?"

"If the kill is mine, it is true. But here we have the most suitable person to fight the Eternal King." Garner meant something.

"Who?" Yanfeng Shiro asked.

Garner raised his palm and pointed at Achilles.


Achilles was taken aback.

Yanfeng Shiro showed a stunned look, and said, "So, is Achilles' [Spear Point of Galloping the Skyline Star]? Indeed, that treasure is the most suitable for people who don't know the cards."

Yanfeng Shiro nodded.



Tomb spirit veins.

The Lion Jiejieli and the little knight returned to their stronghold.


"Puff, puff, puff--"

The sound of gluttonous eating resounded in this silent tomb.

Lion Jiejieli looked silently at the little knight who was carrying him, constantly eating junk food such as potato chips and hamburgers.

The Lion Jiejieli asked, "Didn't you say to come back first to discuss countermeasures,'Galahad' Qing?"

"Puff, puff...Don't talk to me now, I'm in a bad mood, I'm very hungry, I need to fill my stomach first. Puff, puff......" The little knight turned his back to him, and desperately stuffed potatoes into his mouth. Pian, while replied vaguely.

Lion Jiejieli asked strangely: "Then you can also discuss countermeasures while eating. Then again, how hungry are you? Have you eaten 57 hamburgers at Golden Arch?"

"My appetite is very big, and I won't stop if I don't eat enough. Also, compared to countermeasures, of course, I must fill my stomach first. You know, hunger is the enemy!" The little knight turned his back to him. , Said while eating.

The lion Jiejieli looked strange and asked, "Doesn't it have to face me? Is there any curse? Like Medusa's petrified eye?"

"No, I just don't want to let people see my face. So don't come to see me, Master, I will be very angry. Anyway, before I fill up my stomach, do your own thing first. "The little knight said.

Lion Jiejieli nodded helplessly.

The little knight only took up the helmet a little bit, so the back of his head still couldn't see clearly, but there was only one point, and the lion robbery was very sure.

The hair of the little knight is blond.

The reason was that he saw a strand of golden hair in the little gap where the helmet was raised.

After eating all the 120 burgers he bought, the little knight finally let out a "hiccup".


The little knight wiped his face, put on his helmet again, and turned around.

She looked at the lion robbery and said, "Now let us discuss countermeasures."

"Before this, you have to explain to me clearly, what exactly is the Eternal King?"

The lion robbery said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't have the concept of this heroic spirit."

The little knight said strangely: "Didn't the thought criminal and I explain it to you very clearly? That's King Arthur, the hero."

"So I said, I don't have any concept." Lion Jiejieli said with a speechless expression.

This kind of feeling that everyone knows, even if he doesn't know, is really uncomfortable.

The little knight smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you just need to understand that this hero is very strong, that's enough."

"Are you sure it's strong?" The Lion Jiejie Li asked cautiously.

"Has that thought criminal acted very solemnly? Isn't that a profile of the strength of the Eternal King?" The little knight asked with a smile.

After a pause, the little knight added: "Others, I don't know. But that hero is absolutely strong, only this point, I can guarantee."

"How are you sure?" The Lion Jiejie Li asked strangely.

The little knight asked, "Master, do you know the concept of pan-human history?"

Lion Jiejieli nodded and said, "I know."

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